2 BQM-6型免耕播种机结构设计及开沟器的力学分析
【期刊名称】《农机化研究》 【年(卷),期】2016(000)001
【摘要】Conservation tillage technology can reduce wind erosion, keep moisture, make the action such as seeding time in advance, in recent years it gradually popularized in the northern drought areas.No-till planter as the main tools of conservation tillage, its performance directly affects the application of this technology.According to the current main prob-lems of no-till planter,No-till operation design the 2BQM-6 type no-till planter, implements the cut, fertilization, row crops, sow, cover earth, such as joint operation, field experiments show that the no-till seeder performance indicators meet the requirements.On this basis, using for the mechanics analysis for the vulnerability of no-till planter parts open-er, find out the opener the fatigue failure of the parts, offer the certain reference value to actual production.%保护性耕作技术因其具有减少风蚀、保墒、提前播种期等作用,近年来在北方干旱地区得到逐步推广。免耕播种机作为保护性耕作的主要机具,其使用性能直接影响着这一技术的应用。为此,根据目前免耕播种机存在的主要问题,设计了2 BQM-6型气吸式免耕播种机,实现了切茬、排茬、施肥、播种及覆土镇压等联合作业。在此基础上,对该免耕播种机重要部件开沟器进行了力学分析,寻找出了开沟器最容易疲劳失效的部位。
2 BQM-6型免耕播种机结构设计及开沟器的力学分析