经管类优秀英文简历模板xxNo.67, Lane123, Job Road, Shanghai, China (+86) 13xxxxxxxxxxx@.comEDUCATION9/2021-12/2021Stanford
UniversityStanford, CA.BAin Economics; Honors Candidate in Economics.GPA: Major: 3.86/4.00, Cumulative: 3.78/4.00Relevant Coursework:
Econometrics, Multi-Variable Calculus, Micro and Macro Economic Analysis, Economics and Public Policy, Imperfect Competition, Financial Economics, International Economics.9/2021-12/2021Oxford UniversityOxford, EnglandCompleted tutorial on the Political Economy of Trade and Trade Agreements.Sophomore College: Participated in intensive seminar entitled Economic Thoughts of Plato and Aristotle. Academic work focused on economic ideas among major Greek philosophers, and also on assumptions behind modern economic theory. Culminated in a paper critiquing rational choice and preference ranking.EXPERIENCE8/2021-10/2021Research AssistantNational Economic Research Associates (NERA), White Plains, NYWorked with a team of four other researchers on cases relating to intellectual property and labor economics.Conducted quantitative and qualitative research, collected and analyzed data, created and managed spreadsheets.6/2021-8/2021Summer AnalystGalleon Group,New York, NYAssigned to track a group of technology companies for the New York based hedge fund, Galleon Group.Worked with three other analysts in collecting and analyzing relevant financial statistics, Performed qualitative research to form an assessment of the current status of the
companies.9/2021-12/2021Economics TutorUndergraduate Advising Center, Stanford, CAAssisted students with understanding concepts and solving problems in micro and macro economics, econometrics and
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statistics.Organized review sessions and prepared practice problems for upcoming exams.7/2021-9/2021Business InternAmerican International Group (AIG), New York, NYDeveloped a business analysis on a foreign company, located in Sri Lanka, with which AIG had recently formed a joint venture.Wrote a report on Sri Lankas insurance sector, focusing on privatization of insurance companies and on a recent merger between two insurance companies.LEADERSHIP4/2021-presentStaff EditorUndergraduate Journal of International Relations, Stanford, CAReview and edit articles relating to capital inflows and international trade in emerging economies.Help with distributing the journal to think tanks, academic institutions, faculty and students at Stanford.5/2021-presentProgram DirectorSAT Success, Haas Center for Public Service, Stanford, CACoordinate all aspects of the tutoring program including recruitment of tutors and tutees.Organize events to introduce high school students to SAT preparation and the college application process.Conduct training sessions on tutoring the math and verbal sections of the
SAT.1/2021-6/2021Staff EditorUndergraduate Journal of Philosophy, Stanford, CAEvaluated, edited and helped select and compile papers for Stanfords undergraduate philosophy journal, The Dualist.Focused on reviewing papers on political philosophy and
ethics.SKLIISComputer:Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, and
FileMaker.Language:Proficient in speaking and writing French 面试必知十不要
在求职过程中,有一些问题是必须要注意的。有一些问题看似简单,但其实却是求职失败的致命伤。以下为您盘点了求职过程中的十个不应该被忽视的问题,希望引以为戒。 一、不要做拦路石
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面试官想要寻求一些敢于承担有挑战性项目或工作的候选人。犹豫或是爱说不的心态都想红色领结一样明显,那也被看做是负面的表现。联系对那些关于你对工作任务的兴趣或是某项可能让你有所考虑的工作的问题说是,好的。 二、不要流汗
穿一件背心或是多穿了一些衣服都有可能让你失掉工作。手掌流汗或者额头上有汗珠都不会给人好印象。你不是在申请做一个私人教练。流汗会被看做是弱势或者紧张的标志。穿好参加面试的服装在朋友面前排练一下。工作面试是你一定不想感到热的地方。 三、不要扯闲话
你的工作是对你将要面试的公司有一个全面的了解。关于昨晚的歌曲和明星共舞的小道消息或是你最喜欢的博客的闲谈都不会让你得到工作。永远都不要感觉你必须用闲谈来丰富面试内容。尽量谈谈和产业或公司有关的一些严肃的话题。适当保持沉默也比面试中的瞎扯淡要好。 四、不要太小节
询问午餐地点或是会议室方位会让面试官觉得你缺乏充足的准备或积极主动性。做好准备。不要问一些关于公司的常规元素或功能的问题,例如:职工在哪,工作室的规模,以及公司关于咖啡时间的政策等。 五、不要一直保持笑脸
面试中一直保持笑脸被看做是紧张和缺乏自信的表现。一直微笑的脸流露出一种虚假的感觉,面试官很容易就会发现这一点。相反,要有思想,且让别人感到愉快。该笑的时候要微笑。在镜子或朋友面前练习一下笑的技巧。 六、不要太难伺候
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