1. General概述
1.1 All completed vessels fabricated in accordance with GB150-1998
shall satisfactorily pass pressure test.
1.2 A hydrostatic test shall be conducted on all vessels after all
fabrication has been completed, except for operation which could not be performed prior to the test such as weld and preparation, cosmetic grinding on the base material which does not affect the required thickness.
除了不能预先进行的焊缝表面、母材表面上不影响要求的厚度的外观打磨处理,水压试验必须在容器制造完毕,总体检查合格后进行。 除了焊接、准备工作以及在母材表面进行的不影响要求厚度的外观打磨处理不能预先进行之外,水压试验必须在容器制造完毕后进行。 1.3 A hydrostatic test shall be conducted on all vessels after all
examinations have been performed, except those required after the test.
2. All hydrostatic test process shall conform to the requirements of GB150-1998 and the requirements of SUPERVISION REGULATIONS ON SAFETY TECHNOLOGY OF PRESSURE VESSEL
3. Pressure indicating gages used in the pressure test must be in accordance with the following requirements: 水压试验用压力表不许符合以下要求:
3.1 Pressure indicating gage shall be connected directly to the
vessel. If the indicating gage is not readily visible to the operator controlling the pressure applied, an additional indicating gage shall be provided where it is visible to the operator throughout the duration of the test.
3.2 Pressure indicating gages used in testing shall have a range over
about double the intended maximum test pressure, but in no case shall the range be less than nor more than 3 times test pressure. 压力表的量程一般应为最大试验压力的2倍,在任何情况下都不能超
3.3 All gages shall be calibrated against a standard dead weight
tester or a calibrated master gage. Gages shall be recalibrated at any time when there is reason to believe that they are in error. The gages shall be used within the effective period of six months. 所有试验用的压力表应采用压力表试验器或经校准的校准用精密仪表进行校验。无论何时发现试验用的压力表存在问题,都应重新进行校验。压力表校验合格后的使用有效期为6个月。
3.4 All reinforcing pad weld shall be tested by airtight test and
no leakage be found form any joints. The value of airtight shall be between and .
容器上的补强圈应通入~ MPa的压缩空气对所有焊缝连接部位进行气密性检查合格。
4. Preparation for Testing 试验准备
4.1 Vents shall be provided at all high points of the vessel in the
position in which it is to be tested to purge possible air pockets while the vessel is being filled.
4.2 Prior to hydrostatic pressure test, the inside and outside of