Unit 3 Section Ⅰ
Ⅰ.单词拼写导学号 49152228
1.A lighthouse was_flashing__(闪光) in the distance. 2.She got quickly into her car and _fastened__the seat belt.
3.Even with the phone_pressed__(按;压)to his ear, he couldn't hear what she was saying.
4.The affairs of state are_constantly__(不断地)on the Prime Minister's mind. 5.If you don't have a compass, use the stars to _guide__you. 6.Alison squeezed through a narrow_opening__(开口) in the fence. 7.Climate and weather affect every _aspect__of our lives.
8.The two countries are trying to agree a_timetable__(时间表)for formal talks. 9.She said that she was_optimistic__(乐观的)about the future of the company. 10.The books left a deep _impression__on him. Ⅱ.选词填空导学号 49152229
make a great impression on,slide into,lose sight of,make adjustments,take up,sweep up,for lack of,the instant,be back on one's feet,as though 1._For_lack_of__self-confidence, Tomlost interest in English. 2.I watched the plane go higher and higher until I_lost_sight_of__it. 3.She spoke to me_as_though__she knew me. 4.He_slid_into__the room when no one was looking.
5._The_instant__Mr Smith, a new teacher, came into his class,he got greatly encouraged.
6.After several days' good rest, he finally_was_back_on_his_feet__. 7. He_took_up__learning actively and confidently. 8.Tom'sachievementshave_made_a_great_impression_on__us. 9.He had to_make_adjustments__,or he had to give up.
10.Before moving into his new apartment,Peter_swept__it_up__thoroughly. Ⅲ.用适当的介词填空导学号 49152230
1.One way to catch a glimpse _of__the future is to examine some major trends _in__contemporary society.
2.We will be well prepared _for__whatever the future may have _in__store.
3.New discoveries _in__genetics and biochemistry may lead _to__changes _in__the way diseases are cured.
4.We can study at home_by__watching educators_on__TV or_on__a computer screen. 5.I'll send my e-friend to clean _up__my room and I'll travel back _in__time to visit you.
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