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{人教版}高中英语必修二 Unit3 The Internet 训练卷(一)(带答案)

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五、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分) 【答案】29-33 CABDD

34-38 BCDBA

39-43 BDACA

44-48 DACBC


29.考查形容词。句意:我认为这是一所正规的学校,除了学校没有电脑外。A. final:最后的;B. dusty:有灰尘的;C. normal:正常的,正规的,规范的;D. personal:个人的。Owura任教的学校除了没有电脑外,其他的都和别的学校一样。故选C项。

30.考查名词。A. computers:电脑;B. playgrounds:操场;C. classrooms:教室;D. managers:经理。根据下文 “Not a single child in the 44 had seen a real computer in their lives.” 可知,没有一个学生见过真正的电脑,学校没有电脑。故选A项。

31.考查动词。A. operating:操作;B. drawing:画;C. describing:描述;D. repairing:修理。根据下一段提到 “He drew the computer on the blackboard.” 可知,他在黑板上画电脑,让学生知道电脑是什么样子的。故选B项。

32.考查形容词。句意:照片表明,加纳儿童的教育条件很差。A. clear:清晰的;B. high:高的;C. ancient:古代的;D. poor:差的,贫穷的。学校没有电脑,应该教学条件很差。故选D项。

33.考查形容词。A. worried:担心的;B. disappointed:失望的;C. afraid:害怕的;D. amazed:吃惊的,惊讶的。Owura将电脑的每一个按钮都准确无误地画出来,是让人惊讶。故选D项。

34.考查动词。句意:Owura想让学生们想象有一天有电脑的生活会是什么样子。A. start:开始;B. imagine:想象;C. rebuild:重建;D. harm:伤害。现在没有电脑,学生只能通过黑板上画的电脑想象。故选B项。

35.考查名词。句意:他每天都会提前半小时来学校.。A. line:线;B. culture:文化;C. schedule:日程,安排;D. judge:判断,评委。短语ahead of schedule:提前。故选C项。

36.考查动词。A. shown:显示;B. called:称为;C. cut:切断;D. rubbed:擦掉。根据生活常识,因为要上下一堂课,所以黑板上画的电脑要被擦掉。故选D项。

37.考查动词。句意:所以他不得不在第二天再画! A. improved:提高,改善;B. repeated:

重复;C. ruined:毁掉;D. calculated:计算。第二天上课又要重新画。故选B项。

38.考查动词。句意:当微软公司注意到他的行为时,Owura的努力得到了回报。A. rewarded:酬谢,回报;B. selected:挑选;C. forgotten:忘记;D. affected:影响。下文提到有些公司给他的学校赠送电脑。因此他的努力没有白费。故选A项。

39.考查固定短语。句意:当微软公司注意到他的行为时,Owura的努力得到了回报。A. care:关心;B. notice:注意;C. place:地点;D. charge:负责。take care of:关心;take notice of:注意;take place of:取代,代替;take charge of:负责。故选B项。

40.考查名词。句意:他在会上作了关于教学方法的演讲。A. plan:计划;B. medal:奖章;C. decision:决定;D. speech:演讲。从下一句中after the speech可知,是演讲。故选D项。

41.考查动词。句意:他演讲结束后,大家起立鼓掌。A. received:收到;B. replaced:取代,代替;C. decreased:减少;D. contained:包含。演讲结束后,听众起立鼓掌表示对他的敬意。故选A项。

42.考查副词。句意:重要的是,Owura得到了他一直想为学生要的东西。A. Suddenly:突然;B. Hopelessly:毫无希望地;C. Importantly:重要地;Strangely:奇怪地。故选C项。

43.考查动词。句意:一些公司给学校捐赠了电脑。A. gave:给;B. sold:卖;C. lent:借;D. applied:申请。根据常理,应该是捐赠电脑给学校。故选A项。

44.考查名词。句意:学校里没有一个孩子在他们的生活中看到过真正的电脑。A. company:公司;B. nation:民族;C. dynasty:朝代;D. school:学校。根据上下文,应该是学校里的孩子。故选D项。

45.考查名词。A. efforts:努力;B. pains:辛苦,C. humor:幽默;D. doubt:怀疑。为了学生,Owura做出了很多努力。故选A项。

46.考查名词。句意:全世界都注意到了他们,并对他们做出了善意的回应。A. wisdom:智慧;B. honesty:诚实;C. kindness:善良;D. pride:骄傲。全世界都友好地帮助他们。故选C项。

47.考查形容词。句意:你所做的一切让我们对世界充满了信心。A. secure:安全的;B. confident:有信心的;C. helpless:无助的;D. foolish:愚蠢的。Owura为学生的教育所付出的努力,让人们对世界有了信心。故选B项。

48.考查副词。A. quickly:很快地;B. briefly:简短地;C. directly:直接地;D. rarely:稀少地,罕见地。教育者对学生的影响应该是直接的。故选C项。 六、书面表达(共25分) 【范文】

Nowadays, there are various English learning apps on the Internet. Recently, I’ve made a survey in my class about whether students should make use of these apps in their study, over which controversy among my classmates has arisen.

70% of the students are in favor of using these learning apps. Firstly, the apps can help improve their listening as well as expand vocabulary effectively, which is helpful for their English learning. Moreover, they can refer to these apps whenever and wherever possible, thus broadening their horizons and enriching their knowledge.

On the contrary, students, accounting for 30% of the total number, hold the opposite view. They feel students tend to rely on these apps when they run into problems, making them unable to think creatively and independently. Worse still, some apps may even contain wrong and harmful information, which is bad for the growth of young teenagers

From where I stand, I contend that we students should make good use of these learning apps. First and foremost, the apps are a convenient resource for us to learn English. Also, these online learning apps can be personalized according to students' learning ability, satisfying our personal needs.

{人教版}高中英语必修二 Unit3 The Internet 训练卷(一)(带答案)


