第一章 Introduction to Global Marketing
1. What are the basic goals of marketing? Are these goals relevant to global marketing? P3
1、Surpass the competition at the task of creating perceived value for customers 2、The Guide line is the value equation –
Value = Benefits/Price (Money, Time, Effort, Etc.) P4 2. What is mean by “global localization”?(全球本土化策略) Is Coca-Cola a global product? Explain. The phrase “global localization” represents an attempt to capture the spirit of the rallying cry for organizations in the 21st century, namely, “think globally, act locally.” Most people will agree that Coca-Cola is a global product by virtue of the fact that it is available in more than 195 countries in red cans bearing the distinctive signature style. It must be noted, however, that customer service efforts are adapted to the needs of particular markets, e.g., vending machines in Japan. Thus, Coca-Cola is both global and local.
3. Describe some of the global marketing strategies available to companies. Give examples of companies that use the different strategies.
Global marketing strategies: 1. global market participation is the extent to which a company has operations in major world markets; 2. standardization versus adaptation is the extent to which each marketing mix element can be standardized or adapted in various country markets; 3. concentration of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to marketing mix are performed in one or a few country locations; 4. coordination of marketing activities is the extent to which activities related to marketing mix are performed interdependently around the globe; 5. integration of competitive moves is the extent to which a firm’s competitive marketing tactics in different parts of world are interdependent.
Examples: 1. Coke is the best-known, strongest brand, as the Coca-Cola Company, supporting its Coke, Fanta, and Powerade brands with marketing mix elements both that are globe and local, is adept at adapting sales promotion, distribution, and customer service efforts to local needs;
2. Mcdonald’s business model is a restaurant system that can be set up virtually anywhere in the world and offers core menu items-hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks-in most countries, and the company also customizes menu offerings according to local eating customs.
4. How do the global marketing strategies of Harley-Davidson and Toyota differ?
Harley-Davidson motorcycles are known the world over as “the” all-American motorcycle. Harley’s mystique and heritage are associated with the USA. The company backs up this positioning with exports from two U.S. manufacturing locations. By contrast, Toyota builds some models (e.g., Camry and Avalon) for the U.S. market in the U.S., a fact that Toyota stresses in its American ad. Thus, Harley-Davidson serves global markets while sourcing locally, while Toyota’s strategy calls for serving world markets and using the world as a source of supply.
5. Describe the difference between ethnocentric, polycontric, regiocentric, and geocentric management orientations.
The premise of an ethnocentric orientation is that home country products and management processes are superior. An ethnocentric company that neither sources inputs from, nor seeks market opportunities in the world outside the home country may be classified as an domestic company. A company that does business abroad while still presuming the superiority of the home country may be classified as an international company. Such a company would rely on an extension strategy whereby it would export, without adaptation, products designed for the domestic market.
The polycentric orientation that predominates at a multinational company leads to a
view of the world in which each country markets is different from the others. Local country managers operating with a high degree of autonomy adapt the marketing mix in a polycentric, multinational company. Managers who are regiocentric or geocentric in their orientations recognize both similarities and differences in world markets. Market opportunities are pursued using both extension and adaptation strategies. The regiocentric and geocentric orientations are characteristic of global transnational companies.
Ethnocentric orientation: home country is superior to the rest of the world, sees similarities in foreign countries,leads to a standardized or extension approach; Polycentric orientation: the opposite of ethnocentrism, each country in which a
company does business is unique, sees differences in foreign countries, leads to localized or adaption approach; Regiocentric orientation: a region becomes the relevant geographic unit; management`s goal is to develop an integrated regional strategy; Geocentric orientation:views the entire world as a potential market and strives to develop integrated world market strategies.
6. Identify and briefly describe some of the forces that have resulted in increased global integration and the growing importance of global marketing.
