【期刊名称】《石化技术与应用》 【年(卷),期】2000(018)003
【摘要】The chlorine content in reformed gasoline was determined by microcoulometry, and the main factors influenced the conversion of chlorine were discussed. The results showed that the conversion of chlorine increased with the increase of sampling resistance, gain, gas flow and heater temperature of middle section, the conversion of chlorine decreased with the increase of integral gate, potential and heater temperature of inlet. The conversion of chlorine decreased when the feeding speed of sample was too high or too low.%采用微库仑法对重整汽油中的氯含量进行了测定,探讨了影响氯转化率的主要因素。结果表明:随着采样电阻、增益、气体流量、加热炉中间段炉温的提高,氯转化率随之提高;随着积分门坎、偏压、加热炉入口段炉温的提高,氯转化率随之降低;进样速度过高或过低,都会使氯转化率降低。 【总页数】3页(177-179) 【关键词】微库仑法;氯含量;测定 【作者】刘轶群;吴慧玲
【作者单位】中国石化洛阳石油化工总厂化纤厂,河南洛阳 471012;中国石化洛阳石油化工总厂化纤厂,河南洛阳 471012 【正文语种】中文
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