中国实用医药2024年 10月第 14卷第28期 China Prac Med, Oct 2024, Vol. 14, No. 28?9?Tightrope钢板可靠定位治疗Tossy IH度 肩锁关节脱位的临床效果分析陈泽雁 陈柏春 张镇锋 刘春辉 莫子亮 王国亮【摘要】目的 分析Tightrope钢板可靠定位治疗Tossy ffl度肩锁关节脱位的临床效果。方法40例
组手术时间、术中出血量、手术切口长度、Karlsson分级情况。结果 观察组患者的手术时间(48.0± &0)min、手术切 口长度(4.3 ± 0.4)cm 均短于对照组的(90.0 ± 15.0)min、(6.8 ± 0.7)cm,术中出血量(40.0 士
12.0)ml少于对照组的(122.0 ± 45.0)ml,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。观察组患者的优率80%显著高 于对照组的45%,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 采用Tightrope钢板可靠定位治疗Tossy ffl度 肩锁关节脱位手术时间短,损伤小,术中出血量少,术后肩关节活动恢复良好,值得临床推广应用。[关键词】Tightrope钢板;可靠定位;Tossy 1D度肩锁关节脱位;锁骨钩钢板D0I : 10.14163/j.cnki.ll-5547/r.2024.28.004Analysis of clinical effect is of reliable positioning of Tightrope plate in the treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation of Tossy grade HI CHEN Ze-yan, CHEN Bai-chun, ZHANG Zhen-feng, et al. Guangzhou
Development Zone Hospital, Guangzhou 510730, China[Abstract 】 Objective To analyze the clinical effect of reliable positioning of Tightrope plate in the treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation of Tossy grade III. Methods A total of 40 patients with acromioclavicular joint dislocation of Tossy grade III were randomly divided into control group and observation
group, with 20 cases in each group. The control group was treated with traditional open reduction and clavicle hook plate internal fixation, and the observation group was treated with Tightrope plate reliable positioning
internal fixation. After 12 months of follow-up, comparison was made on operation time, amount of intraoperative hemorrhage, length of operative incision and Karlsson grading between the two groups. Results The operation
time (4&0 土 8.0) min, length of operative incision (4.3 ± 0.4) cm in the observation group were shorter than
(90.0 ± 15.0) min and (6.8 土 0.7) cm in the control group, and amount of intraoperative hemorrhage (40.0 ± 12.0) ml
was less than (122.0 土 45.0) ml in the control group. Their difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The excellent rate was 80% in the observation group, which was significantly higher than 45% in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion Reliable positioning of Tightrope plate provides
short operation time, less injury, less hemorrhage during operation and good shoulder movement recovery after
operation. It is worthy of clinical promotion and application.[Key words ] Tightrope plate; Reliable positioning; Acromioclavicular joint dislocation of Tossy grade HI;
Clavicle hook plate肩锁关节脱位是创伤骨科常见的损伤,约占肩部脱位的 1资料与方法12%[l1, Tossy m度患者一般采取手术方式进行内固定治疗,
1. 1 一般资料 选取本院2015年1月?2024年1月收治的
传统手术方式使用锁骨钩钢板内固定术,并发症较多,包括 Tossyffl度肩锁关节脱位患者40例,随机分为对照组和观察 肩峰撞击症、肩峰骨溶解、肩峰下滑囊炎、锁骨应力骨折、 组,每组20例。对照组患者中,男16例,女4例;年龄最
钢板断裂、螺钉拔钉、肩关节活动受限、需要二次手术取出 大58岁,最小19岁,平均年龄(32.2 ± 8.6)岁;左侧脱位8例, 内固定等诸多弊端。自从2015年1月以来,本科开展使用
Tightrope钢板治疗Tossy HI度肩锁关节脱位,特别强调在锁 观察组患者中,男15例,女5例;年龄最大55岁,最小22岁,
骨远端内侧3.5 cm,锁骨的中上方至喙突的基底部方向作可 平均年龄(31.9±7.7)岁;左侧脱位9例,右侧脱位11例; 靠的骨隧道,再穿入钢板固定,其手术效果理想,较锁骨钩 其中交通伤10例,运动伤3例,跌倒7例。两组患者的性别、 钢板固定优势明显。现报告如下。年龄、脱位位置及受伤原因等一般资料比较,差异无统计学 意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。两组患者均为单纯的Tossym度 肩锁关节脱位,未合并锁骨远端骨折、肩胛骨骨折、肩关节
作者单位:510730广州开发区医院脱位、肱骨近端骨折等损伤,且受伤前患侧肩关节均活动幅 度正常。