词后,教师带领同学一起做动作。 教师说,Put the book on your hand.让大家马上做动作,然后,教师接着说,Put the ruler in your hand. Put the book under your chair.除了这三句话以外,教师还可以说,Put your book in your bag. Put the pencil in your pencil-box.Put the book between the two pencils. Put the crayon next to the book.等 教师做这些动作时,让学生跟着一起模仿,而不要一上课就给学生解释什么是介词。 做完一遍动作后,教师还可以继续用别的句子来巩固刚才所练习的内容,比如,Put the pen on your desk. Put the book in your hand.等。然后教师用一个乒乓球和一个粉笔盒给学生单个示范,The ball is on the box. The ball is in the box. The ball is under the box. The ball is between the two boxes. The ball is next to the box. Put the ball behind the box.在教师解释的基础上,教师让每个人都拿着一支铅笔跟老师一起说、一起做。 经过数遍的练习后,教师要让学生两人一组进行描述,最后选几个人在全班进行描述。
此外,还可以进行其它教学活动。 课后作业:
Listen to the chant in the next Unit and say it with the tape. 预习下单元中的说说唱唱。
剑桥少儿预备级上 unit11 Let's guess. *使学生能掌握简单的问句What's in the bag? Where's the bird? *使学生进一步复习和巩固所学过的有关文具及水果方面的单词 *使学生能模仿发出字母Kk及所给单词的读音
*使学生能读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:What's in the bag? Where 's the bird? It's on the big K.
It's under the small K.
交际词汇:pencil, pen, ruler, bag, apple, pear, banana, boy, girl, teacher 具体教学方式: 上课时,教师手里拿着一个盒子,对大家说,Look, I've got a box in my hand. Guess, what's in the box ? If your guess is right, I'll give this to you . OK, let's guess what's in the box ?教师让大家猜的时候,把It's a ...的句型写在黑板上,目的是让大家反复运用这个句型。当某个同学猜到以后,教师就可以把东西送给他/她。接下来,教师再让大家猜书包里的东西,还是用同样的方法。最后,教师再让学生猜自己手里、口袋里的东西。通过这些反复的猜东西游戏活动,学生会复习到许多已学过的单词。
接下来,教师带着大家一起说说唱唱(课文的第3部分)。 教学活动 See them all.
讲桌上。然后,马上用一张报纸盖住。这时教师叫一个同学,站在东西前面,教师迅速地让该同学看一眼,然后让该生说桌子上有什么。如该生说了五个单词,就在该生所在组的记录上写上五,然后找另外一个组的同学上来继续看东西,最后看哪个组同学记得多。教师对学生说,Look, I've got many things on the desk. I'll ask one pupil from each group to come here and have a look . Then you tell us what things are on the table.OK?Group One , who wants to come? Good. Now , look! OK, what are they ? 一组之后,教师再叫第二组。 课后作业:
Draw five balls and colour each ball with a different colour. 用五种不同的颜色画五个不同的球。
剑桥少儿预备级上 unit12 Bounce a ball. 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *让学生进一步复习1~10的数字 *让学生进一步分清各种颜色
*让学生学会使用两个特殊疑问句Who....? Where...? *使学生能模仿发出字母Ll及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第7部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Who can bounce a ball? I can bounce the ball.
Where's the mouse? It's in the boot.
交际词汇:one....ten,catch, here,small, big ,blue, red, yellow, etc. 具体教学方式:
上课时,教师先拿出一个乒乓球让大家看看,Look, I've got a ping pang ball. It's small . But I've also got a big ball. Look. This ball is small.(指小球)This ball is small. It's white. This ball is big. It's brown. I can bounce the ball. Lokk,one ,two, three. 教师拍一会儿球, 停住,Who can come here and bounce a ball? 这时教师请一个同学上来拍球,大家一起数数。到10的时候,教师说,OK, stop, you're very good. Who else can come here and bounce a ball?(教师再叫一个同学到前面来,重复一遍,然后,教师带领同学做下一个教学活动。) 教学活动 Throw it and catch it . 教师让全班同学站起来,递给他们一个皮球。让第一个同学将球扔给任何一个同学,扔的时候要说,Catch!其他同学喊Here! Here! 凡是扔过的同学就自动坐下,其余的同学继续扔。直到最后一个同学将球传回给教师。教师可以这样用英语说,OK, boys and girls, let's have a ball game. Everybody, stand up ,please. When you throw the ball,you say \say,\last person throws the ball back to the teacher again. Understand? OK, let's begin. Catch!
教学活动 Draw and hang.
