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三年级上Unit 5 Lesson27教学设计


1,掌握学习用品单词:brown ,purple

2, 通过活动情景,让学生在理解的基础上准确熟练地使用重点句型和单词进行交际。

3,通过学习,培养学生主动参意识与团队和合作意识。 二、 内容分析

本课书是精通版小学英语三年级上册Unit5 中的第3个新授课,课文以游戏对话形式出现,巩固复习了快乐英语第一册到第四册的部分知识,如词汇:Monday,Tuseday,colours, weather, age和功能语句: What day is today? How’s the weather? What color is it? What’s your favourite subject? How old are you? 之后通过图片呈现本课新单词:brown , purple. 通过游戏继续巩固和熟练重点句型:What colour is it? It’s… 让学生运用所学语句与单词在真实的环境中进行自然交流是本节课的重点难点。本课采用多媒体课件辅助教学。 三、学情分析

佳园里小学是红桥区一所普通示范小学,本班学生29人。班级整体学习氛围较好,对英语有一定的学习兴趣。班级也有个别几个学生基础较差,学生的学习水平层次有差异。课堂上让学生们通过师生互动,生生互动,完成学习任务,培养英语学习兴趣,感受成功的喜悦。一、 Warming up \\Revision

1、T:Good morning boys and girls. Glad to meet you.

Ss: Good morning teacher. Glad to meet you. T:Now let’s look at the screen and chant.

2、T:Look I have a book. Can you say a sentence use “I have a…” (设计意图:映照学习英语氛围,复习知识与新课内容紧密衔接。) 二、 Presentation

1、T: Now I’ll make a magic for you. Look ,I have three bottles of water. What colour is it? Ss: Red yellow blue.

T:Very good。Now I’ll put the yellow water into blue water. Can you guess? What colour will it change? Ss guess.

T: Let’s look. Wow it’s green.

2、T:Now I’ll put blue water into red water. Can you guess? What colour will it change? Let’s look. Oh it’s purple.(教师板书purple) Ss learn purple.

T:I’ll put the yellow water and black water into red

water. Can you guess? What colour will it change? Look. What colour is it? Brown.(教师板书brown) Ss learn brown.


3、出示多媒体课件,T: Let’s look at the screen. Look, what colour is it?

4、多媒体课件,T: Look, I have a big balloon. Let’s look the colours. Read together, red blue yellow green purple and brown. Ss read it. (设计意图:课件内容与新课内容相关,加强学生的好奇心。) 5、T:Now open your books and turn to page 60,listen to the tape and point.

6、Read after the teacher to read the text. 7、Practice to read the text in your groups. Ss read the text. 三、 Practice 1、Guessing game.

T:Look,I have a bag. There are lots of things in it. Can you guess the colour? Now listen, I have a sharpener. Guess, what colour is it? Great. Who can come to the front and say it? 第2 / 4页

T:Practice this game in your groups. OK? 2、Guess the clothes’s colours.

T:Let’s look at the screen. Let’s guess the clothes’s colours. I’ll devide you into three teams,喜洋洋team,灰太狼team and 刘谦team. If you guess right, your team will get a card. Which team leader comes to the front, take the card and glue the card to it. Are you clear?


四、Feed back(略) 五、Summary

What have you learned today? 六、 Homework

Draw a rainbow, colour it red blue yellow green purple and brown. And then read these words to your parents. 反思:

《新课标》要求关注学生的学习过程,在过程中体验感受知识的形成。因此在本课的每个教学环节中,教师都细心关注学生的表现,根据学生的接受情况适当调控教学节奏。多学生的表现作出及时的口头语奖励。如:”Well done. You are clever. Your group is super! Never mind, try your best next time.” 并给学生卡片奖励,激励学生参与课堂的积极性,增强学生学习的信心。

本课仍有很多待改进的地方,在课堂开始的热身环节复习过多的知识点,导致进入新课的环节拖后。此外本节课由于我教学经验不足,有的教学环节的时间分配不好,以致最后一个环节时间比较短。 在今后的教学工作中,我会汲取这次课的优点,改进这节课的不足之处,多向有经验的教师请教学习,争取让自己的教学能力逐步提升。



