The world is a stage, and all the men and women are actors. 55、与其做愚蠢的聪明人,不如做聪明的愚人。
Rather than do stupid smart people, do clever fool. 56、生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考的问题。
To be or not to be, this is a question worth thinking about. 57、在命运的颠沛中,很容易看出一个人的气节。
In fate in the turbulent, it's easy to see that a person's moral integrity.
I can be punctured her with language of a sword, but never with the edge of truth.
Is a person's inner character, fame is a person's appearance. 60、生活充满了喧哗与骚乱,却找不到一点意义。
Life is full of noise, and riots, signifying nothing. 61、以不义开始的事情,必须用罪恶来使它巩固。
Start with unrighteousness, had to put my sin to consolidate it. 62、诚实的 故事 ,就算是平淡地讲,也传得最快。 Honest story, even is to say, is the fastest. 63、即使被关在果壳之中,我仍是无限宇宙之王。
Even in the nut, I still is the king of the infinite universe. 64、疯子领着瞎子赶路,是这个时代一般的病态。
Madman took the blind road, is generally the era of morbid. 65、不要想到什么就说什么,凡事必须三思而行。
Don't think about what you like, always have to think twice. 66、金钱是个好兵士,有了它就可以使人勇气百倍。
Money is a good soldier, it can make the person the courage to one hundred times.
Some people to you compliment from the mouth, but all is not a friend in need is a friend.
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