P21+Driving Forces:Regional economic agreements、Market needs and wants、Technology
Transportation and communication improvements、Product development costs、Quality、World economic trends、Leverage
Restraining Forces:Management myopia、Organizational culture、National controls
7. Define leverage and explain the different types of leverage utilized by companies with global operations. Define leverage:P25
第二章 The Global Economic Environment
1. Explain the difference between market capitalism, centrally planned capitalism, centrally planned socialism, and market socialism. Give an example of a country that illustrates each types of system.
Market capitalism is an economic system in which individuals and firms allocate resources and production resources are privately owned. (England).
Centrally planned capitalism is an economic system in which command resource allocation is utilized extensively in an environment of private resource ownership. (Sweden)
Centrally planned socialism, in this type of economic system, the state has broad powers to serve the public interest as it sees fit. (Former Soviet Union)
Market socialism, in such a system, market allocation policies are permitted within an overall environment of state ownership. (China)
2. What is a BEM? Identify the BEMs according to their respective stages of economic development. P53 P56-58
3. A manufacture of satellite dishes is assessing the world market potential for his products. He asks you if he should consider developing countries as potential markets. How would you advise him?
Despite the difficult economic conditions in parts of developing countries, many nations will involve into attractive markets.
One of marketing’s roles in developing countries is to focus resources on the task of creating and delivering products that are best suited to local needs and incomes. The role of marketing to indentify people’s needs and wants is the same in all countries, irrespective of level of economic development. It is also an opportunity to help developing countries join the information age. And P65
4. Turn to the Index of Economic Freedom (Table 2-1) and identify where the BEMs are ranked. What does the result tell you in terms of the relevance of the index to global marketers? P52
第三章 Social and Cultural Environments
1. What are some of the elements that make up culture? How do these find expression in your native culture?
Culture is a collection of Values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that distinguish one society from another.
Culture is acted out in social institutions, such as, family, education, religion, government, business.
2. What is the difference between a low-context culture and a high-context culture? Give an example of a country that is an example of each type and provide evidence for your answer. PPT 第四章4-6
3. How can Hofstede’s cultural typologies help Western marketers better understand Asian culture? P87
4. Explain the self-reference criterion(自我参照准则). Go to the library and find examples of product failures that might have been avoided through the application of the SRC.
Unconscious reference to one’s own cultural values; creates cultural myopia
5. Briefly explain the social research of Everrtt Rogers regarding diffusion of innovations,…… P94
6. Compare and contrast USA and Japan in terms of traditions and organizational behavior and norms. 第四章 The Legal and Regulatory Environments of Global Marketing
1. What is sovereignty? What is it an important consideration in the political environment of global marketing? sovereignty
2. Describe some of the sources of political risk. Specially, what forms can political risk take?
Tension between aspirations and reality
Primarily occurs in lower and lower-middle income countries –Indonesia and economic crisis
When political risk occurs in high income countries, it is generally due to a long-standing conflict
–Northern Ireland P142
3. Briefly describe some of the differences between the legal environment of a country that embraces common law and one that observes civil law.
4. Global marketers can avoid legal conflicts by understanding the reasons conflicts arise in the first place. Identify and describe several legal issues that relate to global commerce.
Intellectual Property Antitrust Contractual
Licensing and Trade Secrets
5. “See you in court” is one way to respond when legal issues arise. What other approaches are possible? Litigation
Formal arbitration
–Settles disputes outside of court
–Groups agree to abide by panel’s decision
1958 United Nations Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
–Most important treaty regarding international arbitration
第五章 Global Information Systems and Market Research
1. Explain two information technology puts powerful tools in the hands of global marketers.
Modern IT tools provide the means for a company's marketing information system and research functions to provide relevant information in a timely, cost –efficient, and actionable manner.
Electronic data interchange (EDI) allows business units to submit orders, to issue invoices, to conduct business electronically, Wal-Mart legendary for its EDI, save time and money, enables retailers to improve inventory management. Transaction formats are universal
Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) This is in addition to EDI, an effort for retailers and vendors to work closely on stock replenishment(补充). ECR can be defined as a joint initiative by members of a supply chain to work toward improving and optimizing(最优化) aspects of the supply chain to benefit customers
Intranet, Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS), Data Warehouses are also helping businesses improve their ability to target consumers and increase loyalty.
