一. 审计服务
Audit service
Our auditing procedure not only assesses financial information, but also take other special factors which are linked to the financial statement into consideration. These factors induce enterprise culture, profession, pressure of competition and inherent risk. Our procedure puts emphasis on aiming at the regime of risk according to the business model and operating systems. Also, we can avoid risks by our well trained professional staff’s supervision.
1、年报审计 Annual Report Audit 2、工商年检审计 Iannual inspect Audit 3、外汇审计 Foreign exchange audit
4、经济责任审计 economic responsibility audit Audit 5、高新技术服务审计 high and new technology services Audit 6、竣工决算审计 final settlement of account Audit 7、代表处审计 representative office Audit 8、清算审计 Liquidation Audit 9、其他审计服务 Other audit services
二. 验资服务:
Verification services
On the basis of professional and high-quality service for clients, we would teach customers how to use the capital verification report systematically and Industry and commercial
registration.In the course of capital verification,,we would design operational procedures based on customers' realistic situations and risk assessments. By virtue of constantly
improved procedures of capital verification, we can provide customers with services of high standards and first-class quality.
1、企业设立验资 enterprise capital verification establishment 2、增资验资increment capital verification 3、减资验资 reduction capital verification 4、分期到位验资 By stages capital verification 5、实物验资 Physical capital verification
6、无形资产验资 Intangible assets capital verification
7、利润转增资本验资 profit transfer to paid-in capital verification 8、内资改制验资 Restructuring domestic capital verification 9、其他专项验资Other Special capital verification
三. 财务外包:
financial outsourcing
Some enterprise need to outsource their financial accounting business, thereby concentrating on the core business. For the larger enterprise, our enterprise can send financial accountants to work office or. It is recognized as financial outsourcing. And for the smaller companies, there is no accountant keeping office or, but our office will agent accounting accounts and declaring dutiable goods. It is known as an agency account.
1. 企业代理记账Enterprise bookkeeping agency 2. 会计电算化服务 accounting computerization service 3. 月度会计代理服务 monthly accountant agency service
4. 代编年度会计报表annual financial statement redacting agency 5. 清理旧帐old account cleaning
四. 税务鉴证: Tax verification
Our tax officials have rich experience in the tax area and know well about the operation in lots of industries. They can help organizations and individuals reduce taxes under the compliance requirements strictly.
1. 月度(季度)代理纳税申报 monthly(quarterly) tax declaration agency 2. 增值税一般规模纳税人申请general taxpayer added-value tax application 3. 出口退税资格申请export rebates qualification application 4. 出口退税申请export rebates Application
5. 年度所得税汇算清缴annual income tax final settlement 6. 外籍个人所得税月(年)度申报 7. 税务健康检查tax health examination 8. 税务筹划tax planning
9. 税务争议的解决tax dispute resolution 10. 税务登记tax registration 11. 税务注销tax write off
foreign individual income tax monthly(annual) report
Our professional can offer specialized help for consumers through a series of consultation services. With the help of these services, we can help our client for their strategic need for increase (creation of value ), performance (value up) and governance (maintain value).
1、 常年会计顾问perennial accountant counselor
2、 可行性研究、财务分析feasibility research and financial analysis 3、 代编基本建设项目财务竣工决算报表
Capital projects final settlement of account finance redacting agency
service range 服务范围