南京化學工業園區 投資指南 NCIP INVESTMENT GUIDE http: www.ncip.cn Investment Guide
目 录
Table of Contents
第一章 南京城市
Chapter One City of Nanjing
Investment Climate of Nanjing 南京化工产业地位
Nanjing’s Position in Chemical Industry
第二章 园区规划
Chapter Two Overall Planning 第三章 财政扶持政策
Chapter Three Financial Policy & Incentives 第四章 基础设施
Chapter Four Infrastructure & Utilities 第五章 产业配套
Chapter Five Auxiliary Industry 第六章 化工人力资源
Chapter Six Human Resource
Human Resource in Chemical Industry 社会保险
Social Insurance
附件 Appendix
附件1 企业设立的相关费用
Appendix 1 Cost Breakdown for Company Establishment 附件2 企业建厂相关费用
Appendix 2 Cost Breakdown for Facility Construction 附件3 交通运输成本(参考)
Appendix 3 Reference Cost for Transportation and Logistics 附件4 外商投资企业设立、项目核准建设流程图
Appendix 4 Flowchart for Foreign-invested Company Establishment and Project Approval and Civil Construction 附件5 基础设施规划图
Appendix 4 NCIP Planning Layout for Infrastructure 附件6 化工产业链现状与部分招商产品
Appendix 5 Industry Chain & Products for Business Promotion
Investment Guide
第一章 南京城市 Chapter 1:City of Nanjing
南京投资环境 Investment Climate in Nanjing
南京五种运输方式齐全,其中禄口国际机场是中国十大机场之一,2006年客运量627万人次,货运量15.2万吨。已开通德国法兰克福的客运以及货运航班,以及美国洛杉矶、日本、新加坡、韩国、泰国等地客货运航班。 ▲ Geographic Location
Nanjing currently the capital city of Jiangsu Province has been capital for 10 dynasties in the long and brilliant history over 2500 years. The city is naturally sounded with huge mountains and beautiful rivers, thereafter enjoys a reputation of “crouching dragon and hidden tiger” since long ago. Nanjing has also been titled as “China tourism city”, “National garden city” and one of the “most favorable cities for living”.
With an area of 6597km2 and a total population of 7.2 million, Nanjing is one of the major three central cities along the Yangtze River Delta, and one of the metropolitan cities in China with most fast economic growth.
Nanjing is well equipped with 5 modes of transportation. Nanjing Luku International Airport is one of the ten biggest airports in China with passenger volume of 6.27 million and cargo of 0.152 million tons in 2006. International airlines to Frankfurt of Germany, Chicago, Los Angeles of America, Japan, Singapore, Korea and Thailand have been opened for both passengers and transportation.
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