2. What are the different modes of information acquisition? Which is the most important for gathering strategic information? 3.
4、 Outline the basic steps of the market research process.
5、 What is the difference between existing, latent, and incipient demand? How might these differences affect the design of a marketing research project?
Demand and profit potential, in turn, depend in part on whether the market being studied can be classifieds existing or potential. Existing markets are those in which customer needs are already being served by one or more companies. In some instances, there is no existing market to research and. information may be readily available. A latent market is in essence, an undiscovered segment .It’s a market in which demand would materialize if an appropriate product were made available. An incipient market is a market that will emerge if particular economic demographic, political, or sociocultural trend continues. A company is not likely to achieve satisfactory results if it offers a product in an incipient market before the trends have taken root.
Market growth, brand loyalty, market segment, product, sales promotion, pricing, distribution, will be different in marketing research project.
6.Describe some of the analytical techniques used by global marketers. When is it appropriate to use each technique?
A number of techniques are available for analyzing survey data.
Factor analysis can be used to transform large amount of data into manageable units. It is useful in psychographic segmentation studies or creating perceptual maps; cluster analysis allows the researchers to group variables into clusters that maximize within-group similarities and between-group differences. It can be used to do global marketing research, to perform benefit segmentation, and to identify new product opportunities. Multi dimensional scaling is another technique for creating perceptual maps which is particular useful when there are many product to choose and consumers have difficulty in verbalizing their conceptions. Conjoint analysis is used to gain
insights into the combination of features that will be the most attractive to consumers. It is useful when determines the values and utilities of the various levels of product features and plots them graphically.
第六章 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
1. differentiate the five basic segmentation strategies. Give an example of a company that has used each one. P170-P183 1、Income
Populations Age distribution Gender Education Occupation
2、Grouping people according to attitudes, value, and lifestyles 3、
4、Benefit segmentation focuses on the value equation –Value = Benefits / Price
5、The population of many countries includes ethnic groups of significant size
2. Explain the difference between segmenting and targeting. P200
3. Compare and contrast standardized, concentrated, and differentiated global marketing. Illustrate each strategy with an example from a global company.
Standardized global marketing is mass marketing on a global scale with undifferentiated target marketing (Revlon International)
Concentrated global marketing, involves devising a marketing mix to reach a niche. A niche is simply a single segment of the global market. (Germany`s Winter halter) Differentiated global marketing, represents a more ambitious approach than
concentrated target marketing with multi-segment targeting and two or more distinct markets (Rover) 4.
5. What is positioning? Identify the different positioning strategies presented in the chapter and give examples of companies or products that illustrate each.
Locating a brand in consumers’minds over and against competitors in terms of attributes and benefits that the brand does and does not offer. P192-195
6. What is global consumer culture positioning? What other strategic positioning choices do global marketers have?
Identifies the brand as a symbol of a particular global culture or segment. P196
7. What is high-touch product? Explain the difference between high-tech product positioning and high-touch product positioning. Can some products be positioned using both strategies? Explain.
High-tech products are sophisticated technologically complex, and/or difficult to explain or understand, and frequently evaluated in terms of their performance against established objective standards. High-tech global consumer positioning also works well for special interest products associated with leisure of recreation.
High-touch products, consumers are generally energized by emotional motives rather than rational ones, and frequently evaluated in terms of their performance against established subjective, aesthetic terms.
Some products can be positioned using both strategies, with both satisfying buyers’ rational criteria and evoking an emotional response. Nokia, for example, combines technical performance with a fashion orientation.
第七章 Global Market Entry Strategies:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using licensing as a market entry tool? Give examples of companies from different countries that use licensing as a global marketing strategy. Advantages to Licensing
Provides additional profitability with little initial investment
Provides method of circumventing tariffs, quotas, and other export barriers Attractive ROI
Low costs to implement Disadvantages to Licensing Limited participation Returns may be lost Lack of control
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