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The 2nd Period

Step 1. Preparation

1. Count it. 2. Play a game.

Step 2. Draw and colour it.

T: Boys and girls, please draw a banana and an apple, then colour

it. I’ll give you 15 minutes, and then let’s see who is the best. (学生画画、涂颜色) T:Who is the best? Step 3. Listen and tick

T: Look at the book; please listen to the tape and tick. Tape: It’s a door. … (学生听和选)

The 3rd Period

Step 1. Preparation

1. T: (出示字母卡片Gg) What is this ? S1: This is Gg. S2: Yes, It’s Gg.

2. T: Let’s count these pencils. Step 2. Presentation

1. T: (出示字母卡片Hh) What is this ? S1: This is Hh.

S2: It’s the letter Hh.

2. Say the letters three times.

3. T: Let’s say the sentences about the letter Hh. Big H are trees. They’re near a house. 4. Read the words about the letter Hh. Small h is the house. Step 3. Write the letter Hh. The boys in the house. 1. Look at me how to write the letter Hh. 2. Write it by yourself. The 4th Period

Step 1. Preparation

1. Review the numbers and the new words. 2. Say the sentences about the letter Hh. Step 2. Do the exercise.



1. Match it. 2. Chant it. Step 3. Homework 教学后记: 辅导记载:

Unit 9 Tell your friends

Ⅰ、Teaching aims and demands 1、使学生能向别人作简单的自我介绍。 2. 使学生初步学会使用的句型。

3. 使学生能模仿发出字母及所给单词的读音。 4. 使学生能读出第五部分所给出的句子。 Ⅱ、Teaching keys

1. 词汇: Boy, toy, car, girl, doll 2. 句型: I’m Dong dong. I’m six.

I’m a boy. I like toy car.

Ⅲ、Teaching difficulty

交际中辨别人称角色。 Ⅳ、Teaching aids

准备两个作对话用的木偶小孩,准备几张男孩和女孩的图片及挂图,字母的大小写及单词读音图片。(ice, ice cream, icon) Ⅴ、Teaching procedure

The 1st period

Step1. Preparation

Greetings. Free talk.

Step2. Presentation

T:(出示一个布娃娃模仿布娃娃的口音)Hello, my name is Mary. I’m six. I’m a girl. I like dolls. (当说到的时候教师应拿起两个其他的布娃娃放在该娃娃的手里)

T: Who can come here and say like this? S1: I’m Dong dong. I’m…

T: Very good, now, listen to me .I have another friend. His name is Tom.



T:(拿起第二个娃娃)Hello .I’m Tom. I’m seven .I’m a boy .I like toy cars.

S1: I’m Tom. I’m … S2: I’m Tom. I’m …

T: Now you know my friends already. Who can come here and talk about yourself. Who wants to try? You can say, I’m Wang dongqing. I’m /I’m a boy. I like toy cars. Who wants to try? Very good. Come here! (生上台自我介绍).

T: now, practice it in pairs.

The 2nd Period

Step 1 Do it.

T:(现在去找找你的朋友,跟他们说) Hello , XXX, Hello, XXX, or Hi !XXX, Hi! XXX. (The students say”Hello”or say “Hi” each other) Step 2: What do you say?

T : (边拍巴掌边说) Ok , please go back and sit on your chair. T: Look here; I’ve got a kitty. Who can come here and say: Hello, kitty.

(The students say :” Hello to Kitty.) T: Hello, Ming Ming.

T: I’ve got a boby . Who can here and say: Hi, baby.

T: I’ve got a Doggie. Who can come here and say: Hello ,doggie. T: Hello, LiangLiang. Hello JianJian.

The 3rd Period

Step 1: Point and say.

Review the

Step 2. Draw and colour it.

Draw your teacher and colour him or her.(生画教师并涂颜色) Steps 3 sing it

I am lily .I am seven. The 4th Period Step 1: Preparation I am a girl. I like dolls. 3. T: (出示字母卡片Ii ) Where’s the boy? S: He’s behind the big I. I am Peter. I am six. T: Where’s the girl? I am a boy. I like toys. 28文档收集于互联网,如有不妥请联系删除.


S: She’s behind the small I. T: Let’s say the sentences.

Step 2: Presentation.

T: Let’s say the sentences about the letter Ii. (出示小黑板)。 Big I is a man. (教师领说,学生指明说) Read the words about the letter Ii. Small I is a dolphin. Step 3: Write the letter Ii. The man and the dolphin are playing 1. Look at me how to write it. 2. Write it by yourself. The 4th Period

Step 1: preparation

1. Review the new words.

2. Say the sentences about the letter Ii. Step 2: Do the exercises. 1、 Do it .

2、 Look and say. Step 3: Home work.

Listen to Unit 10 three times. 教学后记: 辅导记载:

Unit 10 Let’s do it

Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands

1. 使学生能听懂用英语说的简单指令 2. 使学生能进一步复习文具用品

3. 使学生能模仿发出及所给单词的读音 4. 使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 Ⅱ.Teaching keys

交际词汇:Book, pencil-box, crayon, ruler, window, door 交际句型:Put the ruler in your hand. This is a ruler. That is a crayon. Ⅲ.Teaching difficulty




Ⅳ.Teaching aids


The 1st period


1. Greetings. 2. Free talk.

Step2.Listen and point

1.教师拿许多学生已熟悉的文具问学生 What’ this? What’ that?

2.Now, boys and girls listen the tape and point it. Step 3. Listen and act.

T: Now, listen very carefully, do as I do.( 教师带领学生边说边做) Put the book on your hand. Put the ruler in your hand. Put the book under your chair. Put your book in your bag.

Put the pencil in your pencil-box. T: Let’s say and do it again.

T: 教师用一个乒乓球和一个粉笔盒给学生单个示范 The ball is on the box. The ball is in the box. The ball is under the box. The ball is next to the box. The ball is behind the box.

The 2nd period

Step1.Do as the teacher says.


Now, listen very carefully, do as I say. For example, I say put the blue duck on your desk,

you should put the blue duck on your desk. Understand? Do as I say. OK, Let’s begin Step 2. Color it. Step 3. Match it.




