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Unit 1

Warming up: 1. imports scent detect

sniff detector dogs 2 f e d c b a Watching part1

1 morning run,different,something different,international imports,passengers 2 mixed odors

An apple,a mango Carry-ons,bags Suitcases Learn to sit Work,comes out Part2 1 F f f t t

2 Supposed Far ahead Children The public Food drive 3

Things don ' t always go so smoothly for Stockton though. You' ve got to work with

So what does it take to be a

' m your partner,remember

“ detector dog ”


They' ve got to have real food drive because they work for food. Even after they eat a dinner,they Part3

1 animal shelters given

green jacket,detector dogs adopted work out Stay with us Suits Applicants A good fit Nothing kind of A game

' re still ready to eat some more.

Important Follow up 1 B B A 2 John

Nice to meet you Is he big Kind

What kind of food does he like My pleasure

Reading comprehension D D A D C C D

Initial training Nature A game Home listening 1 injured

item of clothing black bear biting scared away

dig 2 10000 2003 2008 122 40 percent Three-meter 30 50percent 3

Of these 122 calls,SAR dogs were able to help almost 40 percent of the time. The dog can simply follow its nose to find the person

She is out for her usual run one Sunday morning in the spring Rusty was able to locate Roycroft by his scent The dog seemed as happy about it as poycroft

Unit 2

Warming up 1 Reptiles Amphibious Species

Caves Herpetologist 2

Tissue sample Expedition Capture Dinosaurs Geneticist Watching Part1 1 C b A c B a 2

Crocodiles Caves Team Three Expedition Part2 Caves Fish or animals

Five Into From For 3.

It's hard to believe that and the others may be only a few steps behind huge crocodiles That means that this crocodile is about the size of a carl The group follow the croc tracks through the dark caves

With this tissue sample,they may be able to solve many of the mysteries about these crocodiles This makes the crocodiles the perfect animal for hunting in complete darkness Part3 1F T F F T

2continue 继续探险 Move 想洞穴深处前行 Walk 趟过及膝深的水 Catch 抓住动物 Tape 用胶带封住她的嘴 Take 测量它的尺寸 Collect 收集组织细胞样品 Solve 解开一些谜团 Follow up 1Travels guides Finds follows Catches takes

Capture pole measurements tissue samples Work on working with Home listening 1T T F T F 2survivor Adapt Recovering

Available Produce 3

Crocodiles are among the oldest species of animals on the face of earth Crocodile are usually good at getting over diseases and injures of many kinds They are able to go for very long period of time without eating The crocodiles ' s teeth are well-designed to grip and hold things Its skin color also help it disappear in its environment

Unit3 Warming up 1ethics Morals Foundation

Confucianism Philosopher 2dynasty Warlords Harmony Philosophy Watching Part1 1BACED

2 Zhou weak decline land power dark Part2 1FEB 2towards On With Throughout From Including Part3 1F F F F T

2confucianism is often associated with present-day society

Many people are n' t aware of the influence of Confucianism on china Confucianism is the center of Chinese civilization and the foundation of modern Chinese society Follow up

1moral ethical order justice peace harmony 2Alive work their parents ' wishes the family name

Blearning education study hard move up attain success

Cbuild lives

Reading comprehension A B D C D B B Peace and harmony An education Prosper Home listening

1See remember understand do to others make mistakes to fall short 2

I agree completely with the statement

It takes hard work to learn new vocabulary words Treat others as you

' d like to be treated

It ' s better to work slowly and pay close attention to details It ' 3

s past

Saying1 8:20 hearing reading using

Saying2 7:00 talking badly kept on thinking about Saying3 2:00 work slowly details an extra effort Saying4 2:15 eat enough sick and tired

Unit 4

Warming up

一、 二、

C D A B E 1. Landscape 2. stake a claim 3. mine 4. the outback 5. tunnel

Watching Part 1


Ian dscape does n't look very welcomi ng .

have always been the basis for the economy of the town. 's the variety and intensity of color that make them sparkle. teams of miners stake claims to specific areas. has been turned into as much of a science as the rock will allow.

