Licensee may become competitor
Licensee may exploit company resources P206
2. What is foreign direct investment? What forms can FDI take? P209
Partial or full ownership of operations outside of home country Forms:
Joint ventures
–Minority or majority equity stakes –Outright acquisition
3. Do you agree with Ford’s decision to acquire Jaguar? What was more valuable to Ford---the physical assets or the name? P215
4. What is meant by the phrase global strategic partnership? In what ways does this form of market entry strategy differ from more traditional forms such as joint ventures? Participants remain independent following formation of the alliance
Participants share benefits of alliance as well as control over performance of assigned tasks
Participants make ongoing contributions in technology, products, and other key strategic areas PPT305
5. What are Keiretsu? How does this form of industrial structure affect companies that compete with Japan or that are trying to enter the Japanese market? PPT307 书P227
6. Which Strategic options for market entry or expansion would a small company be likely to pursue? A large company? Strategies
Companies must decide to expand by:
–Seeking new markets in existing countries
–Seeking new country markets for already identified and served market segments
第八章 Product and Brand Decisions
1. What is the difference between a product and a brand? A product is a good, service, or idea Brands
Bundle of images and experiences in the customer’s mind
A promise made by a particular company about a particular product A quality certification
Differentiation between competing products
The sum of impressions about a brand is the Brand Image
The added value that accrues to a product as a result of investments in the marketing of the brand
An asset that represents the value created by the relationship between the brand and customer over time
2. How do local, international, and global products differ? Cite examples
Local Product is one that has achieved success in a single national market and represents the lifeblood of domestic companies. (Coca-cola, ginseng beverage only in Japan) International product is offered in several markets in a particular region (Euro-product, only in euro zone)
Global product meets the wants and needs of a global market and is offered in all world regions (personal stereos)
3. What are some of the elements that make up a brand? Are these elements tangible or intangible? Intangible
4. What criteria should global marketers consider when making product design decisions?
In many instances, packaging is an integral element of product-related design decisions. Packaging is designed to protect or contain the product during shipping;Labeling provides consumers with various types of information; Aesthetics differ around the world. Global marketers must understand the importance of visual aesthetics; Product Warranties is a written guarantee that assures the buyer is getting what they paid for or provides a remedy in case of a product failure. Warranties can be used as a competitive tool
5. How can buyer attitudes about a product’s country of origin affect marketing strategy?买家对于原产国的态度对营销策略有什么影响?
Perceptions about and attitudes toward particular countries often extend to products and brands known to originate in those countries –Japan –Germany –France –Italy P252-254
6. Identify several global brands. What are some of the reasons for the global success of the brands you chose?
Both products and brand are good……
7. Briefly describe various combinations of product-communication strategies available to global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each?
Product-communication extension (dual extension) is a strategy selling the same product with the same promotional appeals used in domestically when pursuing
opportunities outside the home market. It used frequently with industrial (business to business) products.
Product extension-communication adaptation strategy is a relatively low cost of implementation because the physical product is unchanged, and the main costs are associated with market research and revising promotional appeals. It used frequently when consumer conceptions outside the home market are very different from domestic market
Product adaptation-communication extension is an approach to global product
planning is to extend, without change, the basic home-market communications strategy while adapting the product to local use or preference conditions. It used frequently when natural conditions outside the home market are very different from domestic market Product-communication adaptation (dual adaptation) strategy is an approach used both the different product serves and advertising appeals to consumer receptivity when comparing a new geographic market to the home market, environmental conditions or consumer preferences differ;
第九章 Pricing Decisions
1. What are the basic factors that affect price in any market? What considerations enter into the pricing decision?
In global marketing, the task of setting prices is complicated by fluctuating exchange rates. Currency fluctuations can create significant problems and opportunities for the classic international company that exports from the home country.
Inflation, or a persistent upward change in price levels, is a problem in many country markets. It can be caused by an increase in the money supply and currency devaluation. Governmental policies and regulations that affect pricing decisions include dumping legislation, resale price maintenance legislation, price ceilings, and general reviews of price levels.
Pricing decisions are bounded not only by cost and nature of demand but also by competitive action.
Competitive Behavior: If competitors do not adjust their prices in response to rising costs it is difficult to adjust your price to maintain operating margins; If competitors are manufacturing or sourcing I a lower-cost country, it may be necessary to cut prices to stay competitive
The global marketer has several options for addressing the problem of price escalation or
the environmental factors described in the last section.
2. Define the various types of pricing strategies and objectives available to global
Market Skimming and Financial Objectives: Market Skimming charges a premium price which may occur at the introduction stage of product life cycle
Penetration Pricing and Non-Financial Objectives: Penetration Pricing charges a low price in order to penetrate market quickly which appropriates to saturate market prior to imitation by competitors
3. Identify some of the environmental constraints on global pricing decisions. Currency Fluctuations Inflationary Environment
Government Controls, Subsidies, Regulations Competitive Behavior Sourcing
4. Why do price differences in world markets often lead to gray marketing?
Because price differences in world markets lead to trademarked products are exported from one country to another where they are sold by unauthorized persons or organizations
Gray marketing occurs when product is in short supply, when producers use
skimming strategies in some markets, and when goods are subject to substantial mark-ups
5. What is dumping? Why was dumping such an important issue during the Uruguay
Round of GATT negotiations?
Sale of an imported product at a price lower than that normally charged in a domestic market or country of origin. P296
6. What is transfer price? Why is it an important issue for companies with foreign
affiliates(外国子公司)? Why did transfer pricing in Europe take on increased importance in 1999?
