【期刊名称】《中国园艺文摘》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)012
【摘要】Test not only is the important method to measure the teaching and studying, but also is one of major links in studying process. ‘Horticultural products processing and utilization’ is one of the major necessary courses in horticulture with strong applicability and integrity. According to the characteristics of the course, and by analyzing the status, problems and confusion that faced, measures and proposals for the course test reform from the examination methods and contents were put forward in the paper in order to push on the curriculum system innovation, and fostering interdisciplinary talents.%考试既是衡量课程教与学的重要工具、方法和手段,也是课程学习过程中的重要环节之一。《园艺产品加工利用》是一门应用性强、综合性强的园艺专业必修课程。针对该课程的特点,通过分析现有课程考试的现状及面临的问题、矛盾与困惑,试图从考试方法与考试形式上,提出该课程考试改革探索的具体措施。旨在通过考试改革,从而推动《园艺产品加工利用》课程体系创新,以此培养复合型人才。
【关键词】园艺产品加工利用;考试改革;探索 【作者】孙敏红