雅思阅读:NOT GIVEN 的判断标准解析
我们来看看 NOT GIVEN 的判断标准:所需判断的陈述句中在没有 错误的前提之下,至少有一个考点词汇文章没有提到相关内容。从表述 中可以看出,被判断的命题中,首先不能有错误的成分存在,因为只要 出现了错误点,那么该命题就是 FALSE/NO 了。只有在没有错误点出 现的情况下,至少有一个考点文章中没有提到,那么该命题就可以被判 断为 NOT GIVEN。而在考试中,有一种 NOT GIVEN 情况很好判断, 就是全文没有找到相关内容,那么就可以直接下结论了。看看下面的例 子:Academic Test 1 Reading Passage 1 6.
题干:Girls are more likely than boys to hold mistaken views about the rainforests destruction.
原文:More girls(70%) than boys(60%) raised the idea of rainforest as animal habitats…more girls(13%) than boys(5%) said that rainforests provided human habitats.
分析:从原文的表达中可以找到题干的部分信息 Girls are more likely than boys,但是后半部分信息在文章中没有出现,所以该命题为 NOT GIVEN。 8.
题干:A second study has been planned to investigate primary school children’s ideas about rainforests.
原文:One encouragement is that the results of similar studies about other environmental issues suggest that older children…
系,所以答案为 NOT GIVEN。 Academic Test 2 Reading Passage 2 21.
题干:Alternative therapists earn higher salaries than doctors. 原文:Part of the incentive was financial, Dr. Laver said.The bottom line is that most general practitioners are business people. If they see potential clientele going elsewhere, they might want to be able to offer a similar service.
分析:题干中的关键点在于中医的工资比其他医生要高,而原文 只陈述了从事中医这一行的人很多是商人,他们为了能留住顾客,也想 提供同样的服务,但并不能得出结论说中医就比其他医生工资高的结 论,二者表述不相关,答案为 NOT GIVEN。 Academic Test 3 Reading Passage 1 10.
题干:In some cases, the families of street children may need financial support from S.K.I.
原文:There are tremendous advantages to involving parents or guardians in the program……
分析:题干中提到家庭需要获得财政资助,但是文章中只是谈到 说能有父母或者监护人的参与会有很多好处,并没有提到说家庭需要财 政资助的问题,二者并不相关,所以为 NOT GIVEN。
从这些例子中可以看出,在判断中,只要命题中没有错误信息出 现,而同时又有考点在文章中找不到匹配的信息,那么该命题的答案就
雅思阅读:NOT GIVEN的判断标准解析