The transfer price is that Pricing of goods, services, and intangible property bought and sold by operating units or divisions of a company doing business with an affiliate in another jurisdiction. P299
7. What is the difference between ethnocentric, polycontric, and geocentric pricing
strategies? Which one would you recommend to a company that has global market aspirations?
P291-292 PPT240-242
8. Compare and contrast the different forms of countertrade.
Countertrade occurs when payment is made in some form other than money Options –Barter
The least complex and oldest form of bilateral, non-monetary counter-trade A direct exchange of goods or services between two parties –Counter-purchase P303-304 –Offset
–Compensation trading –Cooperation agreements –Switch trading
第十章 Global Marketing Channels and Physical Distribution
1. In what ways can channel intermediaries create utility for buyers? Objectives
Marketing channels exist to create utility for customers
–Place utility -availability of a product or service in a location that is convenient to a potential customer
–Time utility -availability of a product or service when desired by a customer
–Form utility -availability of the product processed, prepared, in proper condition and/or ready to use
–information utility -availability of answers to questions and general communication
about useful product features and benefits
2. What factors influence the channel structures and strategies available to global
The characters of both buyers and products have an important influence on channel design.
The number of individual buyers and their geographic distribution, income, shopping habits and different channel approaches.
Products characters such as degree of standardization, perishability, bulk, service requirements, and unit price have an impact as well.
Channels tends to be longer as the number of consumers to be served increases and the price per unit decreases. Bulky products usually require channel arrangements that minimize the shipping distances and the number of times products change hands before they reach the ultimate customer. B2B
As is true with consumer channels, product and consumer characteristics have an impact on channel structure. Three basic elements are involved: the manufacture's sales force, distributors or agents and wholesalers.
Channel strategy in a global marketing program must fit the company's competitive position and overall marketing objectives in each national market.
market factors: consumer profiles, market size and location of country.
3. What is cherry picking? What approaches can be used to deal with this problem? P323
4. Compare and contrast the typical channel structures for consumer products and industrial products. P340 PPT252-255
5. Identify the different forms of retailing and cite an example of each form. Identify retailers from as many different countries as you can. PPT258-259 P325
6. Identify the four retail market expansion strategies discussed in the text. What factors determine the appropriable mode? Organic
–Company uses its own resources to open a store on a green field site or acquire one or more existing retail facilities Franchise
–Appropriate strategy when barriers to entry are low yet the market is culturally distant in terms of consumer behavior or retailing structures Chain Acquisition
–A market entry strategy that entails purchasing a company with multiple existing outlets in a foreign country Joint Venture
–This strategy is advisable when culturally distant, difficult-to-enter markets are targeted
7. What special distribution challenges exist in Japan? What is the best way for a non-Japanese company to deal with these challenges?
第十一章 Global Marketing Communications Decisions:
Advertising and Public Relations
1. In what ways can global brands and global advertising campaigns benefit a company? P348
2. How does the “standardized versus localized” debate apply to advertising? Four difficulties that compromise an organization’s communication efforts –The message may not get through to the intended recipient.
–The message may reach the target audience but may not be understood or may even be misunderstood.
–The message may reach the target audience and may be understood but still may not induce the recipient to take the action desired by the sender. –The effectiveness of the message can be impaired by noise.
3. What is the difference between an advertising appeal(广告诉求) and creative execution? P360
4. When creating advertising for world markets, what are some of the issues that art directors and copywriters should take into account? P361
5. How do the media options available to advertisers vary in different parts of the world? What can advertiser do to cope with media limitations in certain countries? Prepare new copy for foreign markets in host country’s language Translate the original copy into target language
Leave some or all copy elements in home country language
Adapt their regulation and adjust the media option to available to countries.
6. How does public relations differ from advertising? Why is PR especially important for global companies? P370 or 376
7. What are some of the ways public relations practices vary in different parts of the world?
P371-372 OR
第十二章 Strategic Elements of Competitive Advantage
1. How can a company measure its competitive advantage? How does a firm know if it is gaining or losing competitive advantage? Cite a global company and its source of competitive advantage.
2. Outline Porter`s five forces model of industry competition. How are the various barriers to entry relevant to global marketing?
3. How does the five partners, or flagship model, developed by Rugman and D`Aveni differ from Porter`s five forces model?
4. Give an example of company that illustrates each of the four generic strategies that can lead to competitive advantage: overall cost leadership, cost focus, differentiation, and differentiation focus.
5. Briefly describe Hamel and Prahalad`s framework for competitive advantage. 6. How can a nation achieve competitive advantage?
7. According to current research on competitive advantage, what are some of the shortcomings of Porter`s models?
8. What is the connection, if any, between national competitive advantage and company competitive advantage? Explain and discuss.
第十三章 The Digital Revolution and Global Electronic Marketplace
1. Briefly review the key innovations that culminated in the digital revolution. What is the basic technological process that made the revolution possible?
2. What is convergence? How is convergence affecting Sony? Kodak? Nokia?
3. What is the innovator’s dilemma? What is the difference between sustaining technology and disruptive technology? Briefly review Christensen’s five principles of disruptive innovation.
4. What key issues must be addressed by global companies that engage in e-commerce? 5. Briefly outline Web design issues as they pertain to global marketing.
6. Review the key products and services that have emerged during the digital revolution. What are some products and services that are not mentioned in the chapter?
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