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1. While people may refer to TV for the latest news, it is unlikely that television sets __________ A) replace C) are replacing

the newspaper completely.

B) have replaced D) will replace

2. Sir Williams, who is 80, has made it known that much of his collection __________ to the local A) is left C) is being left


B) had been left D) is to be left

3. The records __________ to show an improvement in sales that didn’t exist.

were pretending C) were faked

A) were pretended

D) were lied


4. At such a young age, these innocent girls, who always take anything

__________, get

on the trust; taken C) on trust; took

_________ easily. A) on trust; taken

D) in trust; taken


5. I am quite __________ your opinion that we need a more harmonious society.

agreement for C) in agreement with

A) in agree with

D) in the agreement with

B) in

6. Learning languages is a long, __________ process with __________ and it is too easy just to give up. A) gradually; ups and downs

B) gradually; up and down

C) gradual; ups and downs D) gradual; up and down

7. All __________ is a continuous supply of fuel oil, which is fundamental to the development of

A) what is needed C) the thing needed

every country.

B) that is needed D) for their needs

8. I regret to inform you that your son has been __________ to the police for breaking the street A) handed in C) handed out


B) turned in D) turned out

9. Only when your identity has been checked, __________. A) you are allowed in C) will you allow in

B) you’ll be allowed in D) will you be allowed in

10. Anne dreaded giving a speech before three hundred people; even thinking about it made her A) ambitious C) passionate


B) optimistic D) anxious

11. Some words, such as “sandwich” and “hamburger,” were __________ the names of people or A) ideally C) precisely

even towns.

B) relatively D) originally

12. I had to __________ Jack’s invitation to the party because it conflicted with an important A) decline C) deny

business meeting.

B) reject D) accept

13. Selling fried chicken at the night market doesn’t seem to be a decent business, but it is actually A) plentiful C) productive

quite __________.

B) precious D) profitable

14. Criticism and self-criticism is necessary __________ it helps us to

find and correct our mistakes.

C) in that

A) by that

D) on that

B) at that

15. People who live in small towns often seem more friendly than those living in __________ populated areas. A) intensely

B) abundantly D) densely

C) highly

16. The mayor is a woman with great __________ and therefore deserves our political and financial A) instinct C) intention


B) integrity D) intensity

17. One of the requirements for a fire is that the material __________ to its burning temperature. A) is heated C) be heated

B) will be heated D) would be heated

18. The business of each day, __________ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly. A) it being C) was it

B) be it D) it was

19. He doesn’t __________ the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled A) obey C) abide by


B) conform to D) agree to

20. The public health programs associated with Beijing’s hosting the 2008 Olympic and

Paralympic Games should not be


limited __________ six weeks during which the competitions place.

A) to C) for

B) with D) on



