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选修8 Module 6 课下作业(一、二)

课下作业(一) 单元语基扎根练


1.From my point of view, a good student should be healthy both mentally (精神上) and physically.

2.Success is the ability to go from one failure (失败) to another with no loss of enthusiasm. 3.Access to the park by ferryboat adds appeal (吸引力) to this visit.

4.I have some doubt whether your application will be approved (同意) by the manager. 5.What interests me most is literary (文学的) books, especially those written by famous writers.

6.It is also helpful to preview (预看) your lessons before class and take notes in class. 7.Thank you again for the books you generously donated (捐).

8.The blackboard was decorated (装点) with beautiful words, which read “Happy Teacher's Day!”

9.I'm writing to you to share (分享) my opinions about the problem of heavy traffic every weekend at our school gate.

10.The information included in the documents proved (证明) that my husband had been out of town in his car that day.


1.Today, I'd like to share a Tang poem ?with you, whose subject is about ?tolerance (tolerant). The poet wants to prove ?that to be tolerant of those in ?sufferings (suffer) is a kind of virtue and caution us ?to_stay (stay) away from mental ?disorder (order).

2.Peter ?typically (typical) approves of ?donating (donate) money to Buddhism, because he believes it caters ?for people's belief in Buddha. Anyone who thinks himself or herself is a ?failure (fail) can turn to Buddha for help.

3.Once upon a time, a merchant set his ?departure (depart) before he glanced ?at his suitcase. After arriving at the station, all ?at once, he realized that he took his suitcase wrongly. How he hopes himself a ?cautious (caution) man.



I'm so happy to be your friend. Correspond with you let me know more about you. On reflection, I approved of you attending evening classes cater for students of different levels. It proved you were active in study. I believe you will not be so negative failure as ever and make progress soon.


第三句:you→your; cater→catering 第四句:proved后加that 第五句:failure前加a


If only you have realized the importance of cooperating with others earlier. However, in my relief, you have realized it now. You should develop a habit of reflecting how you deal with your business. Do everything that with caution. Taking hold of the opportunity, work hard and you will become a very successful person.

答案:第一句:have→had 第二句:in→to

第三句:reflecting后加on 第四句:去掉that 第五句:Taking→Take Ⅳ.根据提示补全句子

1.玛丽的书写不如汤姆的好。(not so/as ... as) Mary's handwriting is not_so/as_good_as Tom's.

2.我们在看电视的时候,听到门铃响了。(while省略句) While_watching_television,_we heard the doorbell ring. 3.我没有找到他,要是我记住了他的电话号码就好了。(if only) I didn't find him. If_only_I_had_remembered_his_phone_number. Ⅴ.短文填空 (Ⅰ)根据提示填空

One reason poetry can be so important is that it is so closely ?concerned (concern) with feelings. Poetry is often full of ideas, too, and sometimes poems can be powerful ?experiences (experience) of the mind, but most poems are primarily about how people feel rather than how people think. Poems provide, in fact, a language for feeling, and one of poetry's most outstanding ?values (value) involves its attempt ?to_express (express) the inexpressible. How can anyone, for example, put into words what it means to be in love or what it feels like to lose someone one cares about? Poetry tries, and it often captures ?exactly (exact) the shade of emotion that feels just right to a reader. No single poem can ?be_said (say) to express all the things that love or death feels like, or means, but one of the joys of ?experiencing (experience) poetry occurs when we read a poem and want to say, “Yes, that is just what it is like; I know exactly what that line means but I've never been able to express it so well.” Poetry can be the voice of our feelings even when our minds are ?speechless (speech) with grief or joy.


adopt, powerful, social, achievement, recite, civilization, spiritual, affect, in the history of, introduce In the Tang Dynasty scholars had to be poets. Their readers were not only people of high ?social position but also common people. Poets ?recited poems, women singers sang poems and other ranks of people, including old women and children, read Tang poems. This atmosphere ?affected foreigners who visited the country at that time. As a result, Tang poetry ?was introduced to some adjacent countries, like Japan and Vietnam. Tang poetry is a most brilliant page ?in_the_history_of ancient Chinese literature. It's a miracle in the cultural history of mankind. The Tang Dynasty was a ?powerful empire with a vast territory. It inherited Chinese ?civilization that went back to ancient times, was combined with the best of other cultures and ?adopted the benefits of other nations in the world. Tang poetry wasn't the only ?spiritual wealth created by the Tang Dynasty people. Philosophy and religion, handwriting and painting, and music and dance all gained new peaks of development. Tang poetry, however, was the jewel in the crown and its greatest ?achievement. 课下作业(二) 高考语篇提能练


(2019·长春高三检测)I learned this lesson a couple of years ago. That day, I took a __1__ to Grand Central Station. We were driving in the __2__ lane when, all of a sudden, a black car jumped out of a parking space right __3__ us. My taxi driver slammed (猛踩) on his brakes and almost __4__ the car's back end by just ten __5__!

