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(江苏专版)2017高考英语二轮复习与策略 题型组合练1

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1.(2016·南京学情调研)Some of our history were glorious,others best left in our historical records,never________.

A.to repeat C.being repeated

B.to be repeated D.having been repeated

B [考查非谓语动词。句意:我们的一些历史是辉煌的,其他的最好留在我们的历史记录中,永远不要重蹈覆辙。分析句子成分可知,逗号不是连词,故空格处应为非谓语动词。others即other history,与动词repeat之间为被动关系。结合语境和句意可知,历史重蹈覆辙为有可能发生在将来的事情,而动词不定式to do表将来,故to be repeated符合题意。]


2.All the students of Grade 3 are studying hard in order to gain admission to________they believe is an ideal university.

A.that C.it

B.which D.what

D [句意:三年级的学生为了被他们认为的理想的大学录取而正在努力学习。what引导宾语从句并在从句中作believe的宾语。故选D。]

3.We first met in the Slender West Lake in 2010,and both of us felt immediately that we________each other for years.

A.knew C.have known

B.know D.had known

D [句意:我们第一次见面是在2010年瘦西湖,当时我们立刻感觉到我们好像已经认识了很多年。由于feel用了一般过去时,可排除B、C两项;另外根据句意,我们感觉好像在第一次见面之前就已经认识了很多年,因此know发生在过去的过去,应用过去完成时,故选D项。]

4.Off the bike________and the scene frightened her mother. A.fell the little girl C.the little girl fell

B.did the little girl fall D.did the little girl fell

A [句意:小女孩摔下了自行车,并且当时的场景吓坏了她的母亲。off the bike为介词短语,放在句首,句子应该是主谓倒装结构。故选A。]

5.Maya Angelou is one of those rare writers who can ________your heart and soul with her vivid words.



C.share D.absorb

B [句意:Maya Angelou是那些能够用她生动的语言触动你灵魂的少有作家之一。combine联合;touch触动;share分享;absorb吸收。根据句意选B。]

6.Recently,a new research has suggested the possibility in a popular magazine ________ pleasant smells might reduce pain.

A.why C.that

B.whether D.how

C [句意:最近,在一个受欢迎的杂志上,一项新的研究已经表明悦人的气味可能会减轻痛苦。空后是possibility的同位语,从句中不缺少成分,用that引导。故选C。]

7.Love means you care about the________of a person;that is,you hope he or she can lead a happy life.

A.authority C.preference

B.belief D.welfare

D [句意:爱意味着你关心一个人的幸福,也就是说你希望他/她能过幸福的生活。authority权威,权力;belief相信;preference偏爱;welfare福利,幸福。故选D。]

8.According to the data from Robb's studies,men produce slightly________ speech.But no sex difference in the reading task was found.

A.clearest C.clearly

B.clear D.clearer

D [句意:根据来自Robb的研究数据,男士们能做稍微更清晰的演讲。但在阅读任务上的性别差异却没有发现。根据第二个分句的sex difference判断这是男士和女士相比,应用比较级,空后是名词speech,应用形容词修饰。故选D。]

9.—Aren't you interested in the new flat? —________.It is noisy near the sports center. A.Not especially C.Not a little

B.No wonder D.No doubt

A [句意:——难道您对新寓所不满意吗?——不是特别满意。在体育中心附近有些乱。not especially不是特别地;no wonder难怪;not a little很多;no doubt毫无疑问。由空后的分句可知选A。]

10.—Would you mind if I smoked here?

—Sorry,better not.Your smoking in the office________me! A.bothered C.have bothered

B.had bothered D.will bother

D [句意:——如果我在这里吸烟您介意吗?——对不起,最好不要。你在办公室里吸


11.Not far from the building,there was a garden,________owner seated in it playing hide-and-seek,with his children every afternoon.

A.whose C.that

B.which D.its

D [句意:离大楼不远处,有一个花园,每天下午它的主人坐在里面和他的孩子们一起玩捉迷藏。seated为及物动词,其后无宾语,说明是过去分词,可以判定该句不是定语从句,排除A、B、C三项,这样就可以理解为its owner+过去分词短语作状语,英语中将这样的结构称为“独立主格结构”。故选D。]

12.You________so much cash with you, you know—that shop accepts checks. A.couldn't have taken C.shouldn't have taken

B.wouldn't have taken D.needn't have taken

D [句意:你本不必随身带那么多现金,你知道的,那个商店接受支票。needn't have done表示本来没必要做某事,可实际上做了。A项表示过去不可能做某事;B项表示过去不会做某事;C项表示不应该做某事而做了。故答案选D。]

13.________your watch five minutes ahead is an effective way to avoid being late.

