二. 课堂指令的学习
⑴ 当老师说 ok? 时要求学生回答 ok! 并加手势 反复大声练习几次 left, left, right, right, turning around; left, left, right, right, jump, jump, jum 拿出颜色卡片逐次认识,让学生跟读.
学生回答:it’s ? (回答时击打卡片.one by one) red, red, touch your head; blue, blue, tie your shoes
green, green, stamp your foot. 复习一遍单词
五.are you sleeping? are you sleeping? brother john? brother john?
morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing, ding ,ding dong, ding, ding dong. 篇五:幼儿颜色教学设计英语 篇一:幼儿英语教案.颜色
teaching key points: a. 认识几种常见的颜色
b. 鼓励幼儿积极参与游戏,大胆开口说英语 c. 提高幼儿对英语的理解能力及反应能力
teaching preparation:小白兔头饰一个、篮子一个、透明瓶子二个、橙色、紫色颜料、咖啡、抽纸玩具、各种颜色的花若干、蝴蝶头饰若干、vcd
teaching procedure: 1.greeting s:its raining. 2.scene:
(a rabbit carrying a basket is jumping into the classroom)
r:hello, miss lin. im very tired. im very thirsty. r:orange juice is orange.
t:ok. please say orange together.
s:orange. / orange juice is orange. / its orange.
t:yes its orange (face to little rabbit). here you are.
r:thank you (little rabbit pretended to drink). yummy, yummy, i like to drink grape juice too.
r:its purple. grape juice is purple. t:purple.
s:purple (teacher shakes the bottle). ts:yes.
s:its purple. grape juice is purple. t:do you like orange juice?(yes) do you like grape juice?(yes) 3.play toy s:yes, i do. t:its orange.
s:yes, they are beautiful. t:are they colorful?
s:yes, they are colorful. s:butterfly. s:yes, i do.
篇二:幼儿园英语教案(颜色) 幼儿园英语教案:颜色 教学目标:
2、激发兴趣,培养幼儿大声讲话的习惯及自信。 教学内容:
教具:一个七彩魔术盒,彩色绳,花瓣似的色片。 step1:师生互致问候。 step2:引入课题。
2)了解是否有小朋友知道各种颜色用英语怎么说。 step3: 学习新单词
2)教师指色片,幼儿读单词。 3)教师读单词,幼儿指出色片。 step4: 复习单词。 1)出示彩盒。
2)请幼儿猜颜色说对单词,即拉出同色的绳子。 猜对了就欢呼“yes”,猜错了,就说“no, sorry”。 3)将绳子系在椅子两边,走钢丝。
教师示范,走到什么颜色上,幼儿齐读单词。 请一名幼儿来走,剩下的幼儿读。
幼儿园中班英语教案--《happy birthday》 活动内容:学习生日聚会歌曲及用语、单词 活动目标:
1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解“??for you.”的含义。 2、愿意演唱歌曲,体会与同伴共同庆祝的快乐。 活动准备:
排练情景表演、歌曲磁带、蛋糕、礼物、卡、课件 活动过程: 一、greeting
1、teacher and children say “hello!” “good morning!”each other.
2、teacher and children sing《nice to see you》together. 二、review
t and c read the rhyme《horse》. 三、learn.
1、t and c watch tv of birthday party.“where is it?”“yes,it’s dog’s house.”t come in the house, “oh,this is a tv.let’s watch tv,ok?”
2、t and one child show together.
t: “hello,i’m cat.today is dog’s birthday,i’ll go to this party.” t: “ding-dong!” c: “what is it?”
t: “i’m cat.”
c: “come in, please.”
t: “happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.” t1: “thank you.”
3、c learn “cake” “gift” “card”.
(1)t shows and reads “cake” “gift” “card” one by one,c say with t.“what’s this?”“[keik][gift][ca:d]”
(2)c reads alone. “what’s this?” “yes, here you are.” (3) t shows pictures,c practice together. (4)game, “who is the first?”
4、t shows a picture and reads “a cake for you.” c say with t. 四、game “birthday party”
1、t show a lot of pictures, “let’s go to party.who wants to try?” 2、c say with t, one child take a picture.
3、one child and t knock at door practice sentences. 4、c say with t again.a part of c play the game. 五、song
1、t and c come in the house,say “ happy birthday.”to dog. 2、t and c sing《happy birthday》. 六、ending.
t and c leave the dog’s house 中班英语教案:isee? 目的:
通过反复感受,理解问句“what do you see?;学习用句型 i see?.,表达所看见的内容。
准备:捉迷藏背景图 大转盘,图片
人手一份操作用具 过程:
2、游戏《快乐郊游》 3、招呼语
二、看图片,感受并理解对话: t: look! what do you see?
i see a rabbit / a monkey / a duck / two elephants. 三、欣赏儿歌、歌曲《what do you see?》。 四、游戏《大转盘》:
教师旋转转盘后,幼儿根据指针的指向,尝试集体输出 i see ?. 五、游戏《传球取宝》:
幼儿听音乐传球,音乐停,持球者击破纸面取出宝物,并集体说: i see ?. 六、分组操作游戏:
(教师提供:转盘、魔方、图书、彩色眼镜等)幼儿边玩边尝试个别输出 i see ?.
中班英语公开课教案:happy day 目标:
1、能与同伴愉快地游戏活动,大胆地展示自己的长处。 2、复习所学的歌曲及句型。 过程:
幼儿躺在各处做睡觉状,老师开始学鸡叫,并说:“get up ,kids !”。幼儿起床后唱《 goodmorning 》。 2、去幼儿园。
t:now ,let’s go to the kindergarten ! how did you get there ?
s: drive a car / row a boat。《drive a car》边唱边走到座位前坐好。
t:hey, boys and girls look! today there are many guests come here to see you wonderful show! are you happy? s: yes. im happy!
t: now ,let sing a song to welcome them ,ok? s: ok ! welcome song 4、户外活动。
t: its time to play . lets go out to play together! t: lets have a game !play game《 flower 》 5、学习活动。
t: my god its raining! lets go back to the classroom! lets go!!! t: that was close !! now class begins! who wants to be a little teacher?
t: you are so great! the next game is robot game! who wants to be a robot ?