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For a city that gave divorce a bad name through its movie depiction of the ultimate ugly bust-up, Kramer vs. Kramer, the New York hearing of Murdoch vs. Murdoch went remarkably smoothly. There were no histrionics and no last-minute wrangles.从《克莱默夫妇》一类电影对离婚的描绘中,我们可以看出纽约这座城市对离婚这种丑恶的最终决裂的嫌恶。然而默多克夫妇在纽约法院的离婚程序似乎格外顺利。没有做作的掩饰,也没有最后一分钟的博弈。


Even Ellen Gesmer, the judge presiding over the hearing at the New York supreme court in Manhattan, sounded relieved by its cordiality. I’m glad you managed to settle this matter amicably, she said, addressing herself to the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch and his soon-to-be-ex wife Wendi Deng seated in front of her.就连主持听证会的曼哈顿纽约高级法院大法官、艾伦盖斯莫都对二人的友好态度感到如释重负。她对就坐于堂前的美国媒体大亨默多克与即将成为他前任妻子的邓文迪说,我很高兴你们能友好的解决这一问题,


精品资料欢迎阅读 As the dividing couple stood to leave courtroom 543 and go their separate ways, Wendi stepped up to Rupert, pecked him on the cheek, and said quietly: Thank you. He smiled back, with no apparent rancour, despite being listed as the plaintiff in the case.当听证会结束,二人起身离开543号法院大厅,准备各奔前程之时,邓文迪走到默多克身边,礼貌的吻了他的脸颊,轻声说:谢谢你。他回敬以微笑,作为原告他没有表现出明显的敌意。




The settlement brings to an end Murdoch’s third marriage, and it remains to be seen whether the 82-year-old leaps into a fourth matrimony as swiftly as he did the last. He married Wendi, whom he met in 1998 in China where she was working for an offshoot of his News Corporation empire, just days after his divorce from Anna Torv was finalised in 1999.这次离婚结束了默多克的第三段婚姻,至于这位82岁的商业大亨会不会如上次一样迅速进入第四段婚姻、这还有待揭晓。他是在1998年在中国遇到了邓文迪,当时邓文迪正在默多克商业帝国的分公司工作。1999年在他与第二任妻子安娜托芙离婚敲定数日之后,他和邓文迪结为了夫妇。


精品资料欢迎阅读 That divorce, following 32 years of marriage, is said to have cost him $1.7bn, including a cool $100m in cash. The new settlement with Wendi, based on a pre-nuptial and two post-nuptial agreements, may not involve quite such a vast sum, but nor will it be cheap for the media mogul who, according to Forbes, is down to his last $13.4bn.结束了32年的第二段婚姻生活,默多克与安娜的离婚花了他17亿美元,其中1亿美元是爽快地用现金支付的。默多克和邓文迪这段婚姻,两人签订了一个婚前协议和两个婚后协议,离婚的花费也许不会这么巨大,但对这位媒体大亨来说也够受的了,据《福布斯》金融杂志报道,默多克的资产还剩下134亿。

The terms of the agreement have not been made public, but various elements have been gleaned by the US media. Wendi, 44, is thought to be keeping the Fifth Avenue penthouse she shared with Rupert and their two children, Grace, 12, and Chloe, 10, that they bought eight years ago for $44m, as well as a house in Beijing.两人的离婚协议并没有公开,但美国的媒体也搜集到了各种信息。据说44岁的邓文迪获得了两处房产,一处是两人8年前以4400万买下的位于第五大道上的顶楼公寓,目前她和默多克、两个孩子(12岁的格蕾丝和10岁的克洛伊)同住在这栋公寓里。另一处房产在北京。

After the verbal niceties were done, the Murdochs and their divorce lawyers were required to sit for several minutes as the paperwork was prepared. Then, after less than 10 minutes it was all over; Rupert Murdoch walked out of the courtroom an eligible bachelor once again.口头宣判等细节事宜完毕之后,由于纸质文件尚未完成、法院要求两人及其离婚律师静候数分钟。不到十分钟之后,




