【期刊名称】《计算机工程与设计》 【年(卷),期】2011(032)007
【摘要】为了对Web开发中数据传输格式的选择提供更有力的参考依据,研究了当前主流数据传输格式JSON (JavaScript object notation)的数据传输效率.时XML及FSV格式的数据传输开销公式进行了分析和研究,在此基础上针对JSON格式数据记录进行比较分析,提出了JSON数据传输开销计算公式.分别从数据传输开销、传输时间以及客户端数据反序列化效率3个方面对JSON、XML及FSV(fixed-sized file)进行量化比较,实验数据表明,JSON在数据传输效率方面明显优于其他数据传输格式,这为轻量级应用中数据传输格式的选择提供了一个优化的参考方案.%To give more effective reference for choosing data transmission format in web development, the data transmission efficiency of JSON (JavaScript object notation) which is the mainstream of current data transmission format is studied. First, the calculation formulas of XML and FSV is analyzed and researched, then the JSON data record is analyzed and the calculation formula of JSON about the data transmission overhead is presented innovatively. Compared the data transmission overhead, time and the deserializatal efficiency of JSON, XML and FSV (fixed-sized file) quantitatively, experimental data show that the data transmission efficiency of JSON is higher than other data transmission formats, this provide a optimizatal reference program