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11. The characteristic of Dutch art in the early 17th century was ________. A. that it was still mainly religious paintings

B. that it recorded the familiar scenes and everyday life of the time C. that it was mainly portraits of noble families D. that the theme was mainly court life

12. Who was the first one to put forward the doctrine of separation of powers? A. Locke B. Hobbes C. Voltaire D. Montesquieu 13. Diderot is best known as ________.

A. the author of Persian Letters (Montesquieu)

B. the author of the Origin of Human Inequality (Rousseau) C. the editor of the Encyclopedie

D. the author of Philosophical Thoughts (Diderot)

14. The lines \mask in every face I meet / Masks of weakness, masks of woe\are written by _______.

A. William Blake B. Schiller C. Byron D. Keats

15. stood in the van of the Romantic movement in Russia. A. Pushkin B. Lermontov C. Chekhov D. Turgenev 16. A work jointly written by Marx and Engels is ________.

A. Capital B. The Manifesto of the Communist Party C. Thesis on Feuerbach D. Socialism: Utopian and Scientific 17. Which author won the Nobel Prize in 1925?

A. Thomas Hardy B. George Eliot C. George Bernard Shaw D. Henry James

18. Which novel was acclaimed as the greatest of all anti-slavery manifestoes'?. A. Leaves of Grass B. Uncle Tom's Cabin C. The Portrait of a Lady D. Dead Souls 19. _______ was the discoverer of X - rays.

A. Rontgen B. Madame Curie C. Rutherford D. Einstein 20. The author of The Interpretation of Dreams was

A. T. S. Eliot B. James Joyce C. D. H. Lawrence D. Sigmund Freud

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1. Who were considered as people by the ancient Athens? A. Women citizens B. Adults

C. Adult male citizens D. Foreigners and children 2. Which of the following is true about Dialogues? A. Dialogues was a book written by Socrates. B. Dialogues was a record of life of Plato.

C. Dialogues was a record of Socrates written by Plato.

D. Dialogues was a record of Socrates's sayings by his followers. 3. The great deed that David performed was ____. A. he took the Hebrews back to Canaan B. he killed Goliath, the philistine giant

C. he went to the top of the mountain in Sinai to receive message from (~d D. none of the above

4. In the early days of Christianity, it was a religion of _____. A. the rich B. the poor C. the ruling class D. all people

5. Which of the following statements about knighthood is not true? A. A nobleman was born a knight. B. Knighthood had to be earned.

C. One had to be trained in order to become a knight.

D. After being dubbed a knight, he had to observe the Code of Chivalry. 6. The Inquisition was ______

A. a church court set up to try heretics B. an organization for church investigation C. a court in many kingdoms D. the decision - making body of the church

7. Art to Michelangelo was a means by which_____. A. he expressed his opposition to the despotic rule B. he made inquiry into the reality C. he expressed his vision of man D. B and C

8. Counter- Reformation means that the Roman Catholic Church _____. A. suppressed the Reformation movement by force B. refused to accept any reform

C. re-established itself as a dynamic force in European affairs by introducing reforms and improvements

D. ganged up with the Spanish monarchy to set up the Inquisition 9. Kepler's contribution to astronomy is A. his discovery of the law of inertia B. his discovery of the Ptolemaic system

C. his discovery of the three laws of planetary motion D. none of the above

10. In Essay Concerning Human Understanding, John Locke stated that .__ A. all our knowledge sprang from experience B. knowledge was power

C. every man was enemy to every man

D. the world was made up of simple, active substances

11. The symbolic event of the French Revolution in 1789 was _____. A. the issuance of the Declaration of Independence B. the founding of the First Republic C. the seizure of the Bastille

D. the publication of The Spirit of the Laws 12. Voltaire was noted for his_____.

A. wit B. satire C. passion D. A and B

13. In Critique of Pure Reason, Kant argued that________. A. knowledge is the joint product of both sense and reason B. creation is never complete; it is ever going on C. virtue can be sustained without religious belief

D. man's greatest ills are not natural but are made by man himself 14. The Lyrical Ballads was written by _________.

A. Shelley B. Wordsworth and Coleridge C. Blake and Keats D. Byran and Shelley

15. The line \ A. Wordsworth B. Byron C. Keats D. Blake

16. In developing Marxist philosophy, Marx and Engels accepted _______ in German classical philosophy.

A. Hegel's dialectics B. Feuerbach's metaphysics C. Feuerbach's materialism D. A and C 17. Balzac's monumental work was ________.

A. Divine Comedy B. The Human Comedy C. The Brothers Karamazov D. Les Miserables 18. The author of A Doll's House was ________. A. George Bernard Shaw B. Chekhov C. Henric Ibsen D. Leo Tolstoy

19. Which of the following works was written by William Faulkner? A. The Waste Land B. Dubliners

C. Cantos D. The Sound and the Fury 20. The poem Howl was written by ________.

A. Kingsley Amis B. John Osborne C. Allen Ginsberg D. Ezra Pound