The driver of the other car, who almost caused a big accident, __6__ his car and started yelling bad __7__ at us. The taxi driver just smiled and __8__ at the guy. And I mean he was __9__. So, I said,“Why did you just do that? This guy almost __10__ your car and sent us to __11__!” And this is when my taxi driver told me what I now call “the law of the garbage truck”.

Many people are like garbage trucks. They __12__ around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of __13__, and full of disappointment. As their garbage __14__ up, they need a place to dump it, and if you agree, they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump their __15__ on you, don't take it __16__. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and __17__. You'll be happy at what you do.

I started thinking, how often do I let garbage trucks run right over me? And how often do I take their garbage and __18__ it to other people? That day I said,“I'm not going to do that anymore.”

What about you? What will happen in your life if you let more garbage __19__ pass you by? Life is too short to wake up in the morning with __20__. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者乘坐的出租车在行驶过程中,一辆停在路边的汽车突然开动,超到了出租车前面。这差点导致一起车祸,然而,对于轿车司机的出言不逊,出租车司机并未责怪,反而以礼相待。出租车司机告诉作者所谓的“垃圾车定律”,即不应该太在意他人的抱怨和不满,做好自己的事情,不留遗憾。

1.A.taxi C.subway

B.bus D.bike

解析:选A 根据第3空后的“My taxi driver slammed (猛踩) on ...”,可知应该选A。 2.A.flat C.right

B.wide D.clear

解析:选C 根据下文差一点出车祸可知,我们正在右车道行驶,突然,一辆黑色汽车恰好从我们前面的停车场跳了出来。故选C项。

3.A.in back of C.beside

解析:选B 参见上题解析。 4.A.opened C.observed

B.removed D.kissed B.in front of D.beneath

解析:选D 根据语境可知两辆车只差10英寸就能轻触,差一点相撞。kissed“吻,轻触”。故选D项。

5.A.inches C.miles

B.meters D.yards

解析:选A 根据前面的kissed“轻触”,及后面的“almost caused a big accident”,可推断出仅相差10英寸。

6.A.squeezed C.got out of

B.broke away from D.kicked

解析:选C 根据语境可知,另一辆差点引起车祸的轿车司机从车里出来,故选C项。 7.A.means C.languages

B.words D.solutions

解析:选B 根据后面,出租车司机说那个轿车司机是垃圾可知,这个人对我们说不好听的话,故选B项。

8.A.waved C.aimed

B.pointed D.glared

解析:选A 根据第17空的“You just smile, wave”可知,选waved。出租车司机只是微笑着向那个人挥手。



C.merciful D.friendly

解析:选D 根据前面的内容可知,出租车司机对于那个轿车司机的出言不逊只是微笑,我认为他是态度友好的(friendly)。

10.A.handled C.ruined

B.undertook D.abused

解析:选C 根据上文可知,那个人差点撞了出租车,以至于差点毁(ruined)了出租车,故选C项。

11.A.prison C.school

B.hospital D.police

解析:选B 如果出了车祸,自然是会去医院,故选B项。 12.A.show C.run

B.turn D.gather

解析:选C 很多人就像垃圾车一样。他们到处乱跑,充满了沮丧。选C项。 13.A.anger C.confidence

B.imagination D.pride

解析:选A 根据并列连词and可知,本空中的词要与frustration, disappointment并列,应当有负面的意思。分析选项只有A(anger)符合语境。

14.A.puts C.takes

B.makes D.pile

解析:选D 根据后面的“they need a place to dump it”他们需要一个地方来倾倒垃圾可知,他们的垃圾堆积如山了,才需要地方来倒垃圾,故选D项。

15.A.happiness C.expectation

B.problems D.will

解析:选B 根据语境可知,“如果你同意,他们会把它转给你。当有人想把(倒垃圾)这个问题转嫁到你身上时,不要当真”,故选B项。

16.A.differently C.seriously

解析:选C 参见上题解析。 17.A.fight C.flee away

B.weep D.move on B.attentively D.deliberately

解析:选D 此处表示“你只是微笑,挥挥手,祝福他们,继续前进。你会为你所做的事情感到高兴”。move on“继续前进,对……采取行动,出发”。故选D项。

18.A.bring C.convey

B.spread D.offer