Part 2

( 一) B F D C E A (二) a fortune

thickness shape style

Part 3 (一)

C F G (二)

Follow up (一) 1 A b

2 C c

3 B e 4 D d

5 D a

Reading comprehension

B D C B A B A color fortune rely on Homework

( 一) B C A C D ( 二 ) variety of

( 三 ) people collect gem stones for display in their homes.

dirt is then poured onto a small screen frame. main thing to watch for while mining in color. good-sized stone of any type is a valuable find.

some mines you can actually find gold as well as gem stones.

Unit 5

Warming up



Watching Part1

一、 D A D B D 二、




sixth grade

areas inches

write a book

二、 bird

fly away chase now yell

neat fly across

三、 was asked to write a book for a school project. mockingbird is the state bird of Florida.

've see n it chase owls

'll sound sort of like a cat hiss ing often spends time observing the various birds. Part3

一、 二、

F T F T T the internet and painted at interpret


learn more about


一、 1. B C E G

2 A D F

二、 many ways so involved with birds of the world than I did different than they appear to be

Follow up

A F B E C D Reading comprehension D A D A B B A drew and painted personality

easy interesting and educational

homework 一、 A B C C D

a row collected

10. helpful counts typically last for four days

are bird counters as young as seven and as old as ninety information that is collected and sent in is helpful.

4. Scientists are especially interested in tracking birds that could never gather this much information by themselves.

may be endangered


Warming up


n appre ntice ,discipli ne ‘retired ‘strict ‘master

Watchig Part 1

I a calling ‘her real identity ‘certain parts ‘too old ‘had the face n mysterious ‘symbol ‘adjust ing

川 1,As asymbol of female beauty ,the geisha fasci nates the moder n world

2‘Being a geisha is a calling to a traditional way of life

3‘I realized this geisha world is so different from the world I used to know

4‘Once in Kyoto‘Umechika had difficulties locating aplace to train her 5Umeno took one look at Umechika and decided she had the face of a geisha Part 2


n routine ,pattern ,go through ,transform ,meaningless



n 1, traditi onal dan ces

2, playing musical instruments 3, conversation 4, literature Follow up


Reading Comprehension

CCABDAC, sacrifice ,show off ,beautiful traditions Home Listening


n traditional ,stylized ,slowly ,unusual ,extends into ,surrounded ,a circle ,a

master ,his replacement ,retires

1Kabuki is a traditional form of Japanese theater that invoves

acting ,singing ,and dancing

2The tradition is 400 years old and the movements of the actors are bery stylized 3The actor often wear extraordinary and expensive kimonos and their faces are sometimes painted

4Part of the stage is a long ,narrow raised area that extends into the audience 5He specializes in wome n's roles and appears on stages all over the world


Warming up


n cowboy ,bull riding ,barn cowgirl ,barrel racing

Watching Part1

I 90 ,10, 12 ,500 ,33 ,15 ,52 ,30 ,8

n levery year ,unlike 2,compete ,most popular 3,fourth-generation ‘started off 4,adventure ,speed 5,

unique ,dangerous Part2


n outrider ,outrider ,tent peg ,driver ,peg man ,chuckwagon ,stovethrower ,barrel acting as a stove

川 IBefore the race ,the wagons have to pass an official inspection

2For these racers ,every little bit makes a difference

3Once on the racetrack ,everyone is going to outrun the others 4The race is divided into nine heats ,with four chuckwagons racing at a time 5The outriders are said to have been fiven the most

dangerous duties Patt3


n key ,champion ,horse power ,skill ,luck ,riding ,hard work ,slow down ,take a breath ,carrying on

Follow up


Reading Comprehension BDBDDBA unload his horses , Home Listening

“ ole-time ” cowboy lifestyle ,cheer noisily


n Spanish ,popularity ,contests ,introduced ,wrapped ,allowed ,helpers ,safety 川 1,Today ' s rodeos

are very different from the original cowboy gatherings

2, After work ,the cowboys tested the skills they used in daily activities 3, These gatherings eventually grew into well-organized shows to watch