A.Set C.Setting

B.Having set D.Being set

C [句意:把你的手表调快五分钟是避免迟到的一种很有效的方法。setting your watch five minutes ahead在句中作主语。]

14.________you're putting off doesn't go away;we had better solve the problem right now.

A.Whatever C.Whenever

B.Whichever D.However

A [考查主语从句。句意:无论你把什么事情推后,它们都不会消失;我们最好立刻解决问题。空格处引导主语从句,且作put off的宾语,表示无论什么事情,故答案选A。]

15.—The railway station, please. I have to be there in ten minutes. —________,but I'll do my best. A.No problem C.I can't promise

B.Certainly not D.I can't do that

C [考查情景交际。句意:——请到火车站,我必须10分钟之内赶到那里。——我不敢保证,但是我会尽力的。由句意可知选C项。]



I'd got a chance to work for two weeks at BBC Radio Leeds.I was shocked for __1__ a long time.I couldn't believe it.It was months since I'd __2__ my application letter.I'd __3___ that I was one of the __4__ applicants applying for work experience.

A few days later,I walked around the building for the first time,totally with __5__.It wasn't the beautiful studios but the news team that __6___ me most.Before my BBC placement (实习工作),I'd worked __7___ at a local commercial radio.Things there were always in a mess.This was absolutely not the __8__ here.

The highlight of my two weeks there is that feeling of __9__ that the whole team unites and devotes their __10___.All that hard work was worth it: you had __11__ listeners,insightful (有见解的) interviewees,and all this added to the __12__ of the show.Sure,there were tough moments but if you __13__ then it'll all work out in the end.

I __14____ plenty of actual work.Researching topics,booking guests,and meeting guests were all things I spent a lot of time doing,but that __15__ is not definitely complete and I also __16___ a lead story for the breakfast show,too.

I'm going back to study the final year of my broadcast journalism degree at the University of Leeds soon,but in my mind there'll be that __17__ of unemployment.Obviously my __18___ career is dependent on what opportunities will be in store for me,but __19___ there's one thing I've learnt,it's this: I want to work somewhere with a team of people as friendly and fantastic as the __20__ at BBC Radio Leeds.

这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者讲述了自己在BBC实习的经历及感受。 1.A.just C.even

B.yet D.never

C [根据空前的“shocked”和下文内容可知,作者甚至(even)很长一段时间都处在震惊之中。]

2.A.submitted C.mentioned

B.subscribed D.polished

A [根据语境可知,此处表示自作者提交申请信已经数月的时间了。submit“呈交,递交”符合语境。]



C.confirmed D.admitted

A [依据上文的“I couldn't believe it.”可知,此处指作者认为自己是未被录用的不幸的申请人之一。assume“假定,认为”符合语境。]

4.A.excellent C.unlucky

C [参见上题解析。] 5.A.confidence C.concern

B.respect D.hesitation B.fortunate D.available

B [根据语境可知,此处表示作者第一次环绕着(该公司的)大楼散步时心中充满了敬意。]

6.A.satisfied C.impressed

B.troubled D.moved

C [根据前文中的“It wasn't the beautiful studios but the news team that”和后文的内容可知,此处表示最让作者印象深刻(impressed)的并不是美丽的演播室而是新闻团队。]

7.A.faithfully C.formally

B.steadily D.temporarily

D [在此之前,作者曾经短暂地(temporarily)在一个当地的商业广播电台工作过。] 8.A.standard C.case

B.method D.rule

C [依据前面的“Things there were always in a mess.”和下文作者对BBC团队的肯定可知,在BBC,情况绝对不是这样的。not the case是一个固定表达,表示“情况不是这样的”。]

9.A.pride C.adventure

B.challenge D.freedom

A [依据句中的“The highlight of my two weeks”可知,此处是作者对这里的员工的赞誉,故选pride。]

10.A.efforts C.personalities

B.values D.lives

A [根据语境及前文的“unites and devotes their”可知,此处指整个团队团结努力。effort“努力”符合语境。]

11.A.stable C.talented

B.enthusiastic D.humorous

B [根据后文中的“insightful(有见解的)interviewees”可知,此处表示有热情的听

(江苏专版)2017高考英语二轮复习与策略 题型组合练1


