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【期刊名称】《中国数字医学》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)004

【摘要】目的:模拟股骨头坏死钽棒支撑植入术的手术操作流程,建立股骨头坏死钽棒支撑植入术的三维有限元模型,并模拟股骨轴向受力状态的应力分布。方法:成年女性ARCO II股骨头坏死1例,做骨盆的CT扫描,运用MIMICS 15.0对骨盆进行三维重建,按手术需求采用Pro/Engineer 5.0设计克氏针和钽棒三维模型,然后模拟钽棒支撑植入术的操作过程,接着利用ANSYS 12.0对建立股骨头坏死钽棒支撑术的有限元模型。结果:重建了坏死区域的部位、形状和大小,模拟了钽棒支撑植入术的操作流程,建立了股骨头坏死钽棒支撑植入术有限元模型节点共129968个,单元共92426个。结论:为进行目的明确的定向研究和临床带教提供了高仿真性的数字模型;也为术前的手术模拟和生物力学分析提供了精度高的有限元模型。%Objective:The operation process of support and implantation of tantalum rod for necrosis of the femoral head is simulated. Three-dimensional finite element model of support and implantation of tantalum rod for necrosis of the femoral head is established and the stress distribution of axial force of the femur is simulated. Methods:There is 1 case of ARCO II femoral head necrosis of adult female patient. The pelvis is scanned with CT. MIMICS 15.0 is used for three-dimensional reconstruction of pelvic. According to operation requirements, Pro/Engineer 5.0 is used to design 3D model of

Kirschner pin and tantalum rod. And then the operation process of support and implantation of tantalum rod is simulated. And then ANSYS 12.0 is used to establish finite element model for support of tantalum rod for necrosis of the femoral head. Results:The location, shape and size of the necrotic area are reconstructed. The operation process of support and implantation of tantalum rod is simulated. A total of 129,968 nodes and 92,426 units of finite element model are established for support and implantation of tantalum rod for necrosis of the femoral head. Conclusion: High simulation digital model is provided for decision-orientated study and clinical teaching with clear objective; high-accuracy finite element is provided for operation simulation and biomechanical analysis before operation. 【总页数】3页(66-68)

【关键词】临床教学;数字模型;三维可视化;钽棒支撑植入术;有限元 【作者】彭军;胡冬发;邓立柳;张秋霞;张宇栋

【作者单位】广州中医药大学第一附属医院网络科,510407,广东省广州广州市机场路16号;广州中医药大学第一附属医院网络科,510407,广东省广州广州市机场路16号;广州中医药大学第一附属医院网络科,510407,广东省广州广州市机场路16号;广州中医药大学第一附属医院网络科,510407,广东省广州广州市机场路16号;广州中医药大学第一附属医院网络科,510407,广东省广州广州市机场路16号 【正文语种】中文

【中图分类】R681;Q811.2 【文献来源】

https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_china-digital-medicine_thesis/0201252935364.html 【相关文献】

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