【期刊名称】《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 【年(卷),期】2012(031)0z1
【摘要】针对山地城市特点,从宏观层面提出了自行车交通系统的功能定位及发展战略,从微观层面提出了基于不同的道路条件布设不同的自行车道型式;论述了涉及的关键设计技术,包括线形设计、交叉口过街通道设计、衔接设计、铺装设计、交通工程设计、公共租赁点及停车点设计等;以重庆市为例设计了主城区首条自行车道.osed on the characteristics of mountainous city, the function orientation and development strategy for the bicyclerntraffic system were put forward at the macro level. At the micro level, the design of the road cross section including bicyclernlane should be based on the different road conditions. Besides, the key design technologies, including bicycle linear design,rnintersection bicycle passageway design, joint design, pavement design, traffic engineering design, bicycle rent and bicyclernparking design, were introduced in detail. Finally, the results were applied to the first bicycle system in Chongqing urbanrnarea. 【总页数】5页(615-619)
【关键词】山地城市;自行车道;设计 【作者】杨远祥;成华