1. Activity 18: The students listen and write down the words they hear.
2.Activity 19: The students listen to the rhyme and underline the words with the ???????????The students read the rhyme after the tape.
3. Activity 21: The students listen to the rhyme and choose the proper words. (设计意图:学生利用所学知识辩认出含有???音的单词,编出自己的歌谣,提高学习兴趣。??4. The students brainstorm more words with the ????????????????????????????????????????
Step Five Phonetics Review—Chant 4 Drive a car or a star?
1. Activity 22: The students listen and tick the words they hear.
2. Activity 23: The students listen to the rhyme and underline the words with the /?? sound. The students practice reading individually and in pairs.
(设计意图:通过听歌谣,使学生体会歌谣中频繁出现的/??的发音,目的是让学生尽量掌握正确的语音。) 3. Activity 25: The students listen to the tongue twisters and practice reading them. The students match them with proper pictures.
Step Six Summary
Step Seven Homework
Practice reading /????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
????????? 武汉市第一职业教育中心 梁玲
Unit 3 Would you like some cookies?
(第三课时 教学设计)
本课时系教材《英语》(基础模块预备级)第三单元的第三课时,包括Phonetics Review
Consonants和unit task两部分,具体内容为:发音练习和单元任务。 2.教学重点、难点
A. 辅音音标/?/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /t?/ /??/ B. 准备生日派对。 ⑵教学难点 发音练习
7. 知识目标
8. ⑴掌握辅音音标/?/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /t?/ /??/的发音。 9. 能力目标
(1)学生正确朗读所教的6个辅音音标/?/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /t?/ /??/ (2)学生能辨识出单词中的辅音音标/?/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /t?/ /??/
(3)学生能利用本单元学过的知识,为举办生日派对作准备,招待客人。 10. 情感目标
Step One Lead-in 1. The students listen to a tongue twister: Sixty-six seasick sea serpents swam the six seas. After listening, they tell the teacher what sound is repeated many times in this rhyme.????
Step Two Phonetics Review--Consonants
1. Activity 26: The students listen to the sentences and tick the words they hear. (设计意图:通过辨认读音,使学生意识到发音的细微差别从而意识到发音准确的重要性。) 2. The students work in pairs. One student reads the words with similar sound. The other guess which word his partner reads. 3. Activity 27: The students listen and match the phonetic symbols with proper words. 4. The students brainstorm more words with the sounds /?/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /t?/ /??/. (设计意图:通过回忆学过的单词,进一步培养学生辨识相似发音的能力。)
11. The students listen to four tongue twisters and practice reading them. The
students underline the words with the consonants they learn. The students are divided into four big teams and have a competition reading tongue twisters. (设计意图:通过绕口令的练习,进一步练习辅音音标,并通过小组竞赛提高学生兴趣与积极性。)
Step Three Unit task: Prepare for a party.
1. The students are divided into groups of four. Each group finds out who will be
a birthday boy/girl recently and prepares for the party for him/her.
2. The group members think about some foods and drinks to buy for the party. 3. The group members make a list of decorations and games for the party. 4. The group members make a preparation list for the party. 5. The group member makes a report for the whole class. 6. The class vote for the most popular party plan.
Step Four Homework
1.Practice reading /?/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /t?/ /??/??????????????????????????????????????????? 2. Self-check of the unit.
/?/ /z/ /?/ /?/ /t?/ /??/ A birthday party 五、教学反思
武汉市第一职业教育中心 梁玲