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第二册 Unit 9 Have you got what it takes? Inside view Conversation1 Mark
Look, there’s a careers fair on at the Examination Schools. Do you want to go? Janet
What happens in a careers fair?
Mark There are lots of different companies and they
give you information about careers … advice, that kind of thing. Janet
OK, I’ll come. You coming, Kate? Kate
Yeah, sure. But I’ve already decided on my career. Mark
We know. You’re going to be a brilliant lawyer. Kate That’s the plan – I’m off to a law firm soon as I get my degree. Janet
You’re so lucky. I wish I knew what I wanted to do. Kate
Didn’t you say something about teaching? Janet Yes, I’m thinking about it. I’m quite attracted to teaching. But I’m not really sure yet. Kate
Well, you’ve got lots of time. What about you, Mark? What are your plans? Mark
I’m going to row for England. Kate
Seriously? Mark
No. Problem is, I think if you want to be successful, you’ve got to plan ahead – starting at the age of 12. Janet
So we’re not doing very well. 1
Mark No. Kate So? Mark
Well … I’m thinking of going into business management. It’s a possibility. Janet Really? Mark Yes.
Kate Hey, let’s go to the Careers Fair. It might give you some ideas. … Janet
It was very interesting, wasn’t it? You were having a long conversation with that man from the law firm. Kate
Yes. They said there’s a possibility of a job placement as an intern over the summer. They’re going to let me know about it. Janet Fantastic!
1.Kate’s plan is to go off to a law firm as soon as she gets her degree.
2.You have to plan ahead to be successful 3.It might give them ideas.
4.Kate is having a long conversation with a man from a law firm.
5. The man said she could get a job placement as intern over the summer.
Conversation2 Kate
You know that job placement I told you about – they’ve asked me to go for an interview. Janet
That’s brilliant. When? Kate
Two weeks’ time … …
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库
So what made you decide to study law, Kate? Kate
A number of reasons. Law interests me a lot. I’ve got a good brain, a good memory. And I’d certainly like to do some part-time work for Legal Aid. And also, I must admit, the money’s good.
Well, those are good, honest answers. Certainly, your CV’s very good. I seem to remember that you only want the work placement for six weeks. Is that right? Kate Yes, it is. Interviewer Why is that? Kate
Well, to be honest, I’m planning to go back to the States and spend time with my family. Interviewer
That’s understandable. Now, tell me, what questions do you have? Kate
I’ve got some idea but obviously, what I’d like to know is, what does the job involve? Interviewer
Of course. Well, for the first few weeks, your main responsibility would be to read files and summarize them. We’d also want you to do some research for us. How does that sound? Rather boring? Kate
No, not at all. I think I’d learn a lot. Interviewer
Good, well … you’ll be taking your first year exams soon, won’t you? Kate
Yes, in a few weeks’ time. Interviewer
Well, provided they’re OK, I think we can say you’re in. Kate
Thank you – that’s wonderful! 2
… Kate
Hey, guess what? Janet What? Kate
They’ve accepted me. I start at the end of June. Janet
Well done!
1. Why are you interested in law? What qualities do you have that will make you a good law intern? 2. Four to six weeks
3. She wants some traveling in Europe 4. What sort of work will be asked to do? 5. Yes
1. Law interests her.
She’s intelligent and has a good memory. Good play
2. read files and summarize them Research 3. end of June
1. I seem to remember that 2. Is that right
3.I’m planning to
4. what does the job involve
5. your main responsibility would be 6. We’d also want you 7. won’t you
1. b; 2. B; 3. A; 4. B; 5. A
Outside view Voice-over
Every year, millions of young people take time out to help others as volunteers. Many of them do this during a gap year between finishing school and starting in higher education. Volunteers learn to solve problems,
路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 - 百度文库
work together as a team and develop their personalities. Communities in need get help they couldn’t afford to pay for. In Britain, one of the main agencies for voluntary work is Raleigh International. It arranges for thousands of people, aged between 17 and 25, to help out in their own country or abroad. This group of 100 people has just arrived at the base camp in Costa Rica. In the next ten weeks, they are taking part in three different projects. One of the projects is environmental, one community-based and one an adventure project. But first, they have training for the conditions they will encounter. For the environmental project at Curu, the volunteers are going to help to build an artificial reef from recycled materials. This forms a protective environment for the fish to breed and feed. It helps the local economy of commercial fishing and protects the natural reefs from over-fishing and destruction. The community project is in one of the poorest rural areas in the world. In the village of El Porvenir, volunteers are going to make bricks. They’re going to help to build a storehouse for the important sesame crop. If they have more storage, the villagers will be able to make more money from selling sesame. Volunteers also take part in a survival activity. Tomorrow, this group is trekking to the summit of Costa Rica’s highest mountain, Mount Chirripo. At the end of the ten weeks, the volunteers are proud that their efforts have helped to improve the lives of the people and the environment of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
1. 17 to 25 2. 100 people 3. Costa Rica 4. ten weeks 5. environmental 6. community 7. Adventure 3
1. d; 2. D; 3. B; 4. B. 5. A
1. during a gap year.
2. Communities in need get help 3. arranges for 4. taking part in
5. protective environment 6. breed and feed 7. build a storehouse 8. a survival activity.
Listening in Passage1 Speaker 1
So how’s it all going? Speaker 2
Well, second year exams are in two weeks, so it’s all go at the moment. Speaker 1 It’s not going to ease up! So what can I do for you?
Speaker 2
Well, next year’s my final year and I need to think seriously about my career. Speaker 1
I would agree with you there. Let’s have a look at your file. You’re reading English, you’re getting good grades, you got a merit in your first year exams and you’re on track for a 2:1 according to your tutor. Have you any idea what you’d like to do? Speaker 2
I’m very drawn to publishing. I read a lot of novels and I’m quite a good critic. Speaker 1 That’s a good start. I’m guessing you’d like to be a literary editor? Speaker 2 That’s right. Speaker 1
Well, I should tell you that literary editing is a hard profession to get into and it doesn’t pay very well, unless you’re at the top. You could think a bit more broadly than just literature.
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