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直径1016 mm的O形圈封堵长输管道快速封堵器的制造结构及封堵能力研究 - 论文

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Journal of Oil and Gas Technology 石油天然气学报, 2024, 41(3), 38-41 Published Online June 2024 in Hans. http://www.hanspub.org/journal/jogt https://doi.org/10.12677/jogt.2024.413035

The Manufacturing Structure and Plugging Capacity of Fast Plugging Device with Diameter 1016 mm O-ring for Long-distance Pipe

Jundong Cui1, Baohua Zu2, Xue Yang3

China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co. Ltd. International, Langfang Hebei

No. 1 Construction Company of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co. Ltd., Langfang Hebei 3

Maintenance and Emergency Repair Co. of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co. Ltd. International, Langfang Hebei


Received: Feb. 10, 2024; accepted: Mar. 8, 2024; published: Jun. 15, 2024



In view of the defects of the high cost and long duration of plugging operation on the pipe orifice, a fast plugging device with o-ring for long-distance pipeline is developed. The structure and its plugging principle of the fast plugging device are introduced; a test is performed by using a plug-ging device with diameter of 1016 mm. The result indicates that when pressure is less than 0.023 MPa inside pipeline, sealing performance is good inside the pipeline. When the external pressure is less than 0.23 MPa, the welding blind plate pipe section is well maintained; it can meet the re-quirements of temporary plugging pipe in the long-distance pipeline construction.


Fast Plugging Device, Plugging Test, Plugging Capacity

文章引用: 崔俊东, 祖宝华, 杨雪. 直径1016 mm的O形圈封堵长输管道快速封堵器的制造结构及封堵能力研究[J]. 石油天然气学报, 2024, 41(3): 38-41. DOI: 10.12677/jogt.2024.413035

直径1016 mm的O形圈封堵长输管道快速封堵器的制造结构及封堵能力研究 - 论文


