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八年级(上)英语8AU2练习卷一 to other people and l__19__ to what they have to say to us, 姓名 and when we are close to them we can do this very

一 Choose the best answer e__20___. However , our voices will not travel very far ( )1.It’s very to make such toys. You can learn e___21__ when we shout, and t__22___ to the invention of to make it soon. the telephone that we are still able to communicate with A. difficult B. simple C. boring D. exciting each other and hold talks w__23__ we are far apart . We can ( )2. –Must I book the ticket for the concert tonight? hear each other as clearly as i__24__ we were in the same --No, you . room. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. needn’t 15. 16.. 17. 18. ( )3. I’m going to an important meeting next 19. 20. 21.

Monday. 22. 23. 24. A. join B. join in C. attend D. enter B ( )4. Several school leaders the important meeting People love flowers for their beauty and p_25__ smells. yesterday. They use flowers to d__26___ all kinds of places. They also A. took part in B. attended C. joined D. went use flowers to express their f___27__. For e__28__ ,many 二、Rewrite the sentences as required. young people wear carnations on Mother ' s Day as a sign of 5 Old people counted their sheep and cows in this way. love and respect for their m__29__. (画线提问) With the spring rain, many kinds of flowers are in full __ __ _ _ ____ old people count their sheep and cows? bloom in May . If your friend, whom you have not seen for 6. She got off the bus after it stopped at Nanjing Road (保持y__30__ ,comes to visit you ,he or she is surely as w_ 31__ 原句意思) as the flowers in May. She get off the bus it stopped at 25. 26. 27. 28. Nanjing Road. 29. 30. 31. 7. The man over there is John’s father. (保持句意不变) C is John’s father? Ma Yoyo was born in 1955 of Chinese parents living 三、Complete the sentences with the given words in their in Paris. He began to learn playing their cello from his proper forms father when he was four. He was a whiz-kid. He went 8. The job of an (account) is to control and to Juiliard School which f 32 talented musicians. examine the money. Then he want to Harvard University to further his study 9. Mr. Brown is one of the (manage) of the and graduated in 1976. shopping center. Yoyo s 33 became well-known for his concerts. 10. It is (unuse) to see so many beautiful places on He tried to play the cello with music form d 34 the way. countries like Brazil and China. He wrote quite a lot of 11. Why did she look (happy) at her son? music for many films. The must famous one we know is Because there were so many Ds in his report. \ 35 the 12. Tom was still on the way to school, because he Oscar Film Prize. Yoyo likes to make friends with ther (failure) to catch the first bus. youth and he often teach then h 36 to play the 13. The shoes were on (sell) those days in that shop. cello. 14. Tell you the (true), he is really an honest man. But sometimes he is so f 37 that once he left his 五、Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper favourite cello in a taxi. It was worth US $2,000,000. words Luckily, the driver was an honest man. He took it to a

A police station and it was returned to Yoyo. Now, Mr. Ma

Can you imagine what life would be like if there were no and his wife and two children live h 38 in telephones? You could not call up your friends on the Washington. p__15_ and talk to them. If fire b__16__ out in your house, 32. 33. 34. 35. you couldn't call the fire department. If s__17__ was sick, 36. 37. 38. you could not call a doctor. In our d__18_ life we need to communicate with others. We do this mostly by speaking




5. How did 6. didn’t; until 7. Which man 8. accountant 9. managers 10. unusual

11. unhappily 12. had failed 13. sale 14. truth 15. phone 16. broke 17. someone 18. daily 19. listening 20. easily 21. even 22. thanks 23. when 24. if 25. pleasant 26. decorate

27. feeling 28. example 29. mothers 30. years 31. welcome 32. famous 33. soon 34. developing 35. won 36. how 37. funny 38. happily



