【期刊名称】《沈阳农业大学学报》 【年(卷),期】2013(044)002
【摘要】为实现含分布式电源的配电网潮流计算,建立了多种分布式电源在潮流计算中的节点模型,提出一种改进前推回代算法,算法通过PV节点电抗矩阵和PV节点电压偏差修正无功功率注入,有效地处理含PV节点类型分布式电源的配电网潮流计算.IEEE 33节点测试系统验证所提算法的可行性和有效性,同时通过潮流结果分析几种分布式电源对配电网网损和电压分布的影响.结果表明:PV型分布式电源对配电网电压改善效果更优,一定程度的无功注入增加会使网损减小.%In order to achieve power flow calculation of the distribution networks with distributed generation (DG),through the analysis of Multi-distributed Generation,the models in power flow calculation were established.Moreover,a novel power flow method on back/forward sweep technology for radial distribution networks considering distributed generation was proposed.The method used a reactive power compensation method applying reactance matrix to handle all PV nodes in power flow studies.A 33 bus test system was used to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.Moreover,the impact of DG on voltage profile and power loss was analyzed.The results showed that the voltage profile of distribution networks was improved for the DG modeled as PV.The power loss was reduced with a