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Step 2: Preparation

T: Look, I’ve got a beautiful girl. Her name is Mary. She is 6 years old. Now, Let’s see. This is her face, nose and mouth. These are her eyes, ears and teeth. Now follow me, face, nose, mouth, eyes, ears, and teeth.

T: Now, who wants to come here and show us her face? S : It’s a face …… Step 3: Practice

1、T : Now, listen and act. Point to your nose. Point to your face. Point to your mouth ……

2、T : Do it and say it, please. Step 4: A game

T: At last, Let’s play a game. Ok?

Look, I’ve got a big rabbit here. I’m putting this on the blackboard. I want two pupils to come to the front. I say, “ear”, they touch the ear. I say “mouth”, they touch the mouth. Do you understand? Who wants to come here? Good Let’s begin. Nose , …

The 2nd Period

Step 1: Chant

T: Boys and girls, Let’s say a chant, ok? T : (出示小黑板,师领说) T: Let’s point and say it. T: Who can say it? Step 2: Do it.

T: Look at point and me. Which is the nose? … (学生听和指) T: Now, Let’s play a game. Simon says, “Touch your face ”, they touch your face.

The 3rd period Step 1. Preparation

1. T:(Gg) What’s this? S: This is Gg.

2. Say the letter three times.

3. T: Let’s say the sentences about the letter Gg.




Mum is a big G.

A baby is on a small g. Mum and the baby,

They are very, very happy.


4. Read the words about the letter Gg. Step 2 Write the letter Gg.

1. Look at me how to write it. 2. Write it by yourself.

The 4th period

Step 1. Preparation

Say the sentences about the letter Gg. Step 2. Do the exercises.

This is my mouth. This is my hair. This is my nose. These are my ears. These are my eyes. These are my feet. These are my hands. These are my legs. These are my arms. 1. Draw and colour it. 2. Read it. (出示小黑板)

I have two eyes. I have a hose. I have two ears. I have a mouth. I have many teeth. I have black hair. 3. Match it.

Step 3. Homework.

Draw an animal of anybing and write down its nose, mouth, ears, teeth, etc. 教学后记:




Unit8 How many doors?

Ⅰ、Teaching aims and demands:

4. 使学生进一步熟悉1-5的数字,学会6-10的数字; 5. 使学生加深对单、复数的概念;

6. 使学生能模仿发出字母Hh及所给单词的读音; 7. 使学生能读出第七部分所给的句子。 Ⅱ、Teaching keys:

1. 词汇:One…ten, orange, pear, apple, banana, door, window,

chair, TV, book, pen, pencil

2. 句型:How many doors? It’s a book. This is Hh.

It’s the letter Hh. Ⅲ、Teaching difficulty:

能听懂并正确熟练地用1~10的数字数数,分清单复数 Ⅳ、Teaching aids:


Hh的大小写及挂图( hat, head, hill )的图片 Ⅴ、Teaching procedure:

The 1st Period

Step 1. Warming up

1. T:Hello, boys and girls!

S: Hello, Mr/Miss XXX. T: Let’s do as I say, OK? S: OK!

T: Stand up /Turn right /Turn left /Sit down /Run to the

window, XXX. /Books up /Hands up /Hands down /Sit down. Very good!

1. T: Now, look at here; I’ve got a box. Guess what are they in

my box. S: It’s a …

T: No. ( 师提示 )

T:It’s red. / Colour is red.



T: It can eat. (进一步提示) T: (指名学生来闻一闻) T: Yes. They are apples.

Step 2. Learning

1. T: Do you know? How many apples are there in my box? Guess. Ss: Five, three, four, …(复习1—5) T: OK. Let’s look at.

T: (师拿出苹果)领着说:

One, two, three, four, five, How many? Ss: Five.

T: Five? (师接着又拿出一个) T: 领说six

How many? (操练说six)

T: Six? Is it six? (师接着又拿出一个) T: 领说seven

How many? (操练说seven) T: Seven? Is it seven?

T: Someone come here and look at anything else in my box. T: Oh, It still has one. Now how many? Eight. Who can count it?

T: Look, in my pocket, there is another apple. Now we have nine apples.

T: Who can tell me how many apples we have got? (学生操练nine ) T:Have anyone got an apple. S1: Yes, I have. T: Give me please.

T: OK. Now we have ten apples. How many apples? (学生操练ten ) 2. T: Let’s count from 1 to 10, OK? (领说1—10)

T: Who can count it?

T: Let’s count it together.

3. T: Look at here ,I’ve got a book (出示一本书)



(出示两本书) Two books.

(出示一支钢笔)A pen ; Three pens (出示一个苹果)An apple ; Two apples.

T: (出示一支铅笔)A pencil (生说两支铅笔)Two pencils. (出示一个梨)A pear (生说两个梨)Two pears. …

4. (出示图) T:Look at the picture. Who can say these things? Step 3. Practice.

1. T: Now let’s play a game, OK? I have many cards of the

numbers here, I’ll give you. You stand in a line as I say, OK?

2. T: Now, let’s play other game, OK? I’ll show you something

quickly. You tell me how many things I’ve got, OK? Now watch carefully.

T: How many pencils? … (教师拿出铅笔、橡皮、尺子等物品让学生猜)(学生操练数字) 3. (出示挂图)

T:Look at the picture, count it.

First you do it in pairs. One person asks “How many apples?” The other one answer “six”. Then you go on with the questions again. OK? Do it in pairs now.

T: All right. Let me ask you. Please answer my questions

together. How many pencils , How many bananas …

4. ⑴At last , Let’s play a game , OK? You’ve got a piece of paper.

On your paper, there are some questions. Please count these things in our classroom and write the answer, are you clear? ⑵Who can tell me your answer?(出示小黑板)

Question 1. How many windows? 2. How many doors? 3 How many apples? 4. How blackboards? many Answer 5. How many pears? 25文档收集于互联网,如有不妥请联系删除.



