Unit 2 My school
单词:table,book,chair,eraser,pen,pencil,bag,puppet 人物:Lenny,Alex,Michael.
句型:Is this a ...?Yes./No.Who’s that?Who’s she/he?How old
are you? How old is she/he? How are you?I’m fine.Thank you.
Lesson 1
课型 复习&新授课 教学目标 教室物品单词的单词,并能数出这些物品。 重点语言:table,book,chair,eraser,pen,pencil,Is this a ...?Yes,No,your 目标语言 补充语言:school,bag,an,stick,fold,read,cut,be quiet,stop,it’s,a/an 教学材料 教室物品卡片,PPT,奖励星星 课堂教学过程
教学步骤 教师活动 1. T:Hello,boys and girls.Let’s play a game.I say you do.Who is the first who is the winner.Then she/he will get a prize.Listen carefully and do the action.Stand up. Sit down.Open your book.Close your book.Pick up your red/green/blue crayon... 2. Let’s review the letters we have learned.Aa-Hh.and teach the new four letters Ii-Ll. 学生活动 Listen carefully do the action read the letters 活动设计意图 Revision 了解熟悉课堂用语 复习前面所学的颜色和字母 温故而知新 Presentation Step 1 Use the word cards to Read the words 单词学习 teach the new correctly words:table,chair,pen,pencil,book,eraser Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Practise Teach the sentence:Is this a/an....?Yes./No (点头Yes,摇头No.用远近不同的距离感受this/that的不同) Is this a pen? Yes. Is that an eraser? No. (完成单词练习,并了解a/an,不用强调原因。) 1.Open your pupil’s book at page 8.Look at the picture.Think. Who can you see?(Suzy & Simon) Where’s the star? What’s on the table?(可用中文回答,鼓励学生) 2.Listen and point.(three times) Listen carefully. Listen and point to the things you hear. Listen and figure out the dialogue.(这次播放可以逐句逐句听) Now,try to answer my questions. What colour is Simon’s pen/pencil/book/bag? OK.Let’s listen ,point and repeat.听单词并跟读 Open your activity book at page 8 review the words first point the words you hear,and repeat(先复习教室物品和颜色单词,再完成练习) Finish “listen and colour. Then count,write the number How many...(are there)? 进一步熟悉单 Try to 词发音,并理understand and can answer the 解句型句意 questions Think about the questions and try to answer Listen carefully and try to understand Understand and answer 听力前了解人物和可能涉及的物品 课文内容多听几次,培养良好的听力习惯,熟悉听力内容 检查学生是否听懂对话内容 完成同步练 习,进一步熟Review the words and do 悉所学单词,the exercise by themselves 并复习前面所学颜色单词和数字单词 (帮助学生理解题目要求) 完成《一课一测》 Homework 1. 听课本P8 part 1,指认图片中文具,要求熟练说出文具单词。 2. 跟读课本P8 part 2 P9 part 3,要求至少读5次,能做到自己读歌谣。 3. 规范书写字母Ii-Ll,大小写每个4次。
Lesson 2
课型 复习&新授课 教学目标 教室物品单词的单词,并能数出这些物品。 重点语言:Who’s that?Who’s she/he?How old are you?Lenny、Alex.How old is she/he?He/She is... 目标语言 补充语言:friend,girl,boy,an,What’s...复习:数字1-10,7种颜色;人物名字 教学材料 单词(物品、颜色、数字)卡片,人物卡片,PPT
教学步骤 教师活动 学生活动 活动设计意图 Warming up Revision Presentation Step 1 Step 2 Hello,boys and girls. Let's play a game.I say you do.Ok? Close、open、sit down/Stand up.pick up Let’s say the chant together. Review the letters Aa-Ll.And teach four new letters Mm-Pp. Is this a book? What's this?It’s a/an.(用以上两个句型复习上节课所学的单词) What colour is the chair? It’s ...How many ...?(先利用问答,熟悉图片中物品的数量和颜色 Listen and correct (帮助学生理解本题要做什么) Listen and judge.(判断) Listen and correct.(订正) Let’s find the differences between them. a book one chair Three books four chairs (简单理解2个及2个以上单词的变化,不用深究) Open yor book,turn to page 10.Look at the picture.Think.Where are they? (引导思考At the school)Who’s that?Who’s she/he?(从已学过的Stella和Simon 入手) Do you know he?(指图片中的Lenny)No. Let’s meet some new friends.简单理解Do the actons 创造轻松活泼的学习环境 复习 Learn the letters and 温故而知新 answer the question 积极参与课复习为练习 堂,回答问题 铺垫 认真听,思考 并回答问题 通过对比,自主发现不同 Follow the 熟悉人物,扫teacher know something new 除听力障碍
剑桥国际少儿英语 1 Unit 2教案