我_____ ____先生/小姐,国籍____________,因以下原因 邮
递物品 ,尚有个人物品:(运单号_____________________ ___ 共______件)需分运出境,现按海关规定委托联邦快递(中国)有限公司上海分公司,向贵海关办理个人物品申报,查验等手续。
本人如有违反海关规定之事情,愿意接受海关处理。 被委托单位:联邦快递(中国)有限公司上海分公司
公司地址:上海市浦东国际机场闻居路 1333号 8楼 B区(浦东国际机场内)
仓库地址:上海市浦东国际机场河滨西路 501号 联系电话: 021-20323000
委托人(签字):_________________ 签字日期: _________________ 申报日期: _________________ 有效期至 年 月 日
The Power of Attorney for Entry and Exit Personal effects Declaration
Dear Shanghai Customs:
This is Mr. / Ms. ____ _____, a citizen with nationality of___ ____,
hereby authorize ______________________ ___Company to do the Customs declaration and inspection for the following shipments of personal effects.
(Please select the Entry/Exit reason from the following:
Non-carried Passenger luggage, Postal items, Internet purchase)
Airway Bill No.: ____________________ ________ No. of Piece: _____________________ __________
If I have any violation of the Customs’ regulation, I shall assume the legal liability. Authorized company: Federal Express Co., Ltd. Shanghai Branch Company Address:
Phone Number:
8 floor, B Area, No# 1333 WenJu Road, Shanghai Pudong International Airport 021-20323000
Authorizer (Sign here):____________