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课题: Unit One Lesson1 What’s the weather like ?

学习目标:1. 掌握的词汇:rather storm rise (rose \\risen) set 2. 识别的词汇及短语:thunder sunrise sunset

能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型描述各种天气 情感目标:learn to make a weather report

教学重点:重点短语和句型What’s the weather like ?It will be …/It is …What’s the temperature? 教学难点: to make a weather report 学习过程 一、自主学习

1. 判断正误题:

下面的陈述正确的在后面的括号内填入“T”,错误的填入“F”。 (1) Danny is a good weather reporter. ( ) (2) Set means the same as come up. ( ) (3)Rise means the same as come up. ( )

2 用英语回答下列问题

(1)What’s the weather like ?_________________________.

(2)Is it going to rain today ?_ ______________________________________

(3)What’s the weather like this afternoon? 二、二轮阅读找难点



(1.) a weather report _____________(2.)degrees ________________ (3.)clouds__________ (4.)rather__________ (5.)shower_________ (6 )a thunder storm_________

2 Read the text again and find out some useful expressions:

(1) on the radio_______________ (2)go down____________

(3)come up__________________(4)相当凉爽___________________


(7)a good weather reporter_______________ (8)a weather report____________ 3. Read the text again and find out the meaning of the sentences: (小组展示) (1) Is it going to rain today, Danny?_______________________________

(2) There will be some showers this afternoon._______________________________________ (3) Tell us what time it will rise and set! (4) It is ten degrees ____________________________ (5) I hope not ____________________(6) )I am scared of thunder.________________________

三 、合作探究

探究案:质疑探究: (一)单词和词语探究 1. snow

(1) 课文原句:It’s not snowing. (2)There is some snow on the grass. (3)It will be snowy. 思考:snow 有几种词性?




2. scared

(1) 课文原句:I’m scared of thunder!

思考:你能写出同义句吗?________________________________________ be scared/afraid to do sth 意为“害怕做某事” be scared/afraid that 后接句子 3. rather

课文原句:It’s rather cool today, isn’t it? 这是个反义疑问句,由两部分组成,中间用逗号隔开。前


(1) ---Tom works hard , doesn’t he ? (2) a rather tall tree/rather a tall tree


Rather (adv.)相当,作程度副词 常修饰形容词或副词,也可修饰形容词或副词的比较级,置于不定冠词前后均可。She’s rather a pretty girl.

_______________________________________________________________________ 通过例句你能总结rather 的用法吗?___________________________________ 4. weather

(1) 课文原句:What’s the weather like? (2)How nice the weather is! (3)What nice weather it is!

通过例句你能告诉我们weather的词性吗?_____________________________________ What’s the weather like? (同义句)_______________________________________


即时练习:1. 我害怕蛇。I am ____ ____ snakes. 2. 今天相当冷。 It’s _____ ______ today. (二)重点句子及语法探究

1. There will be some showers this afternoon.

“will/be going to”如何放入 “there be”当中:________________________________

There will be…是There be 的一般将来时,表示“将有。。。”与 There is /are going to be …同义。 There will be a class meeting this afternoon = There is going to be a class meeting this afternoon .

2. Tell us what time it will rise and set!

“what time it will rise and set” 属于什么句?____________________________


3. What’s the weather like ?= How is the weather ?回答用 It is ……

4. What’s the temperature?回答用 It’s +数字+degree(s).拓展;high temperature高温 take one’s temperature .给某人量体温

四、展示反馈(小组合作) 分角色朗读课文并表演课文。 五、自我检测(一)填词练习

1.What’s the ________(温度) ? 2.The radio says there will be a thunder ______(暴风雨) 3.My sister is _______(害怕的) of snakes . 4.It’s _______(相当)cold today .

5.He didn’t go there yesterday ,________he ? 6.There ____ ____ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes . 7.---___________? --it’s really hot

A How do you like the weather B How much do you like it

C How is the weather D Do you enjoy the weather here 8.---__________ the temperature ? ---It’s 15 degrees .

A How many B How much C What’s D What 六.课后反思.



课题: Unit One Lesson2 It’s getting warmer !

学习目标:1. 掌握的词汇:daylight lightning facinating

2. 识别的词汇及短语: daylight lightning facinating 能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型描述春天天气特点 情感目标:培养学生学会观察天气的变化

教学重点:重点短语和句型What’s the date today?How many hours are there in a day? 教学难点: 日期表示法 学习过程 一、自主学习 1.判断正误题:

下面的陈述正确的在后面的括号内填入“T”,错误的填入“F”。 (1)Lightning makes a loud noise .

(2)There are ten hours of daylight on March 21st. ( ) (3)In spring, the weather becomes warmer. ( ) (4)Lightning isn’t hot. ( )

2. 再读课文,勾画出文中的重难点和疑难点,准备与同学共同探讨 1. daylight _____________ 2.lightning ________________ 3.facinating__________ 4.early spring__________ 5.between …and …_________ 6 在阳光下_________ 7发出很大的噪音______________


(1)Do you see two words you already know in “daylight”?_________________________. (2)What’s the date today?__________________________.

