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1. hurricane [5hQrikEn] n. a severe tropical cyclone usually with heavy rains and winds moving a 73-136 knots飓风

2. lash [lAF] vt. strike against with force or violence猛烈打击:The sleet is lashing the roof.雨夹雪击打着屋顶。

3. pummel [5pQm(E)l] v. (用拳头连续)击打:The child pummeled his mother angrily as she carried him home.那孩子因其母带他回家而生气地捶打着母亲。

4. reluctant [ri5lQktEnt] adj. unwilling; disinclined不愿意的,勉强的:He was very reluctant to go away.他很不愿意离去。其名词形式为reluctance。 5. abandon [E5bAndEn] vt. a). leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch放弃,抛弃:abandon a friend in trouble抛弃处于危难中的朋友;b). to give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit, especially as a result of danger or other impending threat离弃,丢弃:abandon the ship弃船

6. course [kC:s] n. a mode of action or behavior品行,行为

7. demolish [di5mCliF] vt. to do away with completely; put an end to毁坏,破坏:The fire demolished the town.大火烧毁了这座城镇。

8. motel [mEu5tel] n. a hotel for people who are traveling by car, where you can park your car outside your room汽车旅馆

9. gruff [^rQf] adj. hoarse; harsh粗糙的,粗哑的:a gruff voice粗哑的嗓音

10. batten [5bAtn] vt. to furnish, fasten, or secure with battens用压条固定

11. methodically [mI5WRdIk(E)li] adv. orderly and systematically有条理地,有秩序地:He methodically and placidly devoured a loaf of bread.他有条不紊,不动声色地把一整只面包都吃光了。

12. main [mein] n. the principal pipe in a system for conveying water, gas, oil, or other utility(自来水、煤气、石油等的)总管道,干线:gas main煤气总管

13. bathtub [`bB:WtQb] n. a relatively large open container that you fill with water and use to wash the body浴缸,澡盆

14. generator [5dVenEreitE] n. a machine that produces electricity发电机,发动机

15. scud [skQd] vi. to run or skim along swiftly and easily飞奔,疾行,掠过:Dark clouds are scudding by.乌云滚滚而来。

16. mattress [5mAtris] n. a usually rectangular pad of heavy cloth filled with soft material床垫,褥子

17. pane [pein] n. one of the glass-filled divisions of a window or door窗格玻璃

18. French door [frentFdC:] n. two adjoining doors that have glass panes from top to bottom and are hinged at opposite sides of a doorway so that it opens in the middle法式落地双开门

19. disintegrate [dis5inti^reit] vt. to become reduced to components, fragments, or particles分解,分裂,碎裂:disintegrate the enemy troops瓦解敌军

20. blast [blB:st] n. a sudden strong movement of wind or air强风,阵风:A blast of hot air came from the furnace.一股热风从火炉里吹出来。 21. douse [daus] vt. to plunge into liquid; immerse浸泡,使浸透:As a joke, they douse him with a bucket of water.他们开玩笑,把一桶水泼到他身上了。 22. brigade [bri5^eid] n. a group of persons organized for a specific purpose执行特定任务的队伍

23. fire brigade [5faiE bri5^eid] n. or fire company, a body of men organized to fight fires, esp. one of a number of such groups constituting a fire department消防队

24. scramble [5skrAmbl] vi. to move or climb hurriedly, especially on the hands and knees攀爬,爬:scramble up a steep hillside爬上陡峭的山坡 25. litter [5litE] n. the offspring produced at one birth by a multifarious mammal幼仔,一胎生下的小动物

26. shudder [5FQdE] vi. to shiver convulsively, as from fear or revulsion战栗,颤抖:I shudder to think what might happen.我想到可能发生的事而战栗。



