【期刊名称】《中外健康文摘》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)031
【摘要】Objective To assess the efficacy and safety of coMbination of oxaliplatin with capecitabine in treating advanced carcinoMa of large intestine.Methods 100 patients with advanced carcinoMa of large intestine were randoMly divided into trialgroup and controlgroup,and eachgroup was 50 patients.Patients in the trialgroup were treated with the coMbination of oxaliplatin with capecitabine while the controlgroup were treated with the coMbination of carboplatin+Fluorouracil(5-FU)+CalciuM folinate(CF).Then the the clinical curative effects and toxical effects in twogroups were coMpared.Results For the trialgroup,0 patient reached coMplete response (CR),25 partial response (PR).The overall response rate (CR+PR)was 50%(25/50),and l00kedhigher than that of controlledgroup (28%)(14/50)(P<0.05).Conclusion CoMbination of oxaliplatin with capecitabine in treating advanced carcinoMa of large intestinehadhigher response rate,lower toxicity,longer Median survival and better quality of life.%目的探讨奥沙利铂联合卡培他滨方案治疗晚期大肠癌的疗效及不良反应.方法将100例晚期大肠癌患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组50例.观察组采用奥沙利铂联合卡培他滨方案治疗;对照组采用卡铂、5-氟尿嘧啶、亚叶酸钙治疗,比较两组患者的临床疗效及毒副反应.结果观察组