(3) How many hours are there in a day?___________________________. (4)There are twelve hours of daylight. ____________________________ (5) That’s hotter than the sun. ____________

(6)Thunder makes a loud noise.____________________

(7 )Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning.________________________ 二 、合作探究


1. What’s the date today?今天是几月几号?回答用 It is +日期 月份后的日期可以用基数词也可用序数词。It’s April 5/April5th/April fifth四月五号。拓展:询问星期用what day is it today ? 询问具体时间用 what’s the time now ?/what time is it now ?

2. How many hours are there in a day?一天有多少个小时?how many +可数名词复数

How much +不可数名词 。用来提问数量。How much也可以问价格:How much is it ? 多少钱? 3. 日期表示法

月份+序数词+年份 月份+序数词的缩写形式+年份 月份+基数词+年份

如; 2008年12月25日 December twenty-fifth ,2008 /December25th ,2008/ December25,2008 如果月份放在日子的后面,可以在月份前加 of ;如 twenty-fifth of December,2008.

4. on 表示时间时,常放在用于指某日(星期几或日期)或具体某一天的早晨、下午、或晚上 这些时间前

On Sunday on June 2 on the morning of July 12 . at about six o’clock in the morning in spring in April (一)单词和词语探究 1.become

(2) 课文原句:The weather becomes warmer.



(3) I want to become a teacher. 思考:become的含义?


The weather becomes warmer.(同义句)

___________________________________________ 试着理解:It’s growing dark. We must go home soon. Her face turned red. 2.noise

(1) 课文原句:Thunder makes a loud noise. (2) Can you hear the sound of the water? (3) She has a beautiful voice.

思考:noise/sound/voice的含义?________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 四、展示反馈(小组合作)

组内对学课文 ,根据课文提问问题和回答问题 五、自我检测

1.When the sun is up ,it’s __________(白天)

2.She looks young,but in ______(事实),she is over fifty. 3.Stop making so much ________ . The children are sleeping A voice B noise C sound

4.Bin Laden was killed _______ May 2,2011. 5.一年内有多少天?



7.---___________? --It’s April 1

A What’s the time B What day is it today C What’s the date today? D Which day is it today


8.The Teachers’Day is _______September 10. A on B in C at D to 9. 2008 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony was held____ August 8th. A. in B. at C. on D. until 10. ____ cold it is today!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 11 Don’t read _______. It’s bad for your eyes.

A. under the sun B. in the sun C. below the sun D. in sun 12. Don’t make any n____. Mother is sleeping. A. noise B. noisy C. voice D. sound 13. Do you know the boy ___ long hair? A. have B. with C. in D. on

14. She is going to be a reporter when she ____ up.

A. grows B. will grow C. is going to grow D. grew 15 Our teacher told us the sun___ in the east. A. rise B. rose C. rising D. rises




课题: Unit One Lesson3 Postcards___!

学习目标:1. 掌握的词汇:until outdoors

2. 识别的词汇及短语: arrive in get longer see somebody doing 能力目标:能灵活运用所学词汇和句型书写贺卡 情感目标:培养学生学会用贺卡交流沟通

教学重点:重点短语和句型 The days are getting longer . the sun will set in about fifteen minutes 教学难点: not …until… see somebody doing … 学习过程 一、自主学习 1.判断正误题:

下面的陈述正确的在后面的括号内填入“T”,错误的填入“F”。 (1)There are two e-mails in the lesson. ( )

(2)Every morning Li Ming sees many people in the park exercising. ( ) (3) In Edmonton, it often snows in March. ( )

二 、二轮阅读找难点

1. Read the text again and find useful words: (1) until___________

(2) exercise________________ (3) outdoors________________ (4) fall______________

2. Read the text again and find out some useful expressions: (2) get longer _______________

(3) in about fifteen minutes____________ (4) on the grass__________________ (5) not…until___________________ (6) 15 度_________________

(7) 在户外玩_____________________ (8) 雪球________________________

3. Read the text again and find out the meaning of the sentences: (小组展示) (1)Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang ._________________________. (2)The days are getting longer.__________________________. (3) Every morning I see many people in the park exercising.

(4)__________________________I see many people in the park exercising. _______________________________

(5)The sun will set in about fifteen minutes. _______________________________________ (6)We won’t see any flowers until May. ________________________________

(7)After school day we played outdoors.___________________ 三 、合作探究


1. the sun will set in about fifteen minutes.此处in用于将来时, 表示在一段时间之后 in+时间段,提问时用how soon .eg. He’ll come in an hour . He will be ready in one minute .

How soon will they come back ? In two days .(两天后)。After +时间段常用于一般过去时。 After a few days she came back, but she said she would leave again in four days .




