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机螺栓,机螺钉 螺母n ut

maehi ne bolt

六角螺母 hexago nal nut 方螺母 square nut 垫圈 washer 平垫圈 plain washer

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球面垫圈 spherical washer 弹簧垫圈 spri ng washer 方垫圈 square washer 斜垫圈 sla nt washer 2.2



American sta ndard taper pipe thread NPTF(内丝)\\NPTM(夕卜丝) 3材料、型钢及填料 3.1金属材料

3.1.1 黑色金属 Ferrous Metal 碳素钢 carbon steel (CS) 低碳钢 low-carb on steel 中碳钢 medium-carb on steel 高碳钢 high-carb on steel

普通碳素钢 general carb on steel 优质碳素钢 high-quality carb on steel 普通低合金结构钢

gen eral structure low-alloy steel

合金结构钢 structural alloy steel 合金钢 alloy steel 低合金钢 low alloy steel 中合金钢 medium alloy steel 高合金钢 high alloy steel 耐热钢 heat resisting steel 高强度钢 high stre ngth steel 复合钢 clad steel 工具钢 tool steel 弹簧钢 spri ng steel 钼钢冈 molybdenum steel 镍钢 nickel steel 铬钢 chromium steel

铬钼钢冈 chrome-molybdenum steel

铬镍钢 chromium-nickel steel,chrome-nickel steel 不锈钢 sta in less steel (S.S.) 奥氏体不锈钢

Auste nitic stai nl ess steel


马氏体不锈钢 Marte nsitic sta in less steel


司特来合金(钨铬钴台金) 耐蚀耐热镍基合金


铬镍铁合金 in co nel 耐热铬镍铁合金 20 合金 20 alloy 平炉钢(马丁钢)

Marti n steel in coloy

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镇静钢 killed steel

半镇静钢 semi-killed steel

沸腾钢 rimmed steel; rimming steel; open-steel 锻钢 forged steel 铸钢 cast steel 铸铁 cast iron (C.l.) 灰铸铁 grey cast iron 可锻铸铁 malleable iron (Ml)

球墨铸铁 no dular cast iron; no dular graphite iron 生铁 pig iron

熟铁,锻铁 wrought iron 铸件 cast ing

高硅铸铁 high silic on cast iron 3.1.3 有色金属 Non-ferrous Metal 铝 aluminum 铜,紫铜 copper 黄铜 brass 青铜 bronze

铝青铜 alu minum bronze 磷青铜 phosphor bronze

铝镁合金 alu minum magn esium 锰青铜 mangan ese bronze 蒙乃尔(注:镍及铜合金) 镍铜台金 n ickel copper alloy 非铁合金 non ferrous alloy 钛 titanium 铅 lead 硬铅 hard lead 3.3型材

型钢 shaped steel, section steel, swage 角钢 angle steel 槽钢 cha nnel 工字钢 I-beam


宽缘工字钢或 H钢wide flanged beam T型钢T-bar 方辛冈 square bar 扁钢 flat bar

角钢 hexagonal steel bar 圆钢 round steel; rod 辛冈带 strap steel 钢板plate

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4管道等级及材料统计 4.1 管道材料规定

Pipi ng Material Specificati on

管道等级 piping class; piping classification 管道等级号 class desig natio n

公称直径 nominal diameter (DN); nomin al (pipe) size 公称压力 nomi nal pressure (PN) 压力级,等级,类别

class (CL)

低压 low pressure (L. P.) 中压 medium pressure (M.P.) 高压 high pressure (H.P.) 大气压 atmosphere (ATM) 真空 vacuum

工作压力 operat ing pressure; work ing pressure 设计压力 desig n pressure 工作温度 operati ng temperature 设计温度 desig n temperature 环境温度 ambie nt temperature 腐蚀裕量 corrosi on allowa nee 管道附件 pip ing attachme nt 管道元件 pipi ng eleme nt 壁厚 wall thickness (WT)

壁厚系列号 schedule number (SCH. No.) 加厚的,加强的

extra heavy, extra stro ng

double extra heavy, double extra stro ng


4.2 材料统计 Material Take-off (MTO) 汇总表 summary sheet 材料表 bill of material (BM) 综合管道材料表 统计材料准确度 材料情况报告

con solidated pipi ng material summary sheet (CPMSS) accuracy of take-off material status report (MSR)

散装材料 bulk material 编位号的 itemized 代码 code number 短代码 short code 数量 quantity (QTY) 重力 weight 净重 net weight 毛重 gross weight

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绝对标高 abselute elevati on

海平面标高 over-sea mea n level (OSL) 标高,立面 elevatio n (EL) 混凝土顶面 top of con crete 架顶面 top of support (TOS) 钢结构顶面 top of steel 梁项面 top of beam (TOB) 支撑点 poi nt of suppo n (POS) 管顶 top of pipe (TOP) 管底 bouom of pipe (BOP) 沟底 boaom of trench

管子内底 invert (in side bottom of pipe) 底平 flat on bottom (FOB) 顶平 flat on top (FOT) 工作点 worki ng poi nt (W.P.) 面至面 face to face (F-F) 中心至端面 center to end (C-E) 中心至面 center to face (C-F)

中心至中心,中至中 center to cen ter (C-C) 坐标 coord in ate

坐标原点 origi n of coord in ate 出口中心线 cen ter line of discharge 入口中心线 cen ter line of suct ion 中心线 cen terli ne (CL)

5.8相关专业的专业词汇 5.8.1工艺 (1) 图及表

流程图 flow diagram

工艺流程图 process flow diagram (PFD) 管道及仪表流程图 pip ing and

in strume nt flow diagram (PID)

公用工程流程图 utility flow diagram (UFD) 管线表 line list; line schedule 命名表;管道表 nomen clature 设备表 equipme nt list (schedule) (2) 流体 fluid 空气air

仪表空气 in strume nt air 工艺空气 process air

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低压蒸汽 low pressure steam 中压蒸汽 medium pressure steam 高压蒸汽 high pressure steam 伴热蒸汽 traci ng steam 饱和蒸汽 saturated steam 过热蒸汽 superheated steam

氧气 oxygen 氢气 hydroge n 氮气 n itroge n 燃料气 fuel gas 天然气 n atural gas 火炬气 flare gas 酸性气 sour gas 液化石油气 liquefired petroleum gas (LPG)

氨气 ammonia gas 冷却水 cooli ng 循环水 circulat ing water 锅炉给水 boiler feed water 热水 hot water 蒸汽冷凝水 steam conden sate

盐水 brine 工艺水 process water 化学污水 chemical sewage

防腐剂 corrosi on in hibitor 重油 heavy oil 石脑油 naphtha 燃料油 fuel oil 润滑油 lubricating oil 密圭寸油 seali ng oil 冷冻剂 refrigera nt 载热体 heati ng medium 溶剂 solve nt 溶液 solution 母液 mother liquor 单体 mon omer 聚合物 polymer 均聚物 homopolymer 共聚物 copolymer 工艺液体

process liquid

工艺气体 process gas

硫酸 sulphuric acid 盐酸 chlorhydric acid 硝酸 nitric acid

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烧碱 caustic soda

8隔热、隔声 玻璃棉 glass wool 岩棉 rock wool 聚氨酯;聚氨基甲酸酯

polyuretha ne

泡沫玻璃 foam glass; cellular glass 9防腐、涂漆及腐蚀种类

防腐漆 an ti-corrosive paint; rush-proof paint 涂漆 pain ti ng 涂层;覆盖层

coat ing

底漆 primary coat; bottom coat 面漆 finishing coat 颜色 colour (color)



