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在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案,请用28铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案字母按照要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. The phrase \

2. Which of the following shows the proper pronunciation of \the sentence \

3. Can you imagine the difficulty I hadlanguage obstacles I fit studied abroad?

A. to overcome B. overcoming C. overcome D. overcame

4. It shocks us that a large percentage of middle school studentsskip breakfast, themost important meal of the day. A. originally



B. namely C. regularly D. obviously

5. The author and photographer_________coming to our university to give a lecture next Friday. A. was B. is C. were D. are

6. Only when the CIA Director David was forced to resignthat it's hard to keep our e-mail secret. A. we realized B. realized we C. did we realize D. we did realize

7. It was March 5,2013president Hugo cost his last fight in life at the age of 58. A. that B. when C. since D. while

8. --I was disappointed that you didn't come to my party last night.



--I wish_________occupied then. A. I'm not B. I wasn't C. I haven't been D. I hadn't been

9. What type of sentence is \ A. A simple sentence. B. A coordinate sentence. C. A complex sentence. D. None of the above.

10. The ambiguity in \ A. lexical items

B. a grammatical structure C. homonymy D. polysemy

11. Which of the following is a communicative activity? A. Listening to the news report and talking about an event. B. Listening to the news report and filling in a form. C. Listening to the news report and writing the main idea. D. Transferring the information from the news report into a chart. 12. Teachers who believe in the_________ model will enable students to understand themeaning and usage of the words first, and then make



full use of the words iu listeniug, reading orwriting tasks, ask

representatives to show products of the tasks, and give an evaluation her it at last

when teaching vocabulary. A. PPP B. PWP C. PPT D. TBLT

13._________ is a type of activity in which the teacher reads out a passage in normal speed for two or three times and students are to note down the words they could catch as they listen as much as possible. A. Answering questions. B. Gap-filling. C. Dictogloss. D. Sequencing.

14. There are some speaking activities. Which of the following mainly focuses on the form andaccuracy? A. Controlled activities. B. Semi-controlled activities. C. Communicative activities. D. Problem-solving activities.



15. When a teacher asks the students to find some key words from a text quickly, be/she areintended to train students'_________ strategy in reading class. A. skimming B. scanning

C. extensive reading D. intensive reading

16. Which of the following is NOT among the features of process writing?

A. Help students to understand their own composing process. B. Let students discover what they want to say as they write. C. Encourage feedback both from the teacher and peers. D. Emphasize the form rather than the content.

17. What's the teacher doing by saying \ A. Controlling discipline. B. Giving prompt.

C. Evaluating students' work.

D. Directing students' attention to the lesson.

18. Which of the following is NOT the advantage of group work? A. Creating some peaceful and quiet time in class. B. Arousing their awareness of cooperation. C. Promoting students' participation in the class.