教师让学生每人画一个球,可大、也可小,并涂上颜色,最后,教师让大家把所有的球都挂在线绳上,让大家参观,并评出十个最好的球。 课后作业:
Find a pingpong ball and colour it and bring it to the classroom next time . 找一个乒乓球,把它涂上颜色,看谁涂得最好看。
剑桥少儿预备级上 unit13 Exercise our body. 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生会说一些锻炼身体的一般用语 *使学生能听懂基本句子并按照要求做动作
*使学生能模仿发出字母Mm及所给单词的读音 *使学生能听懂和读出第6部分所给出的句子 交际句型:Stand in a row. Bend down. Straighten up.
Touch the left foot. Right foot up/ down. What's that over there? Is it a big mountain?
What are they doing ? They are swimming . Are they happy? Yes, they are.
交际词汇:up, down,front , back, row, line 教学活动1 Do as the teacher do ! 本单元的句型比较多,教师要立足于让学生听懂并操练,而不必去讲任何的句型。建议:上课的时候,教师就让全班同学站起来。教师对学生说,OK,everyone , listen and do as I do . Stand up!Sit down ! Now quickly, let's do it again.重复起立、坐下的目的是让大家跟着一起迅速做动作,不要拖拖拉拉。教师接着说 Now listen carefully. Stand in a row. Quickly! In a row. Now listen carefully, stand in a line . In a line .Very good . Listen again. Stand in a row.Stand in a line . Very good . Now stand in three lines. Three lines.(手势)Follow me . Bend down . Straight up. Touch the left foot. Touch the right foot. Right foot up. Right foot down. Left foot down . Hands up! Hands down 在做这些动作的时候,教师要把这些动作反复的做,知道熟练为止。在教师给指令的基础上,教师鼓励学生跟着老师一边说一边做。这样,学生能说这些基本的句子,在大家都知道如何说以后,教师让学生一起给指令。这时候,教师独自做动作,记住,教师做动作只是为了检查学生是否熟练掌握了这些基本句型。
教学活动2 Act it in pairs
如果学生纪律比较好,教师可以让学生两人一组练习给指令,做动作。 教学活动3 Listen and do .
在做好动作的基础上,让学生边听第2部分的录音,边做动作。 教学活动4 Colour it !
接着,教师可以让学生给50页上的两个孩子上颜色,在上颜色的时,教师要规定时间,一般来说三分钟就可以了,然后马上检查哪位学生涂得好,进行表扬。 教学活动5 Ask and answer.
涂好颜色之后,教师可以拿出字母Mm卡片,把它放在稍远的地方,然后教师用两个布娃娃来做对话。教师拿其中一个说 what's that over there?Is it a big
mountain? 拿着另一个说No, it's letter Mm.教师再重复一遍,试图让学生听懂每一句话。然后教师对学生说,Now, let's do the dialogue. I ask you a question. You answer my questions.教师在问的时候特别要注意学生的发音,在几次的反复对话之后,教师让学生两人一组练习,并检查学生说的是否正确。如果不够熟练就继续练习。
教学活动6 Show it to all.
接下来,教师拿出自制的小秋千,做成小孩荡秋千的样子,然后,叫一个学生来扶着秋千,并做动作。教师对学生说,Who wants to come here and help me ? 等学生上来后,教师还是拿着两个娃娃对话,What are they doing ? They are swinging. Are they happy? Yes, they are .教师给了几遍示范之后,直接就可以问学生,让学生回答。如果学生回答时有发音等方面的错误就及时纠正。 教学活动7 Practice it in pairs
然后,教师再让学生两人一组进行对话练习,教师进行适当的抽查。在学生坐的时间比较长,需要活动的时候,教师再带着大家来进行本单元第3部分的内容和练习中第1部分的内容。还是采取边说边做的方法。 教学活动8 Listen and read 最后教师让学生一起听录音,朗读最后的短文。方式是,先让学生听一两遍录音,然后教师带读一两遍,最后让学生自己读,全班读。 课后作业:
Listen to Part 1,2,3 of Unit 13 and do the actions with the tape. 听13单元第1,2,3部分的朗读材料,坚持边听边做动作。
剑桥少儿预备级上 unit14 Clap our hands. 教学目的和要求(Teaching aims and demands) *使学生能掌握一些简单的动词表达方式 *使学生进一步复习单、复数的用法 *使学生进一步学习进行时的表达方式
*使学生学会字母Nn的发音及所给单词的读音 *使学生能读出第4部分所给出的句子
交际句型:Pick up the stool. Stand around the tree.
