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系 部: 信息工程系 专 业: 计算机多媒体技术 题 目: 基于ASP.NET的网上书店系统





随着中国加入WTO,全球经济一体化的逐步深入,网上书店已是现代传统书店必不可少的经营策略。目前,网上书店在国际互联网上可以实现的电子商务功能已经多样化,可以说从最基本的对外沟通展示功能、信息发布功能,在线图书展示功能、在线洽谈功能、在线交易功能、在线采购功能、在线客户服务功能、在线网站管理功能等等,几乎以往传统书店功能都可以在互联网上进行电子化的高效运作。网上书店系统是建立在Internet网上进行商务活动的虚拟网络空间和保障商务顺利运营的管理环境;是协调、整合信息流、物质流、资金流有序、关联、高效流动的重要场所。网上商家、合作商家、企业和网络客户可充分利用在线书城提供的网络基础设施、支付平台、安全平台、管理平台等共享资源有效地、低成本地开展自己的商务活动。网上书店系统是基于B/S模式的小型电子商务系统,能够满足中小型书店的网上售书需要。 系统采用Visual Studio作为开发平台,以MS SQL Server 2005 作为 后台数据库来完成对系统的设计和开发。主要开发流程为:对基于WEB的网上购物系统进行可行性分析,并对资源分配、进度安排等做出合理的计划后,对该系统进行了需求分析、概要设计和详细设计,最后对每个模块进行了编码,并进一步对完成好的系统进行了测试和运行。说明书首先对电子商务的基础知识和构建网上书店的关键业务进行了阐述。其次用面向对象的方法分析并设计了一个网上书店系统,其中涉及了网上书店系统开发的模式、后台关系型数据库的设计、工具及环境的说明。本网站开发过程中将依照软件生命周期法则,在需求分析阶段进行了功能需求分析、非功能性需求,其中包括系统业务流程分析。同时对数据库中的关键技术和分析方法也做了详细的阐述。基本囊括了一个电子商务网站的开发制作流程和应该予以重视的要点问题。 关键词:电子商务、Visual Studio 、网上购物 、B/S


Title:ASP.NET online bookstore system development and design


With China's accession to the WTO, global economic integration gradually thorough, the online bookstore is a modern traditional bookstores essential business strategy. At present, online bookstore on the Internet can achieve the functions of electronic business has been diverse, can be said that from the most basic of external communication and display function, information function, online book display function, online discussion function, online trading, online procurement function, online customer service, online website management function and so on, almost past the traditional bookstore functions can be conducted on the Internet electronic efficiency. Online bookstore system is established on the Internet online business activities of the virtual network space and guarantee of smooth operation of business management environment; is harmonious, integration of information flow, material flow, capital flow and orderly, efficient flow of association, an important place. Online merchants, businessmen, enterprises and network customers can make full use of online bookstore to provide network infrastructure, payment platform, security platform, management platform and other shared resources effectively, low cost to conduct their business. Online bookstore system is based on B / S mode of small e-commerce system, able to meet the small and medium-sized bookstore online bookstore needs. The system uses Visual Studio as the development platform, with MS SQL

Server 2005database as a background to the completion of the system design and development. The main development process: on online shopping system based on WEB feasibility analysis, and the allocation of resources, schedule and make reasonable plan, the requirement analysis, outline design and detailed design, at the end of each module were coded, and further to complete the system testing and running. Manual first to electronic commerce foundation knowledge and the construction of online bookstore key business is discussed. Secondly by using the method of object-oriented analysis and design of a online bookstore system, which relates to the online bookstore system development model, relational database design background, tools and environment description. The website development process defers to the software life cycle principle, which carried on analysis of functional requirements, non-functional requirements, which includes the business process analysis. At the same time, the database of the key techniques and methods of analysis have done in detail. Basic include an electronic commerce website development process and main points which should be valued.

Keyword :electronic commerce shopping on the Studio B / S Visual


1 绪 论 ................................................................... 1 1.1 选题背景 ............................................................. 1 1.2 研究目的和意义 ....................................................... 1 1.3 研究的现状 ........................................................... 2 1.4开发所用工具及技术 ................................................... 2 2 系统分析与总体设计 ..................................................... 4 2.1 系统需求分析 ......................................................... 4 2.2 系统功能分析 ........................................................ 4 2.3 系统架构分析 .......................................................... 6 2.4 系统可行性分析 ........................................................ 7 2.5 系统总体设计 .......................................................... 8 2.5.1系统设计思想 ........................................................ 8 2.5.2 系统功能模块设计 .................................................... 9 2.5.2 E-R图 ............................................................. 11 2.6 系统流程图 ........................................................... 13 3 基本的理论 ............................................................. 14 3.1 数据库介绍 ........................................................... 14 3.2 数据表设计 ........................................................... 15 4 功能模块详细设计 ....................................................... 18 4. 1 前台设计 ............................................................ 18 其关键程序代码如下所示: ................................................. 22 4. 2 后台设计 ............................................................ 23 其关键程序代码如下所示: ................................................. 23 其关键程序代码如下所示: ................................................. 24 5 系统测试 ............................................................... 25 5.1 测试的任务及目标 ..................................................... 25 5.1.1测试的任务 ......................................................... 25 5.1.2测试的目标 ......................................................... 25



