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Unit 1 What does he look like? Section A (1a-2d) Ⅰ. 选词配图

thin, heavy, straight hair, curly hair, short, tall

Ⅱ. 句型展示

1. ——你的朋友长什么样?

——她中等身高,留着长长的直发。 —What does your friend ______ ______?

—She’s ______ ______ ______ , and she has ______ ______ hair. 2. 萨莉留着长发还是短发?

Does Sally have ______ ______ ______ hair? 3. 今晚你打算去看电影吗?

Are you ______ ______ the movies tonight? 4. 他不高也不矮。

He ______ tall ______ short.

1. —What does your friend look like? ——你的朋友长什么样?

—She’s of medium height, and she has long straight hair. ——她中等身高,留着长长的直发。 【自主领悟】

(1)What do/does+主语+look like? 意为“……长得什么样?”,是用来询问人的外貌特征的句型。

(2)描述人的外貌特征时,常用be+of medium height/build; 用be+tall/short/heavy/thin描述人的身材特征;用have/has+形容词+hair/eyes/legs/. . . 描述人的某一身体部位的特征。 【归纳拓展】身兼“两职”的like like既是动词,又是介词。

(1)作为动词时,意为“喜欢”,其用法如下:①like sb. /sth. “喜欢某人/某物”。②like to do sth. “喜欢做某事”。③like doing sth. “喜欢做某事”。

(2)作为介词时,意为“像”。常见短语:look like“看起来像”;be like. . . “像……”。 【活学活用】①My sister ______ tall and thin. She ______ long straight hair. A. is;is B. has; has C. is;has D. has;is ②—What ______ Yao Ming ______? —He’s really tall.

A. is;look like B. does;like C. do;look like D. does;look like 2. —Does he have long or short hair? ——他留着长发还是短发? —Short hair. ——短发。 【自主领悟】




(3)选择疑问句不能用 Yes 或 No 来回答,只能从句子中选择一部分作为问句的答案或根据实际情况作答。 【活学活用】

①— ______ Mr Black thin ______ heavy? —He is thin.

A. Does;or B. Is;or C. Does;and D. Is;and ②—Does Lisa have straight hair or curly hair? —______

A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she is.

C. No, she doesn’t. D. She has curly hair. Ⅰ. 单项选择

1. — ______ does your uncle look like? —He is tall and has brown hair.

A. How B. Who C. Which 2. Jim’s mother ______ thin and she ______ curly hair.

A. is;has B. has;is C. is;is 3. My friend Bob is ______ medium build.

A. with B. for C. of 4. He likes ______ T-shirts. Look! He ______ one with a tiger on it. A. to wear; wears B. wearing; wears C. wearing; is wearing D. to wear; wearing 5. —Does John have long hair or short hair? —______

A. Yes,he does. B. Yes, he has.

C. No, he doesn’t. D. He has short hair. Ⅱ. 句型转换

1. She is tall and has short curly hair. (对画线部分提问) ______ ______ she ______ ______ ?

2. Linda’s hair is long and straight. (改为同义句) Linda ______ long straight ______. 3. I’m not tall or short. (改为同义句) I’m ______ ______ ______ .

4. Mike is thin. (用heavy改为选择疑问句) ______ Mike thin ______ heavy?

5. My math teacher has short hair. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) —______ your math teacher ______ short hair? —No, ______ ______.

Unit 1 What does he look like?Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) Ⅰ. 问答匹配(每项只能用一次) Questions

1. What does he look like? 2. What does she look like? 3. What do they look like?


D. What D. has;has D. to A. She has long straight hair. B. They’re of medium build C. He’s really tall.

4. Do they have straight hair or curly hair? D. They have curly hair. . Ⅱ. 情景交际

A:What 1 your friend Clark look like?

B:He 2 thin and he 3 black hair. A:Really? 4 he tall 5 short?

B:He isn’t tall or short. He 6 of medium height. A: 7 he have curly 8 straight hair?

B: He 9 straight hair. And he 10 really handsome. She has long straight hair. 她留着长长的直发。 【自主领悟】

多个词作定语修饰同一个名词时, 其排列顺序一般为:限定词 (冠词、指示代词、数词等)+表示观点的描述性形容词+形状、大小、长短+年龄、新旧+颜色+国籍、地区+物质材料+中心词。 【巧学助记】

口诀 说明 例词


县(限) 代词、形容词性物主代词、名the,this,that,my,Tom’s,two


官(观) 代表观点的描述性形容词

代表表示大小、长短、高低及行(形) 形状的形容词 令(龄) 代表年龄、新旧的形容词

谢(色) 代表颜色的形容词 代表国籍、地区、出处的形容国 词 代表中心名词构成材料的形材 容词(或名词)

例如:①There is a fine old stone bridge near the village. 村子附近有一座漂亮的古石桥。

②I bought a cheap blue plastic pencil box yesterday. 昨天我买了一个便宜的蓝色塑料铅笔盒。

fine,beautiful, interesting small,tall,high,round young,old,new red,black,white English,American wooden,stone, plastic 3



