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effect on collagen. “This suggests the amount of ……的数量collagen is important for skin ageing,” he says, “It looks like less collagen means more wrinkle formation.”

7.Morita doesn’t know if this is the whole story of why smokers have more wrinkles. But he plans to confirm vt. 确认;确定;证实;批准;使巩固 his findings by testing skin samples vt. 取样;尝试;抽样检查n. 样品;样本;例子adj. 试样的,样品的;作为例子的from smokers and non-smokers of variousadj. 各种各样的;多方面的 ages to see if the smoking has the same effect on collagen. “So far 到目前为止,迄今为止we’ve only done this in the lab.” He says. “We don’t know exactly what happens in the body yet that might take some time.”

8.Other dermatologists are impressed by 被...所感动;被...给予深刻印象the work. “This is fascinating vt. 使着迷,使神魂颠倒,” says Lawrence Parish, director of the centre for International Dermatology at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. “This confirms scientifically adv. 系统地;合乎科学地;学问上what we’ve long expected,” he says, “Tobacco smoke is injurious to 对...有害skin.”

81. Healthy skin lies in ______________________.

A. a well-kept balance between two working processes B. the two processes of breaking down skin cells C. a fine balance in the number of cigarettes D. the two steps of forming collagen

82. For the Japanese scientists, to test their idea is _________. A. to verify vt. 核实;查证 the aging of human beings

B. to find out the mechanism n. 机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧of renewing skin C. to prove the two processes of wrinkle formation

D. to confirm the hazards of smoking proven otherwiseadv. 否则;另外;在其他方面adj. 另外


83. The Japanese scientists tested their idea using ___________. A. MMPs to for fresh collagen

B. cigarette smoke to contaminate vt. 污染,弄脏(soil / mud / spot / dirty / poison)skin cells C. human fiber blasts to produce fresh collagen D. non-smokers to be exposed to cigarette smoke

84. As inferred from 从推断出Morita’s results, smoking __________________. A. could stimulate the production of fresh collagen B. is unlikely to promote the production of MMP

C. tends to cause skin to age prematurely adv. 过早地;早熟地 D. may cause collagen to die by 60%

85. Morita implies that 暗示his findings ____________________. A. took less time than expected

B. were hard to accept in dermatology n. 皮肤医学,[皮肤] 皮肤病学

C. were not exclusively adv. 唯一地;专有地;排外地 (exclude vt. 排除;排斥;拒绝接纳;逐出)based on the lab

D. need to be further verified in the human body Passage Six

1.Today I sit in a surgical ICU beside my favorite Jack as he recovers from a five-hour operation to repair a massive aortic aneurysm[内科] 主动脉瘤;织脉瘤;主动脉动脉瘤. For me it has been a journey into the medical system as an inexperienced consumer rather than in my usual position as a seasoned adj. 经验丰富的;老练的;调过味的(season n. 时期;季节;赛季vt. 给…调味;使适应vi. 变得成熟;变干燥) provider.n. 供应者;养家者.This journey to an urban adj. 城市的;住在都市的referral center 转诊中心;下线链接;介绍中心(referral n. 参照;提及;被推举的人;转诊病人)has produced some disappointing surprises for Dad, and especially for me. For the past two days, my beloved Jack has been called “Harold” (his first name: Jack is his middle name). Of course, there is nothing wrong with “Harold”- it was what he was called in the army - but Dad never – has been “Harold” except to those who really don’t know him. Telephone callers at our family home who asked for “Harold” were always red flags 红旗,危险信号that the caller was a telemarketer n. 电话销售员or insurance salesperson.保险营销员

2.Dad doesn’t correct his physicians or the office receptionists n. 前台接待员(receptionist的复数)– he is from the old school, where it is impolite to question or correct your physician. Once he was an almost ideal “Jack,” strong athletic adj. 运动的,运动员的;体格健壮的, quietly confident



and imminently adv. 紧急地,迫切地trustworthy, but his recent renal failure [泌尿] 肾衰竭and dialysis treatments透析治疗, his stroke and his constant adj. 不变的;恒定的;经常的tremor n. [医] 震颤;颤动have robbed vt. 抢劫;使…丧失;非法剥夺him of his strength, mobility, and golf game, but not of his will or love of his family, part of the reason he agreed to undertake this risky operation at his advanced age 高龄,老年was because his wife and sisters still need his protective support. With so much at risk, he faced this life-threatening challenge in a city far away from his home and friends and in a place where he is greeted as “Harold”.

86. The author relates vt. 叙述;使…有联系vi. 涉及;认同;符合;与…有某种联系(=narrate / recount)the story _____________________. A. from a consumer’s point of view

B. with a view to punctuating vt. 不时打断;强调;加标点于patient rights C. according to his own standards of health

D. based on his own unpleasant medical treatment

87. Apparently adv. 显然地;似乎,表面上the author’s father _______________________. A. did not like to be called by the first name B. was not well taken care of as expected C. was mistaken for somebody else D. was treated like a businessman

88. As the author implies his father_________________________.

A. encounteredvt. 遭遇,邂逅;遇到 n. 遭遇,偶然碰见 so many impolite physicians B. did nothing but kept quiet in the hospital

C. accepted the way he was greeted vt. 欢迎,迎接;致敬,致意;映入眼帘 D. had his diagnosis made wrongly

89. What the story implies is that _______________________. A. people are what they called

B. nobody likes to be called Harold in English C. a person should be called as he or she wishes

D. a patient cannot be called by the last name in the hospital

90. The author describes his “Jack” in a tone of ______________________. A. admiration n. 钦佩;赞赏;羡慕;赞美

B. inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞;吸气;妙计 C. indignation n. 愤慨;愤怒;义愤 D. expectation n. 期待;预期;指望




