on the balance between previously taxed input and labor at the exempt stage).
3.2 The Nordic countries
In Denmark,VAT is generally applied at one rate, and with few exceptions is not split into two or more rates as in other countries (e.g. Germany), where reduced rates apply to essential goods such as foodstuffs.The current standard rate of VAT in Denmark is 25%. That makes Denmark one of the countries with the highest value added tax, alongside Norway and Sweden. A number of services has reduced VAT, for instance public transportation of private persons, health care services, publishing newspapers, rent of premises (the lessor can, though, voluntarily register as VAT payer, except for residential premises), and travel agency operations.
In Finland,the standard rate of VAT is 23%, along with all other VAT rates, excluding the zero rate. In addition,two reduced rates are in use:12%(reduced in October 2009 from 17% for non-restaurant food, from July 2010 will encompass restaurant food also), which is applied on food and animal feed, and 8%, which is applied on passenger transportation services, cinema performances, physical exercise services, books, pharmaceuticals, entrance fees to commercial cultural and entertainment events and facilities. Supplies of some goods and services are exempt under the conditions defined in the Finnish VAT Act: hospital and medical care; social welfare services; educational. financial and insurance services; lotteries and money games; transactions concerning bank notes and coins used as legal tender; real property including building land; certain transactions carried out by blind persons and interpretation services for deaf persons. The seller of these tax-exempt services or goods is not subject to VAT and does not pay tax on sales. Such sellers therefore may not deduct VAT included in the purchase prices of his inputs.
In Sweden, VAT is split into three levels; 25% for most goods and services including restaurants bills, 12% for foods (incl. bring home from restaurants) and hotel stays (but breakfast at 25%) and 6% for printed matter, cultural services, and transport of private persons. Some services are not taxable for example education of children and adults if public utility, and health and dental care, but education is taxable at 25% in case of courses for adults at a private school. Dance events (for the guests) have 25%, concerts and stage shows have 6%, and some types of cultural events have 0%.
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From Wikipedia,the free encyclopedi
摘 要
第一章 与销售税比较
1.1 增值税的原则
1.2 增值税的依据
第二章 评论
在“增值税”已被批评为它的负担个人终端消费者依赖的products.Some评论家认为,这是一种累退税,这意味着支付更多的贫困作为其收入的百分七匕,较丰富 。辩护者说,通过切除所得税是一个任意的标准,而增值税其实是一个高收入的比例税率缴纳人以同样的速度,他们消耗更多更多。有效的先进性或增值税制度regressiveness也受到影响不同类别的商品时,以不同的比率征税。为了保持对个人进步的总税收的性质,国家实施增值税减少了对较低收入者的所得税,以及实行直接转移支付力度,低收入群体,对穷人造成负担,降低税收。
Valued added tax 增值税 外文翻译