т笅unit 6蹇呰儗璇嶇粍鍙婂彞瀛?
蹇呰儗璇嶇粍 1. try to do something
?2. repair the sky琛ュぉ 3. move the
mountains绉诲北 4. shoot the suns灏勫お闃?5. Journey to the West瑗挎父璁?6. once upon a time浠庡墠 7. long, long ago寰堜箙寰堜箙浠ュ墠 8. the earth and stone from the mountains灞变笂鐨勬偿鍦熷拰鐭冲ご 9. work on doing something浠庝簨鈥?10. a god was so moved by Yu Gong氬叕 11. send two gods to take the mountains away
12. a good way to solve his problem
little bit silly鏈夌偣鍌?14. instead of鈥︿唬鏇库? other ways
13. a
?15. many
16. different opinions about the story鍏充簬杩欎
釜鏁呬簨鐨勪笉鍚岀殑瑙傜偣 17. neither of you浣犱滑涓や釜閮戒笉/娌℃湁 18. build a roadMonkey
?19. make a tunnel鎵撻毀閬?20. a new TV program called onkey鐨勬
21. for the first time
23. traditional Chinese book浼犵粺鐨勪腑鍥戒
娆?22. the main character
功绫?24. in fact浜嬪疄涓?25. turn鈥?into鈥︽妸鈥﹀彉鎴愨?26. a magic stick榄旀硶妫?27. keep it in his ear鏀惧湪鑰虫湹閲?28. at other times鍊?29. come out鍑虹増,
30. more than 30 years ago= over 30 years ago 30
32. keep
澶氬勾浠ュ墠 31. become interested in
fighting to help the weak and never give up涓嶆柇鎴樻枟浠ュ府鍔╁急鑰呬笖浠庝笉鏀惧純 33. one of the most popular stories
34. the most famous Chinese story鏈钁楀悕鐨勪腑鍥芥晠浜?35. the weak= weak people寮辫?36. think of ways to fight them鎯虫柟璁炬硶鎵撲粬浠?37. children all over the world鍏ㄤ笘鐣岀殑瀛╁瓙 38. sound stupid
锠?39. cheat the emperor娆洪獥鐨囧笣 40. make special clothes for the emperor涓虹殗甯濆仛鐗瑰埆鐨勮。鏈?41. lived near a forest鐢熸椿鍦ㄦ.鏋楄竟 42. in the moonlight鍦ㄦ湀鍏変笅 43. sleeping beauty鐫$編浜?44. get wood鐮嶆煷 45. be lost=get lost杩疯矾 46. have no more stones鍐嶄篃娌℃湁鐭冲ご 47. lead somebody to鈥﹀甫棰嗘煇浜哄埌鈥?
?48. the house make
of bread, cake and candy鐢遍潰鍖?铔嬬硶鍜岀硸鍒舵垚鐨勬埧瀛?49. from inside the house浠庢埧瀛愰噷闈?50. the pieces of bread闈㈠寘灞?51. find their way home
52. show their way home
?54. 55.
56. all he
璺?53. the next morning/week/yearthe movie was so touching/movingthe boy was so moved / touched
could see= what he could see浠栨墍鑳界湅瑙佺殑涓滆タ 57. it seems impossible to do something=it doesn鈥檛 possible to do something
? 58. the rest of the story鏁呬簨鐨勫叾浣欓儴鍒?59. do it鍋氭垚鍔?60.
day after day and year after yearloved clothes
?61. an emperor who
62. keep everything for themselves
63. walked through the city wearing his new clothes
绌跨潃鏂拌。鏈嶈蛋杩囧煄甯?64. fall in love with 鈥︾埍涓娾?65. couldn鈥檛 help/ stop smiling粨濠? 蹇呰儗鍙ュ瓙
1. It doesn鈥檛 seem very possible to move a mountain.
2. What could Yu Gong do instead of moving the mountains?鎰氬叕瑕佹
槸涓嶇Щ灞?浠栧彲浠ュ仛浠涔堝憿? 3. That鈥檚 better and faster than moving a mountain.閭f瘮绉诲北鏇村ソ,鏇村揩. 4. There are many sides to a story and many ways to understand it.
66. get married to somebody鍜屾煇浜虹
鏂规硶鍘荤悊瑙? 5. This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size,
turning himself into different animals and objects.杩欐槸鍥犱负浠栦細72鍙?浠庡舰鐘跺埌澶у皬, 鎶婅嚜宸卞彉鎴愪笉鍚岀殑鍔ㄧ墿鍜岀墿浣? 6. He cannot turn himself into a person unless he can hide his tail.闄ら潪浠栧彲浠ユ妸浠栫殑灏惧反钘忚捣鏉?
children of China for many years.
骞翠簡. 8. The wife told her husband that unless he left the children to die in the forest, the whole family would die.濡诲瓙鍛婅瘔涓堝か,闄ら潪浠栨妸瀛╁瓙鐣欏
? 9. Don鈥檛 eat it until you get to the forest.
. 10. I鈥檓 dropping white stones along the way.鎴戝
湪娌胯矾鎾掔櫧鑹茬殑灏忕煶瀛? 11. What a long time you slept in the forest!浣犱滑鍦ㄦ.鏋楅噷鐫″ソ涔呭搰! 12. As soon as the moon rises, we can follow them instead.涓鏃﹀お闃冲崌璧锋潵,
13. That bird鈥檚 song is so beautiful that we should follow it.
. 14. When the emperor put
? 7. The Monkey King has excited the
on the clothes, all he could see was his underwear.褰撶殗甯濈┛涓婅。鏈嶇殑鏃跺?浠栨墍鑳界湅瑙佺殑灏卞彧鏈変粬鐨勫唴瑁? 15. That鈥檚 what his wife said, too.
? 16. The sea is big enough to hold
? 17. His family would
live and grow, but the mountains could not get bigger.浠栫殑瀹朵汉浼氱敓娲诲苟鎴愰暱,鑰屽北涓嶅彲鑳藉彉澶? 18. People couldn鈥檛 see the clothes unless they were clever.
. 19. The
emperor isn鈥檛 wearing any clothes!鍚庡笣涓涓濅笉鎸? 20. The prince knew that unless the girl鈥檚 foot could fit the shoe, it was not the right girl.鐜嬪瓙鐭ラ亾,