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2018-2019学年高中英语(译林版)必修三教学设计(江苏)《Unit 2 Language Grammar and usage》

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2.熟练区别连接词在引导各个名词性从句中的不同含义。 一、选择填空(每小题1分,共20分) 1. _____________ depends on your service. A.How much I will pay for B.How much I will pay for C.How much I will pay for it D.How much I will pay for it 2. __________ you don’t like him has nothing to do with me. A.What B.That C.Who D.How 3. You should complete in time _________ the teacher has told you to. A.that B.what C.which D.those 4. We all agree with him on ___________ he suggested. A.what B.that C.how D.why 5. I’m not sure _________ they are doing their best. A.if B.that C.what D.why 6. Which one of the following questions is right?

A.That he is ill true?B.Is that he is ill true? C.Is it true that he is ill D.Is he is ill true? 7. Every one could see ______ was happening and _______ George was already ready. A. what;/ B. what;that C. that;that D.that;/ 8. I believe _______ you’ve done your best and _________ things will improve. A. what;that B.what; / C. that; that D.that;/ 9. I don’t know _________ . A. if he doesn’t come B.whether he doesn’t come C.if he comes or not D.both A and B

10. _______ is hoped that we may have the pleasure of seeing you again soon. A.That B.This C.Which D.It 11. _______ generally happens that prettiest birds are the worst singers. A.That B.This C.Which D.It

12. _______ the old man’s sons wanted to know ______ was the gold had been hidden. A.That;what B.What;where C.What;that D.That;why 13. I don’t doubt _________ he can do the work even better than you expected. A.whether B.that C.what D.why 14. That true value of life lies not in ________ , but in ________ . A.which we get;what we give B. that we get;what we give C.what we get;what we give D. that we get;which we give 15. The result were better than _________ .

A.that you expected B.what you expected C.what you expect D.what expected 16. _________ doesn’t consern me. A.If he is rich B.If he is rich or not C.Is he rich or not D.Whether he is rich or not 17. Pointing to the house,he said, “This is ______ I used to live when I was young.” A.when B.what C.that D.where

18. _________ she did this is unknown. A.That B.How C.Why D.All the three 19. Take care _________ nothing happens to the baby! A.of that B.of what C.what D.that 20. I am lucky _______ the thing I enjoy doing most is _____ I’ve ended up doing. A.what;what B.that;that C.what;that D.that;what 二、it用法练习

1. Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder,but _______ didn’t help. A.he B.which C.she D.it 2. There is a photo on the wall. _______ a photo of Lei Feng. A.It B.It’s C.Its D.He’s 3. Do you consider _________ wise to tell him the truth? A.that B.this C.which D.it 4. I lost my pen. I’m looking for __________ . A.one B.that C.it D.this 5. I glanced at my watch. _________ was earlier than I thought. A.There B.This C.That D.It 6. ________ is important for us to learn foreign languages. A.This B.He C.It D.That 7. ________ needs further discussion whether we’ll build a library or not. A.We B.He C.It D.There

8. The Parkers bought a new house but _____ will need a lot of work before they can move in. A.they B.it C.one D.which

9. People in the west make _____ a rule to buy Christmas presents for their relatives and friends. A.it B.that C.thais D.as

10. It was she that ______ a sharp whistle,which makes ____ possible for us to catch the thief. A.gave off;this B.sent out;that C.gave;it D.sent;them

11. We’ll go to the cinema tonight. We must book the tickets in advance. Who’d like to do ___? A.that B.it C.this D.one 12. ________ doesn’t make any difference my being there. A.That B.Which C.He D.It 13. I hate _______ when people talk with their mouths full. A.it B.that C.these D.them 14. — Who’s knocking at the door?

— _______ . I’ve come to tell you that the get-together has been put off. A.This is I B.It’s I C.It’s me D.This is me 15. _______ was December 26, 1893 _______ Mao Zedong was born in a common village. A.The day;when B.It;that C.It;when D.That;on which 16. Wasn’t _________ a shame that she could never have any real happiness? A.there B.this C.that D.it

17. The beggar kept asking money form the others,but _____ didn’t help him out of poverty. A.he B.which C.she D.it 18. The baby was crying. His mother fornd _________ hard to make him laugh. A.her B.this C.that D.it

19. — He was nearly drowned once.

— When was _______ ?

— _______ was in 1998 when he was in middle school. A.that;It B. it;That C.that;That D.it;It 20. It was _________ discovered the secret first. A.I who B.me that C.myself that D.myself who



1.C A、B两项介词for后面均缺少宾语,意思不完整,本句并非一个疑问句,不该用疑问语序,故D也是错的。

2.B在本句中找不到what或who所能充当的成份的位置,不能选用。用how在句法上并无错误,但意思上不能成立。 3.B句尾作了省略,实际上是:“…told you to do”,不定式do被省略,只留下其符号“to”。选用what是因为既做主句中谓语complete的宾语,又充当从句中to do的宾语。which一词虽也有这种“双重功能”,但它只有在带有疑问色彩时才使用。that只是起连接作用,不参与成分,而those则不是连词。

4.A用what做从句suggested的宾语,其that不能充当成分,而how, why均不能作宾语,如suggest后无宾语意思则不完整。

5.A在从句中找不到what所能充当的成分,不能选。that和why均表达了一种肯定的事实,如和一个不肯定的“Im not sure”用在一起,则逻辑混乱。


7.B第一空应填what,因为第一个从句中显然缺少主语。第二个从句意思完整,应填that。that宾语从句和前面的动词之间如被某种成分所隔开,这时that不可省略。 8.C两个宾语从句均已意思完整。故都应填that。

9.C英语中没有A、B两种说法。C项中的if也可改用whether。 10.D“It is hoped that+从句”是一句型,意为“大家希望”,“有人希望”,很委婉地表达了说话人的态度。

11.D“It happen that+从句”是“恰巧”的意思。


13.B一个很肯定的态度“I dont doubt”用带有疑问色彩的whether或why连用,这不合逻辑,宾语从句的意思完整,不能用what。本句这种肯定态度正与上题中的非肯定态度相反。


15.D如选that,则expected后缺少宾语。B、C两项时态均不对。因为“预计”是要发生在主句之前的。what expected是一种习惯的说法,完整的意思:than what had been expected,或what you had expected。

16.Dif引导的主语从句不宜置于句首。 17.D根据句尾部分,填where才合句意。


19.D有些短语动词后接that从句时,应将其介词去掉。类似的短语动词有:be afraid of, insist on, be sure of及本句的take care of。但接wh

2018-2019学年高中英语(译林版)必修三教学设计(江苏)《Unit 2 Language Grammar and usage》