Stand up and go to the door. Put down the book and bring back the knife. Who' s under the big N ? Who's on the small n? 交际词汇:one......ten, stool, bike , bee, earaser 教学活动1 Clap our hands! 上课时,教师首先带着大家拍巴掌,练习各种节奏。比如,One, two/one, two, three, four five/four five six, seven, eight/seven eight nine. Nine, ten/ eight, nine ,ten. 接下来,教师可以让学生拍One, two/one, two, three, four five/four five six, seven, eight/seven eight nine. Nine, ten/ eight, nine ,ten.教师让学生边拍手边说英语数字。在学生有了一些热身活动之后,教师可以将学生带入本单元的内容One, two, pick up the stool. One , two ,three, stand around the tree. One, two, three, four, stand up and go to the door. One, two, three,four, five, put down the book and bring back the knife.在说这段顺口溜的时候,教师可以通过动作给学生做解释,也可以让学生进行实地表演。比如说,教师和学生一起说,One, two, pick up the stool. 教
师立刻从后面跑到讲台旁边把小凳子拿起来,接着大家一起说,One,two, three, stand around the tree.教师让几个孩子到前面围一圈,围在自制的小树旁。当说到One , two, three, four, stand up and go to the door. 教师示意让大家站起来,并朝门走去。最后说到,One, two, three, four, five, put down the book and bring back the knife. 教师让学生把书放下,并到讲台前拿一把小刀,然后返回座位。解释之后,教师要求大家轻轻拍着桌子,按照一定的节奏说,也可以先听录音,然后再一起说。
教学活动2 Read the words!
当学生完成第1部分之后,教师拿出练习数字的图片(第2部分的图片),教师首先拿出小汽车图片,对学生说,Look , I've got a nice picture. What's this ? (学生:It's a car)Yes, it's a car.What's this ? (教师指一辆自行车,)等学生回答后,教师接着问,How many bikes? 教师用类似的方法问学生,直到10张图片都被问到。接着教师拿着图片让学生说,one car, two bikes, three boys, four girls, five books, six pencils, seven apples, eight bananas, nine bees, ten erasers.在教师带读的基础上,教师让学生自己读,两人一组读,最后全班读。当大家都比较熟悉的时候,教师把图片混插一下,然后抽图片,让学生立刻反应它们的英文。总之,以学生多练为主。
教学活动3 Read and choose
学生进行了大量的口语训练之后,教师让学生做一些静止的活动。教师可以对学生说,Now, please open your books , turn to page 56. Let's do exercise 1. Choose the best answers. You read the first sentence here , and then choose the best answers here. Later we're going to check the answers. We'll see who has got the answers correct. 教师说这番话时,有些学生可能听不懂,教师也不必担心,这些学生只要看到别人在做什么就知道该怎么做了。但教师要培养孩子的听力能力,不要说一句英语,再把它翻成汉语,这样,说了等于没有说,因为孩子因此会产生依赖的想法,总盼着教师说中文,否则就不去思考。学生做完之后,教师可以在全班进行检查,让一个学生说A,另一个学生说出正确的答案。教师可以这样对学生说,OK, let's check the answers. Who wants to read A? Who wants to answer? Is it A, B, or C ? Who wants to try?这样依次检查。 教学活动4 Ask and answer.
学习字母时,教师拿出事先准备好的Nn 字母的大写和小写,同时在大写字母的下方放一个孩子的图片。教师问学生,Who's under the big N? 接着再问Who's on the small n ? 在学生回答问题的基础上,教师给出学生正确的发音,Nn,并带读几遍,同时还说A boy is under the big N. A monkey is on the small n. 以便让学生跟着一起说。教师随后让学生两人一组进行练习,最后再检查说的效果(检查两三对同学)。如果学生说的还不够好,教师应纠正,并再给予一点时间进行练习。等大家都掌握了读音,教师再拿出字母Nn 的变形图,用两个娃娃来做对话表演,引出要交流的内容。反复两遍之后,教师问学生,What are they doing ? Who knows ? Who can answer my question? (在学生回答上来之后,教师要给予表扬)Very good. Now ,everybody.Listen carefully. I'll ask again. He/ She will answer. Listen.(在学生回答之后,教师转过来问全班) Yes, what are they doing, everyone ? Good . Look, What's this man doing ? He's ....教师有意识地留给学生说出来,Yes, he's bending his body. Can you bend your body like this ? 在学生明白意思的基础上,教师还是让学生两人一组进行练习,然后再抽查效果,最后,教师可以再给