4,Slowly ,the types of events at rodeos became more varied 5, At one time ,cowgirls competed against men in rodeos


Warming up

that people paid


n propeller ,frame ,aerial ,paraglider ,maneuver ,paramotor

Watching Part1

I search-and-rescue ,saving lives ,1995 ,doing an advertisement n 1,It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world

2,Sports like paragliding have long been very popular in this coastal region 3,A paramotor consists of a lightweight engine and a large propeller 4, 5, Part2

The aircraft was originally invented for sports and leisure That ' s the way it was with the first paramotor rescue

I AC n

founded ,developed ,important ,staff ,80 ,cheered ,land ,fans ,communicating ,e xpanded Patt3


n calls in ,flies against maneuvers ,drops ,flying above


I piloting skills ,water-rescue skills ,saving people ,paramedic ,teaching n interest ,long-term ,push

down ,hopefully ,safer Follow up


Reading Comprehension

BCDCDBA Brazilian lifeguards ,qualified paramotor pilots ,protected\\safer\\more relaxed Home Listening


川 1,1 stayed with my frie nd Gary and his family at their home

2, Do you want to see how far out we can swim 3,It ' s never a good idea to swim beside a dock 4, I became incredibly tired from fighting against it 5,Swim along the coast to get out of the current


Warming up


n1a planet other than Earth ,outer space

2construction 3large

4make or shape Watching Part1

I Crop circles,Who or what ,Unusual constructions n TFFFT


I researcher ,enormous ,man-made ‘mysterious ‘appear n 1,1990,95,2

川 1,1 ' m going to try and find out what this puzzle

' s all about

2,It ' s so enormous that you can ' t even see the other side 3, People couldn

' t have made such an enormous circle

4, A circle of ice is missing from abody of water

5, A connection between these mysterious circles almost certainly exists Part3


n in ,to ,of ,in ,about

Follow up

I clean and open ,stomper boards ,evening

Reading Comprehension CACBBAC materials ,art ,Timing Home Listening


n article ,important ,widespread ,impression ,responsible for

川 1,This simply wouldn ' t happen if people were using stomper boards

2, Crop circles have been documented in more than 29 countries 3, This is a serious error in judgment on the part of this newspaper 4, They are not the result of visits by extraterrestrial beings

5,I discovered a Web site that describes exactly how to make crop circles


Warming up

I meteorologists ,tornadoes ,phenomena ,forecast ,velocity n CFGBADE

Watch Part1


n 6 ,45 ,pressure ,direction ,temperature ,humidity

川 1,Tor nadoes are some of the least un derstood phe nomena in n ature 2,Scientists have been

trying to understand how and when tornadoes form 3,They ' re searching for information that will help scientists better forecast tornadoes

4,Samaras and his group head straight for the center of the storm 5,Samaras keeps six weather probes ,each weighing 45 pounds Part2

I Carsten Peter ,National Geographic photographer ,Take pictures ‘photographic

probe ,still cameras

n challenges ,a big problem ,speedy ,catch up with ,zigzag around ‘difficult ,makes

it ,The hardest part Part3

I 1,BC 2,AD,3E n FFFTT



n 1five-ten ,2am-pm,3cars-houses ,4increases-drops ,5outside-inside

Follow up


Reading Comprehension

CBDAADC 300miles ,in the path ,scientific probe ,photographic probe Home Listening

I place high-tech weather probes ,collect the ,information ,directly in the path ,wind velocity ,does

most of the damage ,upper part ,bottom ,a better chance of surviving

n June 11 ,5 ,16 one-thousandths\\ ,115 ,200

川 1,They place high-tech weather probes in the paths of torn adoes

2, This enabled them to illustrate exactly what happens inside of atornado 3, This is part of the storm which actually does most of the damage 4, The winds in this area of the storm are the strongest

5,Scientists were then able to accurately determine the velocity of the objects



