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北京市燕山2012年中考英语二模试题 人教新目标版.doc

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A.Because it feels hungry. B.Because it is happy with you. C.Because it is angry with you. D.Because it has done something wrong. 49. Which of the following things does the writer advise you to do towards your dog? A.Never punish the dog. B.Never leave the dog alone. C.Train the dog to take orders from you.D.Treat it the way you want to be treated.


When he was a schoolboy, Adrian Hayes read with fascination about the expeditions of the polar explorers. Now he has taken himself to three of the most deserted places on Earth: the North Pole, the South Pole and the top of Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰). He is the 15th person to do so ─ and the fastest so far, taking 19 months.

First he went to Mount Everest. He reached the top

on May 25, 2006. Then in early 2007 Mr. Hayes left his home for the second and most difficult of the three expeditions — the journey to the North Pole. It took 50 days for him and two companions to trek 482 miles in temperatures as low as -60°C.

For most, that journey alone would be enough. However, Mr. Hayes had one more to complete. On November 12, he set out as part of a team of five and walked 702 miles to the South Pole.

Just before reaching the South Pole, he said, “Most explorers have taken several years to have completed the challenge, but I am very lucky to have been able to do it within 19 months.”

Mr Hayes said he had mixed emotions about ending his journey. “There is a little bit of sadness,” he added. “You become accustomed to the environment and get into a routine. However, it is exciting to near the end of what has been a difficult task.” 50. How long does it take Adrian to climb to the three most deserted places on Earth? A. 3 years. B. 4 years. C. 19 months. D. 50 days. 51. In which order did Mr. Hayes go to the three places?

① the North Pole ② the South Pole ③ Mount Everest A. ①②③ B. ②①③ C. ③②① D. ③①② 52. When Mr. Hayes got to the South Pole, he felt _______. A. sad and exhausted B. excited but a bit sad

C. excited and tired D. regretful and worried


The green tribe(部落) and the red tribe had hated each other for as long as anyone could remember. Nobody knew the reason, and even the history teachers couldn’t remember how the war had started, but they knew the other tribe had done something seriously wrong. The tribes were not at war any more, but there was no contact between them and, according to the laws of each tribes, nobody was allowed to speak to anyone from the other tribe.

There was a stream between the two tribes. One day, it happened two children, one from the green tribe and one from the red tribe, wandered away from their families

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and met by the stream. They were only five years old, so neither Greenboy nor Redboy had learnt to read and write. They hadn’t been taught to hate the other tribe, and they didn’t know about the law that they shouldn’t speak to each other. They looked at each other in surprise and, then decided to have a swimming race from one bank to the other. Greenboy was not a good swimmer, so Redboy was soon a long way in front of Greenboy. When Redboy turned round, he saw that Greenboy was in danger. Redboy swam back and took hold of Greenboy and helped him to swim back to his own side of the river.

The two boys went back to their tribes. Days passed and they started school. On their first day at school they both had history lessons in their different schools. The green history teacher explained to Greenboy that the red tribe were dangerous and the red history teacher explained to Redboy that the green tribe were dangerous. Both boys were surprised. Greenboy told the green history teacher about the day he had been saved by Redboy. Redboy explained to the red history teacher that he had met Greenboy and liked him. The red tribe and the green tribe realized how stupid they had been and made peace from then on.

53. The two tribes didn’t speak to each other because ________.

A. their laws didn’t allow them to B. history teachers taught them not to C. the red tribe had done something wrong D. the green tribe had done something wrong

54. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The Greenboy saved the Redboy.

B. The two boys played tennis by the stream.

C. The boys were taught the laws after they went to school.

D. History teachers knew there was a war between the two tribes. 55. From the passage, we can infer __________.

A. the two tribes had a war

B. teachers didn’t teach history after that

C. the two tribes were getting on well after that D. the Greenboy and the Redboy hated each other D

Millions of people pass through the gates of Disney's entertainment parks in California, Florida and Japan each year. What makes these places an almost universal attraction? What makes foreign kings and queens and other important people want to visit these Disney parks? Well, one reason is the way they're treated once they get there. People at Disney go out of their way to serve their \prefer to call them, and to see that they enjoy themselves.

All new employees, from vice president to part-time workers, begin their employment by attending Disney University and taking \learn about the company's history, how it is managed and why it is successful. They are shown how each department relates to the whole. All employees are shown how their part is important in making the park a success.

