徐 州 工 程 学 院 教 案
年至 年 第 学期 第 周 星期 课题名称(含教材章节): Chapter 4 Syntax
教学目的和要求: 本章介绍了句法学的定义、语法与词法和句法之间的联系、三种句法关系(横组合关系、纵聚合关系、等级关系)、分析句法关系的几种方法(直接成分分析、标记法直接成分分析、短语标记法、方括标记法)、成分关系与依存关系的区别、表层结构与深层结构的区别、生成句子深层结构的短语结构规则、将深层结构转化为表层结构的转化规则、以及结构歧义现象。通过本章的学习,了解并掌握句法学的定义、语法与词法和句法之间的联系、三种句法关系(横组合关系、纵聚合关系、等级关系)、分析句法关系的几种方法(直接成分分析、标记法直接成分分析、短语标记法、方括标记法)、成分关系与依存关系的区别、表层结构与深层结构的区别、生成句子深层结构的短语结构规则、将深层结构转化为表层结构的转化规则、以及结构歧义现象。 教学重点:语法与词法和句法之间的联系、三种句法关系(横组合关系、纵聚合关系、等级关系)、分析句法关系的几种方法(直接成分分析、标记法直接成分分析、短语标记法、方括标记法)、表层结构与深层结构的区别、生成句子深层结构的短语结构规则、以及将深层结构转化为表层结构的转化规则。 教学难点:表层结构与深层结构的区别、生成句子深层结构的短语结构规则、以及将深层结构转化为表层结构的转化规则。
教 学 内 容 ( 要 点 ) I. Definition of Syntax II. the Traditional Approach III. The Structural Approach IV. The Generative Approach V. The Functional Approach
徐 州 工 程 学 院 教 案 纸
I.Definitions of syntax ? 1. The origin of the word “syntax”: from Greek, made up of two morphemes: {syn} and {tax}. The former means “together”, and the latter “to arrange”, hence the meaning “a setting out together” or “arrange” ? 2. Definition of syntax: the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to form sentences in a language, or simply, the study of the formation of sentences. II. The traditional approach ? Traditionally, a sentence is seen as a sequence of words. ? The study of sentence formation involves a great deal of the study of the word, such as the classification of words in terms of parts of speech, the identification of functions of words in terms of subject, predicate, etc. These parts of speech and functions are called categories. ? 1. Number, gender and case ? Number is mostly a category of the noun and pronoun, e.g. a book, some books; I, we, he, they. The English verb also inflects for number, e.g. He speaks English. In languages like French, adjectives and articles have numbers too. ? Two terms of number: singular and plural. Some languages like classical Greek and Arabic have a third number: dual(双数), which means “both”. And Fijian(斐济语)has a fourth: trial(三数). Chinese is said to have none. 们limited usage ? Gender(性)is also mostly a category of the noun and pronoun. In English the gender distinctions are on the whole natural, determined by the biological gender of the creature, e.g. actor, actress; hero, heroine. In some languages like French the gender distinctions are grammatical. They may have nothing to do with the sex of the real world entities at all. And all nouns have gender distinctions whether they refer to animate entities or not. ? The category of case(格) is prominent in the grammar of Latin. It has six distinctions of nominative(主格), vocative(呼格), accusative(宾格), genitive(属格), dative(与格)and ablative(离格). In English, pronouns have three cases of nominative(I, he, she), accusative(me, him, her) and genitive(my, your, his). Nouns have 2
two cases: general(普通格)and genitive(John’s, boy’s). ? 2. Tense and aspect(时和体) ? Tense and aspect are two important categories of the verb, and they were not separated in traditional grammar. English used to be said to have sixteen tenses. See the table on Page 117. ? Nowadays, linguists make two distinctions: one between time and tense, and the other between tense and aspect. ? Time is a universal concept, and tense is a linguistic concept. ? The difference between tense and aspect: Tense is deictic(指别的), which indicates time relative to the time of utterance. Aspect is not deictic, the time indicated is not relative to the time of utterance, but relative to the time of another event described in the narrative. ? There are only two tenses recognized now: past and present. ? The so-called future tense is not expressed by the different forms of the verb, but by various other means. ? The contrast between perfective and imperfective: Perfective refers to the completion of an action, and imperfective expresses duration without completion. ? 3. Concord and government(一致关系和支配关系) ? Concord(agreement) may be defined as the requirement that the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories. this man, these men; a book, some books. He speaks English. They speak English. ? Government is another type of control over the form of some words by other words in certain syntactic constructions. This is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain category. She gave him a book. She gave a book to him. I saw her in Bristol. ? Governor and the governed III.The structural approach ? Started by the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure in the beginning of the twentieth century. ? Regard all linguistic units as interrelated with each other in a structure or system, not as isolated bits. ? 1. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations(组合关系与聚合关系): ? Signified(所指) and signifier(能指) 3