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Lesson 7 Jenny's New Skirt 教学设计方案


1、词汇: 1. 教学目标

掌握词汇:sure, blouse, really, pink 能了解服饰接触词汇:Smith, Kim

搭配的文化,英2、短语和句型: 美在单词拼写上 light blue, Good afternoon 3. 功


What color do you want?... Whas your favorite

clothes/ color?

文化语言 意识知识 激发学生


技敢于用英语进行交流趣, 和表达;营造情感交习 的良好氛围学生自主 策略

习、主动合作。 学生能认识及听懂各 种不同的颜色及服装的

名称,并能自由表达出自己 喜欢的颜色和服装;学会用颜 色表达不同的服装色彩;



并充分利用学习英语的机 会;对所学内容能主动实2. 教学重、难点 践;根据需要进行预习 本课的掌握词汇、短语结构,以及能用英语描述自己喜欢的衣服和颜色。 和复习。 Can I get…?

What color do you want? I want a… with it.

…What can you wear with it? I can wear I like…

… is my favorite colour./ My favorite colour is… 二、学生学情分析

学生在小学阶段对于colour和clothes有过相关的学习。但个别词汇需要巩固、复习。 三、教学准备 教师准备 CAI 课件 学生准备

复习小学英语课本中有关颜色和服装的知识。 四、教学步骤

Step1 Class Opening. (2 minutes)

Start the lesson with a cartoon film about colour.

【设计思路】每个单元的第一节课是一个全新课题的开始,也是激发学生对本单元学习兴趣的最佳时期。以动画的模式使学生自然放松地进入本单元的学习。 Step 2 Review.

1. Review the words about colours. Make Ss brainstorm as many colour words as


they can. Pay more attention to the word:2. Review the words about clothes. Show the picture, help Ss review the words pants, blouse. such asto pay more attention the new words about clothes and

【设计思路】由于服饰和颜色是日常生活词汇,所以学生对这些词汇的掌握个体差异性很大。 对于本单元的掌握词汇无需特意提出,故可在复习环节进行教授。 Step 3 Introduction.

Show the content Ss will get in this lesson.

【设计思路】在每节课新授课开始前给学生展示本节课的重难点,有助于学生在学习中做到心中有数,也利于与之后的巩固总结环节相对应。 Step 4 Can I get a new Skirt?

1. Show the picture about matching clothes to Ss, make them guess what they would hear in the conversation.

2. Listen and check if their guesses are correct while showing them two new words sure, really) and making them guess the meaning.

(3. Check the answers. Ask Ss to listen and repeat. Make sure they understand the conversation.

4. Make Ss listen to a new conversation and then do the clothes matching exercise to consolidate the target language they've learnt above. ( Activity 1 and Let's Do It!)

2 in

【设计思路】本课第一部分的呈现遵循听说领先的原则,活动1的设计有助于培养学生捕捉相关信息的能力,提升听力水平。活动4是对教材的重新整合,其目的是增加对目标语言的输入。 Step 5 Part II I like your blue skirt.


1. Make Ss listen and fill in the blanks.

2. Lead Ss to read the material for several times. Make sure Ss have no problem with the expressions. Step 6 Consolidation. Let's Do It! with the proper

Ask Ss to complete a passage in Activity 3 in 1.

words. (The passage is about Part I and Part II) Check the understanding of the content and the new words.

2. Make Ss interview some classmates and fill in the table. Then work in groups Let's Do It! )

and talk about the results. (Activity 4 in Step 7 Culture tips.

Show different spellings in British English and American English. Step 8 Conclusion.

Ask Ss to work in pairs to evaluate the learning and make a list of what they know. Then show the content to Ss, make them complete their conclusion.

【设计思路】帮助学生建立起对自己在每节课中的学习进行评价和整理的好习惯。也可减少学生间的学习效果的个体差异。 Step 9 Homework.

1. Learn the new words and expressions by heart.

2. Using the target language to ask your parents about their favorite clothes and colours. Write them down.