After passing \I\the employees go on to more specialized training

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for their special jobs. No detail is missed. A simple job like taking tickets requires four eight-hour days training. When one ticket taker was asked why it took so much training for such a simple ordinary job, he replied, \happens if someone wants to know where the restrooms are, when the parade starts or what bus to take back to the campgrounds? We need to know the answers or where to get them quickly. Our constant aim is to help our guests enjoy the park.\

Even Disney's managers get involved (包括在内)in the daily management of the park. Every year, the managers leave their desks and business suits and put on special service clothes. For a full week, the bosses sell hot dogs or ice creams, take tickets or drive the monorail (单轨车) and take up any of the 100 jobs that make the entertainment park come alive. The managers agree that this week helps them to see the company's goals more clearly.

All these efforts to serve the public well have made Walt Disney Productions famous. Disney is considered by many as the best mass service provider in America or in the world. As one long- time business observer once said, \treats people, communicates with them, rewards them, is in my view the very reason for his fifty years of success. I have watched, very carefully and with great respect and admiration, the theory and practice of selling satisfaction and serving millions of people on a daily basis, successfully. It is what Disney does best.\56. Why do some important people like visiting Disney park in California each year?

A. It is because the workers there are very busy. B. It is because the way they are treated there. C. It is because they want to see the service there. D. It is because they don’t need to buy tickets there.

57. All the employees ____________ on the first day they come to the Disney parks.

A. begin as ticket takers B. must learn several jobs

C. begin by taking up any of the 100 jobs D. begin by receiving on the job-training

58. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Disney attracts people almost from all over the world.

B. Parades are regularly held in Disney's entertainment parks.

C. Tourists need to learn the history of Disney in its entertainment parks. D. Disney's managers are able to do almost all kinds of work in the Disney's parks.

59. This passage is mainly about ___________.

A. how Disney's employees are trained

B. how Disney enterprises make a lot of money

C. how Disney makes an almost universal attraction

D. the history and traditions of the Disney enterprises 七、阅读短文还原句子。(共8分,每小题2分)


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A. Class 1 had a great discussion B. All the students in Class 1 liked the trip C. But Class 1 didn’t go there to learn about science D. Many people liked soft, furry animals like pandas E. It helps them see that they can draw and sketch anything, anywhere Last week, Class 1 went to a trip to London Zoo. They had a wild day out! Almost everyone had a favorite animal. But they were almost all different! 60 . Some people liked funny animals like monkeys which jump around and play with each other. But almost every animal was somebody’s favorite - even the snake!

The trip to the zoo was for study, as well as a day out. 61 , they were there for an art lesson! Their art teacher, Mr. Hall, takes the class on a trip to the zoo every year. “It’s good for the students to get out of the classroom and do art,” he said. “ 62 . Many students do their best work on this trip.”

The trip gave Class 1 something else to talk about. They argued about whether zoos were cruel. The zoo animals were from all around the world. How could they all be comfortable? How could they be happy fenced in and watched by lots of people? 63 . What do you think?


阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题,将答案写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。 I always say that we could make our lives better, but I could not do it well once I am in depression. Maybe someone will say the driver is so stupid, we could not find such a man in our real life. But, friends, please read it one more time! Trust me, it can easy our life……

Last Monday I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the black car whipped his head around and started shouting at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at him and I mean he was really friendly.

So I asked, “Why did you just do that? This man almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!” This is when my taxi driver taught me what I now call “The Law of the Garbage Truck.”

He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of

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garbage ─full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they’ll dump it on you. Don’t take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don’t take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life’s too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so “Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don’t.” 64. Can we make our lives better easily? 65. Where did the writer go last Monday?

66. What did the taxi driver do when someone shouted at him?

67. What do many people do when they are full of anger, dump it on others or keep

it in their hearts?

68. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?

书面表达 (共 25分)


根据中文意思完成句子。将答案部分写在答题卡相应题号后的横线上。 69、你都工作三小时了,为什么不休息一下?

You have worked for three hours. have a rest? 70、对我来说学开车很难。

to learn to drive a car. 71、听到呼救声后,邸伟扔下双拐就跳下了水。

Di Wei dropped his crutches and jumped into the water the cry for help. 72、Jenny的手机坏了,你能帮她买个新的吗?

____ ___ Jenny’s mobile phone. Can you buy her a new one? 73、和父母谈了多次后,李涛决定去英国深造。

Li Tao didn’t many times. 十、文段表达。(共15分)


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北京市燕山2012年中考英语二模试题 人教新目标版.doc


