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is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\brary, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the FinanceDepartment of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is


员工姓名: 所属部门 : 上级主管: 考核年月: 年 月

考核项目 考 核 内 容 人力资源成本控制率 标准 分值 10 10 10 10 5 自我 评分 上级主管 考核评分 培训 培训计划的效果和完成率 开发 内部员工培养提升人数 中高级人才的引进人数 人员 人员流失率 储备 核心员工的流失率和保有率 薪酬 绩效 员工考核的覆盖率和差错率 员工对薪酬福利的满意度 公司人力资源管理制度贯彻与执行率 日常 工作计划完成率和准时性 管理 劳动合同管理情况,劳动纠纷处理及时率 评分汇总 考核 评分 人力资源部复核 总经理审定结果 指标说明 人力资源成本控制率=实际人力成本?100% 计划人力成本10 10 10 10 10 5 100 100 100 招聘人员适岗率这个指标可以从一个侧面反映招聘工作的质量,但是人员适岗的权重说明 因素是多方面的,是随客观条件而改变的,因此本表中对招聘人员适岗率设置权重较小,仅占5%。 is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\brary, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the FinanceDepartment of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is考核结果 其他未尽考核事项,在通用KPI考核指标中有相应权重。 核算说明 因岗位职责较多,只选择了一部分有代表性的指标进行考核。部分指标无法对相考核关键 关工作职责进行量化考核,可以采取定性指标进行分级描述,从而确定其考核得问题说明 分。 1、绩效考核等级:A(90-100分)、B(80-89分)、C(70-79分)、D(70分以下); 2、评分程序:员工自我评分→上级主管考核评分→总经理评分。


员工姓名: 所属部门 : 上级主管: 考核年月: 年 月

考核项目 考 核 内 容 费用预算控制达成率 标准 分值 10 10 10 10 5 自我 评分 上级主管 考核评分 培训 培训计划的效果和完成率 开发 员工对公司的满意度 招聘计划完成率 人员 招聘人员适岗率 储备 人员流失率 薪酬 绩效 绩效考核数据准确率 薪酬核发出错次数 管理体系和制度的完整率 日常 工作计划的完成率 管理 劳动纠纷协调解决率 考核 评分汇总 10 10 10 10 10 5 100 is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\y, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is人力资源部岗位KPI指标考核表

评分 人力资源部复核 总经理审定结果 100 100 指标说明 人员流失率=辞职人数?100% 招聘到岗人数招聘人员适岗率这个指标可以从一个侧面反映招聘工作的质量,但是人员适岗的权重说明 因素是多方面的,是随客观条件而改变的,因此本表中对招聘人员适岗率设置权重较小,仅占5%。 考核结果 其他未尽考核事项,在通用KPI考核指标中有相应权重。 核算说明 因岗位职责较多,只选择了一部分有代表性的指标进行考核。部分指标无法对相考核关键 关工作职责进行量化考核,可以采取定性指标进行分级描述,从而确定其考核得问题说明 分。 1、绩效考核等级:A(90-100分)、B(80-89分)、C(70-79分)、D(70分以下); 2、评分程序:员工自我评分→上级主管考核评分→总经理评分。


员工姓名: 所属部门 : 上级主管: 考核年月: 年 月

考核项目 考 核 内 容 招聘费用预算达成率 标准 分值 10 10 10 15 15 10 自我 评分 上级主管 考核评分 完成 用人部门满意度 效果 入职培训完成率 招聘计划完成率 人员 招聘人员适岗率 储备 人员招聘及时率 is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\brary, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the FinanceDepartment of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is人员流失率 社保、福利办理准确率 日常 人事档案的完整率 工作 人员流动手续办理正确率 评分汇总 考核 评分 人力资源部复核 总经理审定结果 指标说明 招聘计划完成率=实际到岗人数?100% 计划招聘人数10 5 5 10 100 100 100 招聘计划完成作为招聘专员的主要工作,完成率肯定要作为考核的主要指标;招权重说明 聘人员适岗率这个指标可以从一个侧面反映招聘工作的质量,考核权重所以加重,因此这两项考核均为15分。 考核结果 其他未尽考核事项,在通用KPI考核指标中有相应权重。 核算说明 因岗位职责较多,只选择了一部分有代表性的指标进行考核。部分指标无法对相考核关键 关工作职责进行量化考核,可以采取定性指标进行分级描述,从而确定其考核得问题说明 分。 1、绩效考核等级:A(90-100分)、B(80-89分)、C(70-79分)、D(70分以下); 2、评分程序:员工自我评分→上级主管考核评分→总经理评分。


员工姓名: 所属部门 : 上级主管: 考核年月: 年 月

考核项目 考 核 内 容 标准 分值 自我 评分 上级主管 考核评分 is responsible for Organization training, and implementation, and check; 12, master workshops annual economic indicators of implementation, reporting to financial health on a regular basis; 13, is responsible for the daily oversight in the allocation and use of funds; 14, responsible for all Department statistics, collecting, sorting, reporting of accounting reports; 15, the company responsible for the supervision of the Treasury, including the \d grade\y, a library of materials, products for regular inventory handling, sampling, storage monitoring, the picking work, and provide the inventory report, and make the appropriate accounting treatment; 16, responsible for waste and recycling, transportation and settlement; 17, is responsible for all product sales accounting functions; 18, responsible for the company's raw materials, auxiliary materials, account management; 19, is responsible for the flow of control of all assets of the company, according to the changes in accounting treatment of fixed assets and assets to the departments responsible for clearing, settlement and asset monthly report submitted to the asset management section of the Finance Department of the company organized on a company-wide special inspection of asset management; 20, according to the company's business activities, monthly projects involved in the business activities of the company (including expenses, business management, cost control, cash flow, revenue, etc) financial analysis, provide a basis for decisions for the company, the business of the company responsible for monitoring, forecasting and risk analysis; 21, responsible for the settlement of transactions with the Bank; 22, is人力资源部岗位KPI指标考核表

薪酬核发出错次数 固定 薪酬核算的准时率 薪酬 台账完整和错误率 绩效考核数据准确率 绩效 薪酬核算的准时率 考核 台账完整和错误率 福利补贴核发出错次数 福利 福利补贴核算的准时率 核发 台账完整和错误率 日常 管理 考核投诉处理的及时率 考核归档资料及时率 评分汇总 考核 评分 人力资源部复核 总经理审定结果 10 10 5 15 10 5 10 10 5 10 10 100 100 100 指标说明 绩效考核数据准确率是指实查无误数据占考核数据总数的百分比 权重说明 绩效考核数据准确率是绩效考核工作的关键,权重为15分。 考核结果 其他未尽考核事项,在通用KPI考核指标中有相应权重。 核算说明 因岗位职责较多,只选择了一部分有代表性的指标进行考核。部分指标无法对相考核关键 关工作职责进行量化考核,可以采取定性指标进行分级描述,从而确定其考核得问题说明 分。 1、绩效考核等级:A(90-100分)、B(80-89分)、C(70-79分)、D(70分以下); 2、评分程序:员工自我评分→上级主管考核评分→总经理评分。



